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Ramsey and Osaka

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As I've posted before, I'm sympathetic to Ramsey's request for escalators in his contract that would pay him more if he becomes a productive starter.

That said, I can see his chance of being a factor with the 2002 team is close to departing. Specifically, that chance will be taxiing for the runway and taking off on Wednesday, July 31.

I think if Ramsey makes that plane, he may be in the dog house for the trip, but at least he'll share the experience with the team and coaches, who will burn off some of the bitterness in Osaka. By the time everyone gets back, I figure everyone's ready to bury the hatchet and get down to work.

If Ramsey misses that plane, the team will have this amazing experience in Japan without him, come home, and (maybe) see Ramsey waiting for them at the end of the driveway. "Oh, yeah -- Ramsey." Sure, Ramsey will get his snaps, but only out of obligation. Mentally, I figure the team will have moved on, focusing on who will be the top 2 QBs. Ramsey will be buried in the basement like a traditional #3 QB.

And if Sage ever starts, Ramsey might never start for this team.

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And as I've stated before, I am completely unsypathic to Ramsey's request for elevators/escalator clauses in the 3rd & 4th year.

Aside from the fact that Ramsey's request is a complete break fromt he slotting tradition, where no player (QB's or otherwise) drafted outside of the top 10 receives such clauses, he's asking for what amounts to double salary.

Ramsey has asked for (and we have already agreed to) a guaranateed 3 million signing bonus, which he gets to keep even if he sucks after many years of training. As soon as he takes this guarnateed (non-merit based) payment, then he forgoes the chance to have significant bump in his salary in teh 3rd & 4th. It's a tradeoff of security for potential .. and he can't have both.

His reward for playing well is that he gets to void a 6-7 year contract down to 4 full years of play. Then he can negotiate a brand new contract on equal footing. That's his remedy, and he's getting way ahead of himself to worry about such things ... and his head has gotten way to big to think he's the poster child for breaking the established system.

The only thing he's showing true to form is that the chance to start and be with the team comes second to his desire to set precedent. Shameful in my mind.

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No Lavar was a blue chipper picked second in the draft and could have easily had been the overall number one.

Ramsey was rated no higher that the 2nd round in a QB poor draft and needed the combine to get him that high and was looked at as 3rd on needs on the team by fans like moi.

So for a pick that has work to do to be a NFL QB who compares at best to a Drew Brees to demand David Carr money is upsetting especially when if we were to spend that kind of money on a QB we would have been best served doing it in 2k3

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Originally posted by NavyDave

So for a pick that has work to do to be a NFL QB who compares at best to a Drew Brees to demand David Carr money is upsetting

OK, ND, let's rein in the rhetoric. I don't mind disagreements about whether Ramsey should get starter incentives or whether Ramsey should have been drafted, but let's keep to the facts.

In no way is Ramsey asking for David Carr (or Harrington) money. He is, however, trying to get better starter incentives than Brees at a similar draft position, which is the core of the disagreement.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Ramsey was rated no higher that the 2nd round in a QB poor draft and needed the combine to get him that high and was looked at as 3rd on needs on the team by fans like moi.

I respectfully disagree with how he was rated. There were some who thought that if the appropriate teams had a need for a QB prospect, he could have gone as early as the late teens or 20-ish in the first round. (For example, I don't believe that he's any worse of a prospect than Chad Pennington was a couple of years ago, when Pennington was drafted #19 or so by the Jets.) But he didn't and them's the breaks!

I also want to remind everyone that the discussion between Ramsey and the team is not whether to have escalators in the 3rd and 4th years, but rather how much those escalators should be. Ramsey wants them as if he was drafted higher; the team wants them to match his draft position.

The funny irony about this situation is that Ramsey would have a much better case for himself about getting starter money if he was in camp right now and performing well. But he can't get into camp without signing a contract.

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too much is being made of Ramsey's contract delay. I don't believe the Skins drafted him with any intent on being the starter this year. Whether he misses a few days to weeks should have little or no impact upon his career with the Skins. The business side is an ugly necessity of the game. Let's not let a brief contract interlude color our judgement on someone we really don't even know.

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Originally posted by scottb

too much is being made of Ramsey's contract delay. I don't believe the Skins drafted him with any intent on being the starter this year. Whether he misses a few days to weeks should have little or no impact upon his career with the Skins.

Note your words "intent" and "should" -- sure, the team did not have any "intent" that Ramsey would start this year, and the holdout "should" have little or no impact on his career.

However, that's assuming all works out great with whatever starter is chosen for 2002. That QB could be ineffective or become injured. Then Ramsey's degree of preparation is critically important.

As for "impact on his career", tommy's got a point that Spurrier may be taking a shine on Sage in Ramsey's absence. Instead of Ramsey being the star young Jedi pupil, Sage is taking that role. If Sage makes the team and thrives, it could be because of the special attention that Spurrier is providing in Ramsey's absence. If Sage thrives, then where does that leave Ramsey?

So yes, this holdout could easily have an impact on Ramsey's career.

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It's just the principle of the thing. It becomes a bigger deal if he doesn't go to Japan, because he'll pretty much be forgotten when the team returns. He's blown any chance (although it was minimal before) of starting this year.

Most holdouts only last a couple of days. Ramsey's has been going on for almost a week. It leaves a bad taste in the collective mouth of teammates and fans. It plants that seed that says, "Hey, this kid is a punk."

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This kid's heart sa-big, it's a wonder his chest can hold it.

He'll sign soon enough to get a few in before Saturday's game.

He is experiencing the media-agent-fan hype right now, but his wife will wear down and translate it into, get going. Remember, he's still wet behind the ears and he's still.....well.....whipped from the bedroom, so the honeymoon hangover is just about over. He'll miss that get up and go feeling, directing traffic and experiencing the noise of the crowds!

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Guest Matt Kyriacou

Man. Do I feel very old or what? What about stiving to be a starter and make an impact no matter what the details of your contract are? So when and if he ever becomes a starter is the team going to have to pay him additional money if he is to throw touchdown passes?

I am just wondering when it became acceptable for pro athletes to demand perks for performance that they should be striving to achieve in the first place.


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What amazes me is that people are talking about this guy like he was the second coming or something. If he was that spectacular he would have been mentioned in the same breath as Carr and Harrington. He wasn't. There is no guarantee he is going to be anything in the future.

He should get a slotted contract based on where he was picked. Besides, I bet you'll see SOS try to make a move to get Rex Grossman after next season when he leaves early. We'll have to move up long ways to get him, but it would be worth it.

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