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Opposing business demolished at camp


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CARLISLE, Pa. -- Five children were kicked out of the Washington Redskins practice area for selling drinks and cookies to fans going to see the team practice.

Nine-year-old Henry Kohler; his brother, Sam, 11; sister, Hannah, 7; and two friends were told on Wednesday to leave the grounds of Biddle Field at Dickinson College, where the team was holding training camp.

"I don't know what the big deal was,'' Henry said. "We were just sitting there. We weren't bothering anybody.''

During the first two days of training camp, the children said they made $112 from their stand at the public entrance to Biddle Field. But then security guards told them to leave after vendors inside the stadium complained.

Their 16-ounce bottles of water and cans of soda were going for $1, half the price that vendors were charging inside. Their friends, Robert Gilroy, 10, and Eric Cantor, 11, were charging $1 for three homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Nick Stamos, Dickinson College vice president of operations, said the college controls all vending and other activities done on campus during training camp.

The issue, he said, was one of liability. The school could be held responsible if people got sick from the food the children were selling, he said.

"We don't have a problem with them selling water,'' Stamos said. "They just can't do it on campus.''

The kids, however, did not admit defeat.

Sam Kohler said they were considering selling their drinks from a wagon that they would pull around the outside of the stadium.

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