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PTI: Giants vs. Redskins


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It's not like Favre's dad died to lift the play of a top notch player on national TV.

You really think the team is out there saying "Let's win this one for Mara?"


They better focus on stopping Santana and Portis cuz the Skins are gonna bring their A-game.

Remember the Mara quotes when he hired Coughlin, he wanted to teach the team a lesson about discipline, so he hired a martinet coach to make them toe the line. Remember the turmoil last year when several of the players tried to bring a case against Coughlin with the player's union because getting to meetings on time wasn't early enough? I bet some of the players aren't too sad to see Mara go, because he put an end to the country-club gravy-train that they had going.

Of course, winning cures a lot of things, and they are 4-2 this year, but it wouldn't be a surprise if there was some residual resentment on the team towards Mara.

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Please...PLEASE tell me Wilbon was saying that utter bull**** because he had to make it point-counter point. PLEASE.

At most the owner was close to some vets - not Eli, Plaxico, Pierce, et al. And did they say they went to a funeral today? while we practiced?

Look, emotion is emotion. If someone related to a superstar QB who was your idol while you were in college and HS dies and you can make him proud by playing your heart out and winning it for your idol (Brett Farve playing right after his father died), thats one thing. But the owner, as big of an icon as he was and as much as the NFL benefitted from having him around, its not going to get them up more then playing for first place. It'll be a dog fight where stats don't matter because its the Redskins vs Giants for 1st place. For Wilbon to think this swings that fact...PLEASE tell me it was for show otherwise he's a moron...

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Well, the Giants defense is rated next to last. The last game the Skins scored 52; so I am guessing they won't do quite as well, I'm guessing we score about 49 points. The question is can the Giants score 50 against our defense? I don't think so.

I pick the Skins to win big again this week.

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