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Fans at FedEx


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I will say that the fans at FedEx are not the intimidating group that showed up at RFK. There could be several reasons for this a) not many good Redskins teams have come through FedEx (YET), B) ticket prices are much higher now.

But my question is can the fans return to true Redskin form when the coach has to quiet the crowd down so we don't get charged with a TO? Opposing WRs should not be able to hear the snap count. I hope this is the year that Skins fans are vocal again. Obviously the fan base is here and we are the best fans in sports. Feeback is appreciated especially from those who make it out to the games...

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I think it could be very loud if they would do two things:

1. Dress up four guys in full headdresses with drums who go from section to section and get the crowd riled up.

2. Tell the damn security personnel to stop telling fans who stand to sit down. This is ridiculous. Never will happen in philly

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Why aren't our fans rowdy anymore? We have the largest outdoor football stadium, granted its not a dome. But RFK used to get wild and Rich stadium in Buffalo used to go nutz (10 degrees below zero).

I think thats going to change.

When .......you may ask?

Week #2......MNF....Spurrier's NATIONAL debut.

Precisely at 9:55pm (est) when Trotter blind sides McNabb while he's scrambling away from Lavar.


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I can see Steve bring some serious excitement into FedEx. Norval was there for the christening of FedEx, and Marty oversaw it this past year.

Steve has said that he wants to make FedEx the loudest stadium in the NFL. Granted, every coach says this about their respective stadiums, but he can bring the excitement like it's nobody's business.

What was the swamp like before SS arrived?

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If you guys wanted to start a special interest group on this topic of getting FedEx more loud/hyped.....I will be the GD President. Everyone knows how I feel about getting FedEx hyped as a muthaphukka. For all you knew posters, hit up the archives and look up my "Revolution" thread. It talked about not putting up with people wearing other teams colors and it also talked about getting up and cheering more.

SURPRISINGLY>>>>>> some people on this board gave me a VERY negative vibe for saying this. But I am the #1 supporter of a MUCH more rowdy, loud, hyped, crazy, insane, unforgiving FEDEX FIELD.

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I thought the Fed was modeled along the lines of the Meadowlands...do the Giants have trouble getting loud?

I'm not sure the product we've put on the field over the past 8 years or so has been worth yelling over. It's definitely time for a change.

I'm tired of boring football. I'm tired of playing it 'close to the vest'. I wanna have fun watching Redskin football and, other than a few rare exceptions (the 50-pointer vs. the Giants, the victory over the Rams) how often have we been treated to 'fun' games?

If Spurrier's magic can be reproduced in the pros, that Fun 'n Gun will become The Hog Stampede.

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