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Gardner and dbs


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I'm a big Browns fan, but I have to say that I can't wait to see Gardner Fri. I hope that he will make a big impact for you guys this year. As a Clemson Tiger fan I was able to to see Rod play his entire career and I think you got a great wr as well as an asset to your community. I'm also looking forward to watching Smoot as he teams with Champ this year. I think you guys have a tremendous foundation at db in place.

Also I must say that you guys are my fav. NFC team , but I'm also a cowboy hater. Can't wait to see them struggle to win 3-4 this year!

Good luck this season and kick some cowboy *ss!

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Greetings BDAWG,

Thanks for the good wishes and all, hope you enjoy your team as well. Yes the dreaded Cowpatties will once again attempt to somehow bring out the worst in us, but the voodoo was scrared away by a certain coach biggrin.gif

Guess Mr. Sellars can tell you alllll about it, huh?

Gardner is genuine, as well as Smoot, like you guys have Warren and Brown.

I hope Tre stays healthy for you guys and I am sure if it were the case, the money would have matched the time available here.

Well have fun, but bear this in mind, your head coach is persuaded by the Cowboy family, so watch out, he may jump ship in the future to Dallas. He was told by his Cowboy buddies, Jimmy Johnson and others, and maybe even Jerrah pleaded with him, not to come here. It's ok, I'll take a Schottenheimer any day to kick a little Cowpattie and it's allies a**

<FONT COLOR="Yellow">HTTR!!!!</FONT c> injun.gif

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Greetings BDAWG, good to have you here. Most of the Browns fans I've met also seem to be Cowboy-haters. I think most fans that are intensely loyal to another team tend to despise "America's team", and Browns and Redskins fans are very similar in that regard. Redskins fans are also becoming more like Browns fans in that we are beginning to acquire a strong distaste for Art Modell and his band of arrogant thugs in Baltimore.

We're all anxious to see what Gardner can do this Friday because we may finally have a QB on the field that can get him the ball. Unfortunately, Smoot had to leave camp due to his aunt's death and it isn't clear whether he'll play this week. But he is the real deal, no question, and he has quickly become a fan favorite down here.

How's Quincy Morgan doing? There were some early reports that he was having a rough camp, but things seem to have improved since then. He's one of the receivers that I really liked (along with Gardner and Koren Robinson) when looking at potential draft choices. Also, what's Courtney been doing? I love that guy (big Penn State fan), and part of me was hoping that Policy would get brainlock last year and the Skins would get both LaVar and Courtney.

Anyway, good luck Friday (no injuries, knock on wood) and during the season - especially when you play the Ravens cool.gif

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Boy, I like this guy. Welcome BDAWG, it's always nice to see fans form other class teams. As Indy said, If you can keep Tre on the field, he's the real deal. I think Gardner is gonna be an impact player very early in the season. Same goes for Smoot.With two of the best teachers you can find this year, Fred is gonna make a name for himself real fast.

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Thanks for the best wishes, BDAWG. We're hoping the best for you guys too. That's a tough division you've had to build a team in the past few years.

And BDAWG, post a link to some good Browns message boards when you get the chance.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Clemson's starting QB is Woodrow Dantzler, who is often touted as being Michael Vick like. I'm afaid he pales in comparison, but he is a playmaker and commands the offense well. When the two met in the bowl game last year, it was quite easy to see the difference in talent, with Michael Vick running wild on them. But...Vick is a man among boys as far as physical talent, and Woody is just a step below.

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Thanks for the warm welcome from all of you.

Fitz- Q Morgan is doing ok. He seemed to be dropping some balls in camp and the first couple pre-games,but I think he will develop into our go to guy. The thing that I really like is his wiilingness to go over the middle.

Redman- Our Browns website is www.clevelandbrowns.com. Please stop by and visit.

Navy- Our starter at Clemson this year is Woody Dantzler. As pointed out,he is a Vick type qb who should be in the top three heisman list this year.

Enjoy the game tomorrow everyone !!!!!!!

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I took a quick peek over there. Someone has posted our predictions from "The Man" Competition and the Brownies are completely shocked that most of us have predicted a Redskin win, at which point they promptly predicted a Cleveland win (which did not shock me.)

BDAWG - You can tell your buddies that we mean no disrespect, we just can't help ourselves. We're optimists, I guess you could say. In any case, I don't believe we've seen a decent representation of the team we will field yet. I have to believe we'll be better than our first two outings ... hence my prediction of a 3 pt victory.

And, truth be told, Cleveland is not exactly a dynasty these days. biggrin.gif Cheers!

[edited.gif by Brave on August 23, 2001.]

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No dis taken. Everybody needs to be an optimist when it comes to their own team. Like I said before,I think you guys will shock some folks this year.

I think we will see a low scoring, hard fought game tomorrow night. I'm sure you guys need to see if KiJana is going to be the backup to SD that you need,and if you don't know we are still trying to find out how our rb depth chart will go. Looks like lots of between the tackles!

Hopefully both of our teams can get their kicking games straight and avoid that ugly injury bug.

Good luck and enjoy!

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