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Master Chief reports for duty at both Fox and Universal!!!


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Master Chief reports for duty at both Fox and Universal!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with some (potentially) great news. We know that last week Microsoft took Alex (28 DAY LATER) Garland's newly finished adaptation of their X-BOX big breadwinner game, sending out fully costumed Master Chiefs to hand deliver the scripts to various studios. We also know they wanted $10 Million for the script.

Now we've gotten word that the trades will be breaking that HALO has been picked up in partnership by Fox and Universal.

Here's the heads up I got from the good people at Sorryigotdrunk.com who have been following this really closely.

After being the ass end of the joke when they sent out the script with high demands on Monday, it looks like those nihilists at CAA and Microsoft will have the last laugh. Lazlo's spies tell me that Fox and Universal are working out deal to buy Halo for $5 million; split costs. It is about half of what they were asking for on Monday, but it is more coin then our drunks asses will ever see. The movie should be in theaters by 2007

Your loyal solider,


This has been backed up by at least one other source of mine and has just been confirmed by Variety. Funny that it's at Fox considering HALO itself owes a huge debt to Cameron's ALIENS. I'm dying to read the script to this, as one who has lost many, many hours to Halo gunning down those Covenant ****s! So, if anybody out there has Garland's draft, I wouldn't be angry if you dropped me a line at quint@aintitcool.com. Hehe...

I think a damn cool movie can be made out of the game... Could HALO be the first great video game movie? What do you folks think?

from Ain't it cool news

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From Yahoo! News, the damn link won't work:

Hollywood's Halo Effect

By Josh Grossberg

Fri Jun 10, 5:51 PM ET

Master Chief is getting ready for his closeup.

Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox are teaming up to bring to the big screen the Marine protagonist of Microsoft's megaselling shoot-'em-up videogame Halo.

The studios are negotiating with the software giant to transform the popular title into a Hollywood franchise, sources familiar with the talks confirmed Friday.

In the Halo videogame, super-warrior Master Chief and his small band of fighters travel to an alien world to engage the evil human-destroying extraterrestrials known as the Covenant.

The game, which debuted in 2001 on the Xbox, has been a monster hit, ringing up $600 million in worldwide sales and spawning the new sequel, Halo 2.

However, according to the Hollywood trades, the deal is being complicated by Microsoft's hardball approach. While the software behemoth is used to dictating its own terms in the computer world, those tactics aren't playing well with Hollywood suits.

Microsoft has begun assembling the project outside the studio system, paying 28 Days scribe Alex Garland $1 million to pen the script and hiring former Columbia Pictures executive turned producer Peter Schlessel to help guide the project. The company is demanding a $10 million fee for the rights against 15 percent of the gross, approval over director and cast and 60 first-class plane tickets for company reps and their guests to attend the world premiere.

News that the Redmond, Washington-based software company was shopping a Halo project broke on Monday, when Garland's agents at Creative Artists Agency sent actors dressed in Master Chief garb to deliver the screenplays to the studios.

The Los Angeles Times quotes one Paramount exec saying that along with the screenplay, the emissaries also gave studio execs a proposal outlining Microsoft's strict financial terms and a 24-hour deadline to respond.

Among other demands, Microsoft wants all merchandising rights, a budget of at least $75 million for the flick and the right to fly company reps to Los Angeles to watch all rough cuts of the film throughout postproduction.

That didn't fly with a majority of the studios, who felt like they were being bullied. Paramount, DreamWorks SKG, Sony and Warner Bros. passed on the project immediately, refusing to cede creative rights.

Universal and Fox were the last studios standing and were prepared to team up for the project.

As of late Wednesday, according to the Times, studio lawyers and Microsoft have tentatively settled on terms significantly lower that what was initially asked: $5 million instead of $10 million upfront and only 10 percent of first-dollar box-office receipts for Microsoft. Universal would handle overseas production and domestic distribution, while Fox would have a say in production and release the film in foreign territories.

Reps for both studios declined to comment. However, sources said a final agreement depends on whether Microsoft is willing to fork over partial creative control.

If all pans out, Halo could be armed and ready to fight it out in theaters by 2007.

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