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Clinton Portis Chat: 11 a.m. Friday. READ HERE FOR UPDATES.


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We have the opportunity to ask some of your questions of Clinton Portis. He was gracious enough to take time out of his day right after practice today before going on a break. He was antsy to go but we were able to get a couple of pages of questions of yours asked of him. Really funny guy. One of his answers will probably inspire some discussion as well.

I'm going on a fishing trip this weekend so others are working on transcribing the chat and it will be put up in this thread tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. Fun stuff. Clinton has a lot of personality :).

Thanks. Art.

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Dear Mr. Portis,

I have always been a Redskins fan going back to Doug Williams days. I've observed you since you became a Redskin and I must say, you definitely have it going on! My question to you is when in practice, do you have an idea of the things you think you need to work on or do you just go in there as if you were in a real game? Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to better things with the Redskins this season especially since y'all beat the Cowboys!!!

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