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Saints "home" game a farce


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I can't believe the league spun this as a Saints home game. That poor team got screwed, and I'm furious that the Giants got an extra home game. I saw numerous plays where the crowd played a factor. Just painting the Saints logo on the endzone does not make it a home game. The league should be ashamed...this was obviously a way to make the bottom line better. The whole justification that New Yorkers could appreciate New Orleans tradgedy is crap as well...the drunk guys wearing Tiki Barber jerseys and screaming at the top of their lungs were not feeling any connection with the people of New Orleans at all.

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Philly might have. It's close enough to New York for people to drive out for the game, plus fans in Philly, plus anyone from New Orleans that might have been able to go.

Personally, I'd like to see them play in San Antonio for the rest of the season. I'd also like to see the NFL provide busses from the shelters in Houston and Dallas and discount (or free) tickets to New Orleans residents there. They (the NFL) can certainly afford it.

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What the league should have done ( and they have the money) was fly all the poor souls suffering in LA to NJ for the game. Let them get out and enjoy life again for a little while. Don't try and tell me that the players couldn't come up with enough money in conjuction with the league to make that happen.

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