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Anyone have satellite and just the ticket?


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Just wondering if anyone has chosen to go this route. I already have cable on multiple TV's and a cable modem hooked up to the PC. I don't want to re-architect my entire house just to see the games. I have heard it was possible to buy and hook up a satellite and then just order the Sunday ticket -- no other service whatsoever.

Has anyone done this?

Also, is anyone aware of any sweet deals for dishes?


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I'm really not certain about this, but I remember reading once on another board (how's that for reliability?) that it it *is* possible to have Sunday Ticket only. IIRC, it is the only package that is available solo and it was set up that way by the NFL in the contract.

Of course, this may no longer be true. I'd just call DirecTV and ask. Tell them you have no interest in any other package and just want to know if they'd sell you Sunday Ticket.

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