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CIA, DEA, and Drug Running - DEA Agent Witness


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Thanks for the responses, guys.

As I mentioned, this topic can get pretty deep. We should be concerned because some of the same folks who carried out these actions are still around to this day. And not that, but they may be responsible for the deaths of members of the military and the intelligence community - at least, those that had inside knowledge, who opposed them, or who came out as whistle-blowers.

We should be concerned when those, such as Richard Armitage that have been tied and connected with the narco-trade are serving in our government. (Who was also originally denied, in 1989, being considered for a government post because of his ties to Iran Contra and Contra Cocaine.)

This is an article with Col. "Bo" Gritz, who is a former Special Forces officer, the character that Rambo was based upon, and was the most decorated Green Beret Officer during the Vietnam War. Though some have discredited Col. Gritz ,since he has been linked to the Christian Identity and Militia movement, his experience and words is worth heeding.

Here is the interview, in which he talks about some interesting details:


I noticed that he speaks about Operation Watchtower (Or Watch Tower as it is sometimes called.) In my research, I come across this operation time and time again. This seemed to have been a major operation, during the 70's, for drug smuggling and money laundering at that time. Col. Edward P. Cutolo, a commanding officer in the 10th Special Forces Group, talks about this operation in this notarized affidavit that he was purported to have written before his (mysterious) death during a training exercise in 1980.


A quote from this letter:

"Mr. Edwin Wilson explained that it was considered that Operation Watch Tower might be compromised and become known if politicians, judicial figures, police and religious entities were approached or received word that U.S. Troops had aided in delivering narcotics from Columbia into Panama. Based on that possibility, intense surveillance was undertaken by my office to ensure if Watch Tower became known of, the U.S. government and the Army would have advance warning and could prepare a defense.”

Col. Gritz mentions in his interview that most of those involved are dead. He is correct, and that is one thing I had noticed: Officers such as Col. Cutolo, Col. Rowe, (who was a POW in the Vietnam war and assassinated years later in the Philippines) all met their fate between 1980 and 1990. It is quite untimely, I would think, unless you wanted them dead. Former Green Beret Bill Tyree is the only other person, that I can remember, that is still alive. Of course, he is in jail for the murder of his wife, which Tyree to this day maintains that he was framed. (Even though he had proof of an alibi, which was dismissed by a judge.) Bill Tyree is known for the lawsuit he brought against George H. Bush for his role, according to Tyree (and others) in the narco-trade.

Al Carone, another long time CIA and government asset, died in 1990; there was a lawsuit by Carone's daughter since the military initially even denied that Carone was even an officer at one time.

This is an article about Carone. Yes, it is from High Times, but it is a reprint of a well-written article, which also talks about CIA-Mob connections


This article discusses all of the above topics:


A quote from this article:

"Despite the end of the cold war and the global collapse of communism, the drug trade continues to grow and develop. This casts considerable doubt on the rationale that the CIA got its hands dirty in order to fight the peril of communist. In his book The Third Option, former CIA black operative Ted Shackley - one of those also "fingered" by the Golden Triangle warlord, Khun Sa, for his role in the narcotics business - argues that "low intensity" conflict will continue throughout the world for the foreseeable future. This, Shackley maintains, is because the military-industrial complex has a blueprint for survival that depends on warfare. Narcotics, it seems, is part of this equation."

There is that Shackley name, once again.

Now, the issue is that this isn't somehow stuff from the "past." It's still current - we have the same operations running, even expanded, in some areas. There are still connections between American intelligence and narcotics in Asia, especially considering our alliance with the Kurds and the Northern Alliance. (Both of which have been connected with the heroin trade.) We even have Cheney and Halliburton having ties with Russian business organizations that, according to Russian and American intelligence, have connections with the Russian mob and the heroin trade, via Brown & Root.

This is a worldwide enterprise, folks. It goes deep into money, black operations, crime families (which does not have to be mob families, but are often elected and government officials in nations), and multinational organizations connected across continents. This is BIG money, in the billions and billions of dollars, and some organizations are relentless enough to really care little about where they earn their billions of dollars want a slice of this pie. This is also "Wall Street" money. The "terrorists" who are involved are small fries compared to the decades-old organizations that have been involved in the drug trade. In fact, vis a vis the drug trade, many of these terrorists and death squads ("narco-terrorism") are directly linked to the drug trade and via the larger crime organizations, which includes CIA and DEA factions.

Do not mistake this as some lunatic theory that I have developed: This is from the eyewitness testimony of CIA and DEA officers, members of the military, insiders, and even government investigations. There are many CIA or former CIA, FBI, DEA, and members of the military (often special forces) that are opposed to this, but it's big. Bigger, and deeper, then what a lot of people can imagine. It even goes back to the history of the CIA - the OSS - when it first started to bring in opiates from the Far East (they discovered it was a good way to fund black ops), in addition to Operation Paperclip.

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Originally posted by PlayAction

If a DEA or CIA agent is undercover in a drug ring does that make the Agencies "involved" in the drug trade? No. They are there for the purpose of gathering intelligence on the cartels.

If an agent takes a payoff from a cartel and provides information to the criminal group does that make the Agency "involved" in the drug trade? No. Drug money corrupts judges, police officers, military etc in many countries.

From what I understand, the CIA was doing a HELL of a lot more then just a cursory "involvement", and they in fact used drugs to gather money for their cause.

Why do you care about drug running in SE Asia in the 60s? Or Iran-contra in the early 80s? Too long ago to be of any relevance with today's DEA or CIA. But, one thing you do need to understand is that to get intelligence on drug cartels and their involvement with terrorist groups you must deal with shady characters. The local priest won't have any useful information. So, these agencies HAVE to deal with people involved in the drug trade. There is no other way.

I have absolutely no problem with being involved with shady charactors, but I do have a major problem when they finance their operations with drug money. What makes this any better then when the drug lords traffic cocaine? They use the drugs to get what they want, usually a coup or a military takeover. How is this different then when a drug dealer does the same thing? Because they are on "our side"?

Anyone advocating the dismantling of the CIA is dangerously naive. We went through that before in 1972 and today we have an agency with minimal capability in covert intelligence. Cost - 1000s of American lives in 9/11 and in an arguably unnecessary war in Iraq. IMO - only.

I don't see one person advocating the dismanteling of the CIA, but I do see a LOT of people who are not happy with what they are doing. We are partially the reason the islamo-fascism uprising took place, because we were supporting murderous dictators and henchmen.

Like I said before, when you are the worlds only superpower, you should act like it.

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The problem is that folks seem to think they were just "interacting" with these drug dealers. That is incorrect. Often, these intelligence agencies and officers, WERE, and ARE the drug dealers. My impression is that a big part of the trade that's happening is simply the CIA and its subordinates. After all, part of Watchtower was to control the drug trade, and not just for the purpose of eradicating it.

The War on Drugs is a sham if all these accounts of whistleblowers are correct. The enormity of this seems to escape a lto of us, though. The crack cocaine epidemic is very possibly a CIA-started epidemic, with a great part of the coke used for crack being supplie by them.

Does anyone need any more proof or documentation? How about copies of pages from Olly North's diary?

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