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TO has always been aired on ESPN but hes not an a$$. just got an ego. kinda remind me of charles barkly but ya can understand em, but now ESPN is makin em out to be an a$$ and people agree without understandin the situation. should any person get 30 mil? no. will people get 30 mil? yes. so why not give it to the best players instead of mike vick.

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Why shouldn't some players get 30 mil? The NFL rakes in billions.

By the way, calling your QB a homo, yelling at offensive coordinators, telling eagles coaches not to speak until he speaks to them first, telling the head coach to shut up,, bringing his own receivers coach to camp.. telling lies in the media.. airing every bit of dirty laundry in public.. missing a filing deadline then crying about it in court,, expecting special treatment everywhere he goes, signing a contract he was advised not to sign by his union, then crying over it less than a year later...

yeah.. that is the very definition of an ass.

I don't recall Charles Barkley personally attacking teammates and coaches. He spoke his mind, but it certainly wasn't the same as we see from TO.

By the way you sound Ray, I could come over and take a dump on your floor, and you'd defend me for just expressing myself.


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TOs QB was a homo,he never yelled at offensive coordinators, and if the coach got in charles barklys face u dont think sir charles would do a lot more then tell him to shut up? charles threw a guy out a window!!! and TO cant decide what the media airs and makes a big deal out of. ESPN tryin to make an a$$ out of Ricky Williams, one of the nicest guys in NFL history. they target everyone. only person who deserves rep of bein an a$$ in NFL is Keyshawn Johnson.

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TOs QB was a homo,he never yelled at offensive coordinators, and if the coach got in charles barklys face u dont think sir charles would do a lot more then tell him to shut up? charles threw a guy out a window!!! and TO cant decide what the media airs and makes a big deal out of. ESPN tryin to make an a$$ out of Ricky Williams, one of the nicest guys in NFL history. they target everyone. only person who deserves rep of bein an a$$ in NFL is Keyshawn Johnson.

Barkley threw a guy in a BAR thru a window during a fight that the other guy started. It's big difference. According to Charles, and the subsequent lawsuit he won, the guy started the fight because he thought he could take on the big bad Charles Barkley.

Asking me what I think "Sir Charles WOULD DO if a coach got in his face" is comedically irellevant. In fact, when i read it as one of your points of logic, I laughed at it. I couldn't believe you actually tried to run that past in this argument.

I never saw Barkley blow up at a coach. Did you? I never saw Barkley trash his teammates thru the media, did you? As far as i know, the old lady across the street may be capable of murder,, but until she actually DOES it, she isn't a killer, now is she?

Asking me what he MIGHT have done has absolutely no bearing on any of this. We're talking about what HAS BEEN DONE.. not some fantasy dream of what might have happened if...

You say Garcia is a homo, but according to every report there is, he has Playboy playmates fighting over him. (I make fun of him in cartoons, but I really doubt he is a homo.) But aside from that, because he speaks with an effeminate quality, you think TO is perfectly justified by calling him a homo in the media and in his book, against all other evidence. (like gorgeous women that constantly hang on his arm.)

TO was on television, on the sidelines screaming at the Niners OC, but hey, I never saw that, and neither did the rest of the country. Hollywood must have produced that.

After his suspension, on PTI he told Wilbon that he indeed DID tell the Eagles OC not to talk to him unless he was spoken to first. He told Wilbon he didn't NEED any coaching from them, he had been in the WCO for ten years, he knew it, and besides, he has his own receiver's coach.

But hey,, Hollywood probably produced that too, so we would all be fooled into thinking TO was selfish.

Keyshawn Johnson shows up to play, and is one of the sharpest businessmen in the NFL. He had a tiff with Gruden over offensive philosophy, (Starkly different than arguing over money, in my book.) and sure was damned by the media for it. Maybe you just don't remember the wall-to-wall Keyshawn on ESPN, NFL NEtwork, and everyplace else..

Ricky Williams violated league policy over and over again, the ditched out on his teammates on the eve of camp so he wouldn't get busted for doing it again.

So, to recap, TO is not an ass because he calls his QB a homo, has public shouting matches with coaches, gets suspended from camp, cries over a contract barely a year old, airs his dirty landry in public, brings his own coaches to camp, tells other coaches to not speak to him, and yells at the head coach to shut up.

Ricky Williams is not an ass because he can't keep his nose clean under the rules of the NFL, and because of it, he ditches out on his team, and leaves them in the lurch at the 11th hour.

Keyshawn Johnson IS an ass because...


Oh, he had a fight with Job Gruden, got fired and landed in Dallas, where he's been a team player and productive.

You sure have a weird scale for who you consider an ass.

Hey. Here's another tip for you.

The sky is blue. And if you open your eyes, you can actually SEE it.


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TOis an @$$. But, it is his right to do whatever he pleases. Philly knew what they were getting into.

Teams don't have to abide by the contracts they give to players (i.e., players gets cut, bye bye contract money), players shouldn't have to abide by them either. Personally, I think all contracts should be 1-year deals with the current team having special restrictions on maintaining the current player.

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Barkley threw a guy in a BAR thru a window during a fight that the other guy started. It's big difference. According to Charles, and the subsequent lawsuit he won, the guy started the fight because he thought he could take on the big bad Charles Barkley.

Asking me what I think "Sir Charles WOULD DO if a coach got in his face" is comedically irellevant. In fact, when i read it as one of your points of logic, I laughed at it. I couldn't believe you actually tried to run that past in this argument.

I never saw Barkley blow up at a coach. Did you? I never saw Barkley trash his teammates thru the media, did you? As far as i know, the old lady across the street may be capable of murder,, but until she actually DOES it, she isn't a killer, now is she?

Asking me what he MIGHT have done has absolutely no bearing on any of this. We're talking about what HAS BEEN DONE.. not some fantasy dream of what might have happened if...

You say Garcia is a homo, but according to every report there is, he has Playboy playmates fighting over him. (I make fun of him in cartoons, but I really doubt he is a homo.) But aside from that, because he speaks with an effeminate quality, you think TO is perfectly justified by calling him a homo in the media and in his book, against all other evidence. (like gorgeous women that constantly hang on his arm.)

TO was on television, on the sidelines screaming at the Niners OC, but hey, I never saw that, and neither did the rest of the country. Hollywood must have produced that.

After his suspension, on PTI he told Wilbon that he indeed DID tell the Eagles OC not to talk to him unless he was spoken to first. He told Wilbon he didn't NEED any coaching from them, he had been in the WCO for ten years, he knew it, and besides, he has his own receiver's coach.

But hey,, Hollywood probably produced that too, so we would all be fooled into thinking TO was selfish.

Keyshawn Johnson shows up to play, and is one of the sharpest businessmen in the NFL. He had a tiff with Gruden over offensive philosophy, (Starkly different than arguing over money, in my book.) and sure was damned by the media for it. Maybe you just don't remember the wall-to-wall Keyshawn on ESPN, NFL NEtwork, and everyplace else..

Ricky Williams violated league policy over and over again, the ditched out on his teammates on the eve of camp so he wouldn't get busted for doing it again.

So, to recap, TO is not an ass because he calls his QB a homo, has public shouting matches with coaches, gets suspended from camp, cries over a contract barely a year old, airs his dirty landry in public, brings his own coaches to camp, tells other coaches to not speak to him, and yells at the head coach to shut up.

Ricky Williams is not an ass because he can't keep his nose clean under the rules of the NFL, and because of it, he ditches out on his team, and leaves them in the lurch at the 11th hour.

Keyshawn Johnson IS an ass because...


Oh, he had a fight with Job Gruden, got fired and landed in Dallas, where he's been a team player and productive.

You sure have a weird scale for who you consider an ass.

Hey. Here's another tip for you.

The sky is blue. And if you open your eyes, you can actually SEE it.


as a big NBA fan i aint even gonna start on how wrong u are on sir charles but 1 thing i will say is Barkly started a fight with Bill Cartwright also and showed the exact qualities of TO when he didnt get the ball and demanded to be traded to phoenix because he saw his team as worthless and wanted his championship.

TO may got a big ego and talk lotsa **** but he never said **** to know one who aint deserve it. TO pisses off a lot of people and a lot of people in NFL respect him, and you keep bringin up the same things over and over and they arent things anyone else hasnt already done. you base your opinion too much on actions and not the actual person. Keyshawn Johnson... he is the self-proclaimed greatest WR of alltime. ya he aint an ass. he is better then Jerry Rice and Randy Moss by his opinion. he doesnt even have 1/4 of their numbers. TO says what he means when hes pissed and we listen. maybe he should do it in his personal business but that aint TO, and that wasnt Sir Charles. that doesnt mean Donovan or someone isnt as much of an ass because they do it when the camera is off.

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as a big NBA fan i aint even gonna start on how wrong u are on sir charles but 1 thing i will say is Barkly started a fight with Bill Cartwright also and showed the exact qualities of TO when he didnt get the ball and demanded to be traded to phoenix because he saw his team as worthless and wanted his championship.

TO may got a big ego and talk lotsa **** but he never said **** to know one who aint deserve it. TO pisses off a lot of people and a lot of people in NFL respect him, and you keep bringin up the same things over and over and they arent things anyone else hasnt already done. you base your opinion too much on actions and not the actual person. Keyshawn Johnson... he is the self-proclaimed greatest WR of alltime. ya he aint an ass. he is better then Jerry Rice and Randy Moss by his opinion. he doesnt even have 1/4 of their numbers. TO says what he means when hes pissed and we listen. maybe he should do it in his personal business but that aint TO, and that wasnt Sir Charles. that doesnt mean Donovan or someone isnt as much of an ass because they do it when the camera is off.



Look. this is pointless.

You obviously have complete faith in TO, and agree with everything he's ever done. Telling his coach to shut up is what reid deserved, telling his OC to not speak to him is what he deserved.. etc. etc. etc.

Frankly, i think that makes you a fool, but hey, who am I to say.


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Not to play the race here, BUT....As long as the QB position is basically that last IMPORTANT position that white men still perform in, there will always be the high paid QB, I mean yes Big Ben, Payton are white QB's that I think warrant a higher salary, however I believe as the trend continues to see more QB's not blonde haired and blue eyes and when there is just as many black QB's as white starting QB's the money issue will even out. God I hope I don't offend anyone just my 2 cents here........

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Why shouldn't some players get 30 mil? The NFL rakes in billions.

By the way, calling your QB a homo, yelling at offensive coordinators, telling eagles coaches not to speak until he speaks to them first, telling the head coach to shut up,, bringing his own receivers coach to camp.. telling lies in the media.. airing every bit of dirty laundry in public.. missing a filing deadline then crying about it in court,, expecting special treatment everywhere he goes, signing a contract he was advised not to sign by his union, then crying over it less than a year later...

yeah.. that is the very definition of an ass.


DING, DING, DING, DING!!!!!!!!!!

We have a winner.

Someone needs to pull their head out of the TO sand.

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Not to play the race here, BUT....As long as the QB position is basically that last IMPORTANT position that white men still perform in, there will always be the high paid QB, I mean yes Big Ben, Payton are white QB's that I think warrant a higher salary, however I believe as the trend continues to see more QB's not blonde haired and blue eyes and when there is just as many black QB's as white starting QB's the money issue will even out. God I hope I don't offend anyone just my 2 cents here........

You claim the NFL favors paying white people a lot of money, nevermind that players like McNabb, Culpepper, and Vick are highly paid quarterbacks over managing their cap responsibly and winning Super Bowls? Your opinion isn't even worth two cents, keep that race card to yourself. QB is the most important position and much more important than a WR will ever be. Take those two cents and buy a clue.

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i dont agree with QBs are the most important position but ill agree that race dont have nothin to do with payment. I think if your spendin 30 mil on a QB you can get better results on gettin shaun alexander,Randy Moss, and Big Ben for the same amount of money.

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i dont agree with QBs are the most important position but ill agree that race dont have nothin to do with payment. I think if your spendin 30 mil on a QB you can get better results on gettin shaun alexander,Randy Moss, and Big Ben for the same amount of money.

You claim QB isn't the most important position, tell me a more important position. Don't even bother claiming it is a WR. There are several WRs on the field, but only one QB and that QB has to get him the ball.

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QB is the most important position. No other position on the field has a more direct effect on the game.

And i thoroughly agree, race has no bearing on the NFL any more. Green is the only color that matters, and if a guy who was blue with pink polka dots could play QB, he'd be paid to play QB.

What were' talking about when it comes to the QB position is 32 guys. That is IT.

there are 32 professional starting QBs in the NFL, and that is all. The stakes in the NFL are SO HIGH in terms of how much money is made from winning, that the owners would be utter fools to allow racism to temper their thinking.

(Not that anyone else is any less a fool for doing it.)

However, since this is a TO thread,, how funny is it that one of the only endorsement deals he's had so far has been to play BODY ODOR in a Right Guard commercial?

Pretty damn funny to me.


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QB is the most important position. No other position on the field has a more direct effect on the game.

And i thoroughly agree, race has no bearing on the NFL any more. Green is the only color that matters, and if a guy who was blue with pink polka dots could play QB, he'd be paid to play QB.

What were' talking about when it comes to the QB position is 32 guys. That is IT.

there are 32 professional starting QBs in the NFL, and that is all. The stakes in the NFL are SO HIGH in terms of how much money is made from winning, that the owners would be utter fools to allow racism to temper their thinking.

(Not that anyone else is any less a fool for doing it.)

However, since this is a TO thread,, how funny is it that one of the only endorsement deals he's had so far has been to play BODY ODOR in a Right Guard commercial?

Pretty damn funny to me.


i dont agree with that but i will agree you at least need a half-decent QB to get by. but that remains the same with WRs, and RBs. without a half-decent HB you will never get by. without any recievers who can get open the QB just throws INTs. The Run allows more freedom for a QB and the Wr executes the play, all are equally important because without one all will fall apart. so all should be paid the most.

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However, since this is a TO thread,, how funny is it that one of the only endorsement deals he's had so far has been to play BODY ODOR in a Right Guard commercial?

Pretty damn funny to me.


1 huge constantly aired endorsement deal is not bad. what other athlete is bein aired more then TO currently? none. so i dont see why you see 1 24 hour aired endorsement deal as bad.

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