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I've been watching some canadian football as the season has started already. There are a few ex Redskins playing in the league, like Mike Sellers who is playing for the Winnipeg Bluebombers as a fullback. Winston October who never made the grade as a Skin is also playing. The league itself isn't bad as most of the games are pretty close and exciting. There are only 3 downs, twenty second clock between plays, 110 yard field with 25 yard endzones. One point for a missed field goal, punt or kickoff as long as the ball crosses and stays in the opponents endzone. There are only nine teams and the player cap per team is only 3 million. If anything these guys do play for the love of the game as they don't earn much. My team is the B.C. Lions and over the years they have had a few ex redskins in there lineup, like Barry wilburn and Moe Eloniwibi. I remember Dexter Manley playing for the Ottawa Roughriders in the early nineties, he was pretty much done by then and didn't last the season. Oh well it's nice to get a little football fix before the N.F.L. starts. HTTR!

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Navy Dave, Phillips did look good up here in Canada, but his attitude still stinks. He blew off a crowd of autograph seekers at a planned team event because the fans were still clamouring around favorite 2nd string RB, Mike Pringle.

He might still have talent, but he's one cancer no one wants in their locker room. Look to see if the isolation from the NFL makes him bolt Canada. He already threatened to leave the team once during camp because his panties all got in a bunch.

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I have really enjoyed watching the Candian games throughout the years (when available).

Now, for some reason, I can't seem to find them on my cable system? The silly X-Football games had network; various feeds are available for all the Arena games; NFL Europe too. But, while ESPN2 shows mixed volleyball and chess, I don't see any Great White North games available.

I always liked the Hamilton Tiger Cats, having lived near Detroit once. Flutie and his brother were exciting while in the league, and George Allens' short stay in the league was interesting too.

If any have a cable channel I'm missing, let me know. Are the games available with a dish?

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Well hopefully this is his last stop/chance and reality slaps him in the face that he wont be playing in the NFL.

I dont understand why we arent seeing it either.

Comcast had MLL on yesterday major league lacrosse; now it was exciting and better than sport number 7 but its not football.

ESPN had world strongest dude and dudette on.

Is it a contract issue

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