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What does the "bush league" mean?


What category does George W. Bush's presidency fall into  

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  1. 1. What category does George W. Bush's presidency fall into

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1. bush league

substandard, below par

synonomous with ghetto or bootleg

Man, your car is so bush (league),

Source: Seamus, Mar 10, 2003

2. bush league

Unawesome; dissappointing.

Often used in reference to racketball.

"Say, Chuck, racketball is bush league"

"I'm aware."

"Touch me."

Source: clinallen, May 19, 2004

3. Bush league

Also see Bushleague. Adj. 1) Below good standards, not good or incorrect. Pitiful, poor, terrible, awful, bad, sucky,

"That's a bushleague call, ref."

"That kid is real bushleague."

Source: Better Than You, Mar 26, 2005

4. bush league

Amateur performance. Behavior that doesn't belong in the major leagues.

Curt Schilling has a running feud with Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez, once calling Alex Rodriguez's swat of a tag in game 6 of the ALCS a "bush league play" on The Jim Rome Show.

Source: Marcomarco, Providence, Aug 24, 2005

5. Bush League

From unshaven *****, 'bush league' refers to anything that is below an acceptable standard.

The expression refers to the fact that you would not want to have anything to do with a hairy ****, and therefore, it's in a league of it's own, where you rarely want to play.

"That party was so bush league."

"I know, and you said it had gongshow potential!"

"I was wrong, but at least I puked."

Source: the product, Canada, Sep 18, 2005

6. bush league

Mainly used in the sport of hockey. Wen something is very ****ty such as playing a hockey game or a team in hockey.

-Man this teams ****ing bush league none of them can even skate.

-This rinks bush league they dont even have any showers in the dressing room.

Source: Lynden Patterson, Mar 6, 2005

7. bush league

preferring the unshaven vagina to the shaven

tom is bush league, that's why he likes sarah.

Source: pts, Nov 29, 2004


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