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I know we won but...

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Lavar balked at the idea and yet we see Washington, Taylor, Griffin and others from the starting defense on punt coverage yet Lavar thinks he's too good for that duty???
It's not about being too good or any other evil reason you can come up with. The guy is trying to protect himself and it's no secret kick coverage isn't the best place to do that. He's not too good, but he wants to show that he can still play before he risks ending his career.
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People are just really stupid. It's better to ignore people who hop on 'opinion bandwagons.' By that I mean, whatever seems to work in the moment, they jump on that as the correct position forever AND retroactively. Though the consistent posters may be off the mark on occasion, they are also more respectable and honorable because they have an actual reason(and somewhat logical) for their position and they hold it until it has been more conclusively disproven.

5 weeks from now, the same geniuses will be saying something different--whatever they perceive to either be working or the opinion of the staff.

Spot on. Too many people have their opinions dictated to them but whatever the popular spin of the day is. They could at least be less obvious about it. heh

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Mr. "can't get right" isn't smart enough to play for Williams. There I said it.

He's the sixth linebacker on this team. By asserting that the team would be better off with him in the lineup you are essentially saying that you know more than the maybe first or second best defensive coacing staff in the NFL. Honestly, that's just plain dumb.

He's gone at 12:01 a.m. on June 1st 2006, so I'd sell your #56 jersey while it still has some value.

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People are just really stupid. It's better to ignore people who hop on 'opinion bandwagons.' By that I mean, whatever seems to work in the moment, they jump on that as the correct position forever AND retroactively. Though the consistent posters may be off the mark on occasion, they are also more respectable and honorable because they have an actual reason(and somewhat logical) for their position and they hold it until it has been more conclusively disproven.

5 weeks from now, the same geniuses will be saying something different--whatever they perceive to either be working or the opinion of the staff.

As usual with you, I agree completely.

Flavor of the week... keep on drinkin' the kool-aid, everyone. :koolaid:

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It's not about being too good or any other evil reason you can come up with. The guy is trying to protect himself and it's no secret kick coverage isn't the best place to do that. He's not too good, but he wants to show that he can still play before he risks ending his career.

And Washington,Griffin,Springs(who, until last season,was prone to getting nicked up) etc., don't want to protect themselves??

I mean Lavar's on TV and on 980 weekly talking about doing whatever the coaches want him to do and talking about being a team player,getting on the field whichever way he can. Yet,when he's asked to play punt coverage he balks at the idea???

It's not me coming up with evil reasons/excuses, it seems it's Lavar and his fans........

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