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OT: Test Your Political Leanings


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New and Improved World's Greatest Political Quiz

Fed up with small, slanted political quizzes? Below is a new, unbiased political quiz which will enlighten you to your actual political views.

Just calculate your rating for each political category and see which one is greatest.

I. Your Conservative Rating 1 0

- My moral views are superior to those of others.......... Y N

- My prosperity is a result of God's favor................ Y N

- Rush Limbaugh is the greatest hope for our nation....... Y N

- A woman's place is in the home.......................... Y N

II. Your Liberal Rating 1 0

- All economic problems can be solved by taxing the rich.. Y N

- Criminals are not responsible for crime, society is..... Y N

- Values are a dangerous and evil concept, abolish them... Y N

- All white males are racists and sexist.................. Y N

III. Your Libertarian Rating 1 0

- People without money deserve to starve and die.......... Y N

- All trespassers should be shot on sight................. Y N

- Nothing bad can possibly happen in a free market........ Y N

- The law of gravity is coercive, repeal it............... Y N

And now that you have learned of your own political leanings, it is time to test your knowledge of the other philosophies. Just match the phrase with the political group it represents.

Our country would be so much better if we could just eliminate

1. atheists.

2. the rich.

3. the government.

All I want is for other people to

1. live like I do.

2. let me spend their money.

3. f.....k off.

If I had $1 million, I would

1. give it to Pat Robertson.

2. create a new bureaucracy.

3. buy more land and fence it in.

All my opponents are just like

1. Adolph Hitler

2. Adolph Hitler

3. Adolph Hitler

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