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Skin fans in Charlotte


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It seems to me that all the skin fans in Charlotte have turned to the Panthers and it makes me sick to my stomach. Do you have friends or family that turn their backs on their favorite teams to go to another. How do you feel about that,:helmet: :point2sky :logo:

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I don't think it should bother anyone who used to wear a hat with a bird on it who now sports a Nats cap. I don't mean to hijack your thread, but people around here seem to get quite indignant about their fans getting 'stolen.'

At least from what I've seen of the baseball fans in the Washington area, it's a little hypocritical. You could argue that there used to be baseball in DC and we're just reclaiming that, but the same argument could be used for the oft-disparaged Ravens.

I know that there were (and I'm sure still are) a lot of Redskins fans in the Carolinas, but is it such a bad thing for them to have their own team? Is it the end of the world for them to root for both, or to follow the Redskins but finally be able to go to a live game once in a while without spending the whole weekend to do it?

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i have a problem with bandwagoners and fairweather fans, but i dont consider them those categories if they started following their team right when it was formed. I have nothing against the fans in the Carolinas turning to the Panthers, and we as a fanbase are still close to them I feel. Its one thing to change to the Panthers, its another to change to the Cowboys! :puke:

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  • 4 months later...

I understand completely where you are coming from. Growing up a SKINS fan their games where always on tv here in NC. Skins fans were everywhere then boom 1995 Panthers arrive in NC and suddenly no Skins to watch on tv, and no fans left. They have a couple of decent seasons and their fans are as lippy as Cowboy fans. As hard as it is to say I think I might have more respect for the Cowboys and their fans than the Panthers and thier fans. Just wait and see though this weekend if you go out to watch a game those Panther fans will have dug out old Skins jerserys and be a fan again.:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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