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Fans in DC. I need someone to help me out...


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Guys, being a football coach, I love tape. I need someone to tape the pre-season games for me. Begining to end, commercials don't matter.

I don't need the 49ers game obviously, but the others I would love to get.

I'll send the tapes and the pre-paid packages to send the tapes to me.

Can anyone help me out?

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Originally posted by UtahRedskins

Guys, being a football coach, I love tape. I need someone to tape the pre-season games for me. Begining to end, commercials don't matter.

I don't need the 49ers game obviously, but the others I would love to get.

I'll send the tapes and the pre-paid packages to send the tapes to me.

Can anyone help me out?

I need the same thing done for me ...I from Cali, so if anybody can help me/us, then it will be much appreciated
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Originally posted by The Evil Genius


Are you going to the Niners-Skins game on the 22nd of September?

Maybe I will see you there.


Yes I'm going to that game ....and I'm going to the Seattle Game , and the Last game of the year ....the Cowpokes will lose that game ....lol

what part of Sacramento do you live in ?

I live in Del Paso Heights(pretty dangerous huh, lol), and i go to a sports bar in Natomas called "Cheers", on the corner of Truxel and West El Camino.....if I'm not going to the Skins games , then I'm at the bar faithfully ......

maybe we can hook up, and down a couple , and talk Skins Football ....

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If you're still in the market, Utah, I'll hook you up. And I'll take you up on the tape/mailer situation, if you don't mind. The one thing that I'm lousy at (and hate with a passion) is scurrying around arrangers mailers and such. Sending you a PM with the address.

As for the rest of you ... hey, Utah asked first. :)

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I will video tape the pre-season games for anyone of y'all who is the first one to PM me, only if you do the same thing that UtahRedskins is doing, sending me the blank tapes and pre-paid packages to send the tapes back to you. That is only fair.

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