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Teeth Whitening products


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Hey guys im in need of a little help. I was wondering, have any of you gotten your teeth whitened? If so what did you use and how long did it take?

My teeth are not yellow but not as white as id like them to be, and i dont feel like spending a fortune at the dentists office. Anyone here have any good/bad experiences they've had with various products they'd like to share?


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It depends on why they're not white. My teeth are discolored because of medicine I took when I was really young. No amount of instant whitening is ever going to get rid of that. However, if you're just a big coffee drinker or something like that, then the strips or whatever can do you some good.

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Originally posted by ChocolateCitySkin

They work using peroxide and cause a little irratation but nothing significant.

Unless you mind a little MOUTH CANCER. :yikes:

Aug. 7, 2004 -- Do tooth-whitening products lead to oral cancer? New research suggests that it's certainly possible and a question that's worth further investigation.

...In animal studies, peroxide has been shown to promote the growth of cancerous tumors inside the cheeks of rodents and cause gastrointestinal cancers when ingested. No tests have been done on humans.

could be bad
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Originally posted by mad4comp

Hey guys im in need of a little help. I was wondering, have any of you gotten your teeth whitened? If so what did you use and how long did it take?

My teeth are not yellow but not as white as id like them to be, and i dont feel like spending a fortune at the dentists office. Anyone here have any good/bad experiences they've had with various products they'd like to share?


a little store just opened up in tysons 2, its like brite white or something, i think they do some procedure, im sure its expensive and i think all that teeth whitening stuff is horrbile for ur teeth.

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Thanks for the suggestions

I think im gonna stick with Whitening toothpaste, all this cancer stuff is scary to think about. Anyone got any good suggestions, I tried that Crest whitening stuff, and i see no difference after like 2 months.

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