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Some glimpses of Thursday's camp


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As I drove home from my mother-in-law's, I managed to catch the post-thunderstorm portion of practice on Thursday, the last public practice of training camp. Sort of -- they didn't let the fans back on the field, so I had to sneak onto the adjacent tennis courts and peek through the netting, fence and bleachers (while my pregnant wife sat in the car).

Here are the things I did manage to see during those 45 minutes with my nose pressed against the mesh:

Thompson and Doering made some very nice catches; both had impressive hands. Gardner made a couple of nice catches, didn't get a deep bomb that he got one hand on, made a few nice runs after the catch (though they don't tackle, they seem to simulate what would happen, so it's a little hard to tell). Wuerfell generally looked very good -- except the one time he tried to throw a long ball, it was an ugly floater. Matthews and Rosenfels weren't in much; both looked pretty good, Rosenfels more uneven (both up and down). Ramsey threw a lot, and as the Post said, made a number of really great throws, hard and accurate, including some long throws, and didn't always go to his first read. He showed the confidence that the Gators have and Sage seems to lack a bit. Ramsey did throw a few shortish ones either off target or unreasonably hard. Ladell Betts looked excellent -- quite a few really good catches and also a number of impressive runs (w/ the same "who knows how it would have actually gone" caveat). Davis had one run, and it was also impressive. There were a handful of runs to Gillespie, Watson, Watkins, or Cartwright -- I couldn't tell who -- that went pretty much nowhere. They passed much more than they ran. I watched Lavar when he lined up as end on a few passing plays; he didn't get much penetration at all against Jansen. Just from lookin' at him, not how he played, but Wilkinson didn't look like he was in anything approaching fighting trim. During the rain delay, Robert Royal and some tiny guy (Bauman? he wasn't wearing a uniform w/ a number) were off in a corner of the practice field. Royal was teaching the other guy some crazy dance. I couldn't tell if it was a td dance or if they were going to go party after training camp was over.

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Pregnant wife. Sitting in car alone. 45 minutes. You watching practice. Hmmmmmmm

Forget the couch or a** kissing.

Nope. He did not pass go. He will not collect his $200.00.

He went straight to the "You WILL be getting up every night once the baby is here".

But for us, the report was worth it!!!!

:laugh: ;)


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Nice report, romberjo. And thanks for throwing yourself on your sword for yer buds.


I was on family vacation (see also, proctology) and driving through Western Md. I saw the exit for Frostburg and took it. Wife and kids whining...whining. It turned out to be fan appeciation day. I missed most of it, but watched Champ Baily and Darrell Green practicing. The wife and kids dragged me off after an hour and I paid for it, but I'm still glad for that outburst of selfishness.

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Wow, I guess I’ve got it good. My wife while being pregnant, squated up against a fence wearing a poncho for two and a half hours in a down pour, waiting for the track to open for a practice two days prior to the race. No problem what so ever :rolleyes:

Thanks for the scoop romberjo:cool:

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Mixed blessing, this having a football fan wife is. Every year it's the same damn thing ... "Oh [Om], your darn straight we're going to Frostberg/Ashburn/Carlisle this year. It's always such a great time! And we're going to Blacksburg for a Hokie game, too. I might even bring that new teddy along ..."

That's the rocking part.

Here's the flip side:

"Uh, you know, I saw what you wrote on Extremeskins about the practice. Know what? You don't know what you're talking about. For one, thing, Mookie Moore is NOT going to make anyone forget Joe Jacoby - I don't care WHAT number he wears. And that interception by Lloyd Harrison WAS interference, I saw it clear as day. And how you ever decided that there was a lot of "chatter" going on is simply beyond me. See, if I had written about it, I would have said ..."

For every yin, there is a yang.

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they didn't let the fans back on the field, so I had to sneak onto the adjacent tennis courts and peek through the netting, fence and bleachers (while my pregnant wife sat in the car).

You've got bigger balls than I do. My pregnant wife would've cursed me all the way home! :cuss:

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