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OT: Frozen Ted's Head?


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It seems like a Steve King teleplay. Ted Williams' son, John Henry has frozen his dad while his sister goes to court to have the body cremated.

I read that the cryo-facility in Arizona charges $100,000 to freeze and maintain the entire body, but that John Henry is considering just keeping the head frozen, at a reduced rate of $50,000.

This is a sad end for a true great American hero, both on the playing field and as a war-time pilot.

Here's hoping your daughter gets you the desired end you envisioned, Ted.

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Nothing like a death in the family to bring out the worst in people. Bickering, greed, immaturity.

After a death in his family, my father was due some land many years ago (which would be worth quite a bit now) and he just walked away disgusted and told the rest of his family to fight over it. I always had great respect for him for doing that even though it cost him (he was a blue-collar worker his entire life). This kind of behavior is sickening.

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Guest Trevor

John Henry has been planning this for a long while. Apparently Ted was against it, but you cannot be frozen at this place without actually commiting to it yourself. So either Ted himself finally gave in or John Henry either forged his sig or found a way around their policy.

Also it's $120,000 for the full body to be kept rather than $100,000.

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I can see an epsiode on Futurama featuring Ted Williams talking head in a pickle jar.

Well I guess this could be part two of Demolition Man.

TW: Hey where am I?

Citizen: You are in New Boston 2525

TW: WTF? @##$#

Computer: You are fined 5 credits for violating the common decency act.

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