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Audibles with a loud crowd


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I loved the performance and was psyched about how well Wuerffel ran the offense. It seemed like he audiblized on about 2/3 of the plays (I knew there would be a lot of that). One concern that came up for me is in big away games, there are sure to be times when the opposing fans are making loads of noise and it's not easy to call audibles. The Redskins' QBs in recent years, I think, have had trouble calling audibles in these situations as they can't be heard. It seemed like the Spurrier-system audibles are more based on hand signals from the QB, and hopefully can be easily called even with a lot of crowd noise, since the offense really depends on audibles. Surely Spurrier has had to deal with this situation plenty in college, so perhaps Gator fans can let us know how well the audiblizing works in these tough situations?

One other thing that was pleasant to note was that they never got a delay of game penalty and I think maybe called 1 timeout only b/c of time running down on the play clock. With changing the plays so often right at the line of scrimmage, especially in the first preseason game, I would definitely have expected more of that.

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That's what I was trying to say over on another thread Terp. I agree 100%, noise is noise weather it be at the college or pro level. The Vols fans make more noise than any NFL city I can think of, including Philly. There is no reason that Steve should have a problem with this, especially when you consider that he will have the headset now and he didn't have that in college. If anything playcalling should get easier instead of harder.

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Ok- cool. That's what I thought. I just wanted to make sure because I'm tired of seeing the 'skins QBs unable to make the audible or calling timeout when the defense doesn't look right. Sweet that we can call more audibles and yet run into fewer problems with people not hearing them, fewer delays of game, and fewer unnecessary timeouts!

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The time-outs, and delay of games last year, were the result of Marty-Ball. The QBs were robots who had not the brains or the Ba!!s to call an audible.

SOS won't tolerate the lack of either on his teams. The ability of the QB to read and react to what the defense gives will improve our lot this year.

I know some think that it's only an exhibition , but I think that it's reflective of the new attitude in town. We're gonna talk the talk, and walk the walk !

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Last year was a combination of the horrible coaching staff *shudder* and Anthony "Crowbar Tony" Banks' inability to read defenses. He locked onto the person he was throwing to before the play even started. Lockett could be streaking wide open down the sideline and he'd throw it to a double covered Gardner.

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