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Donovan's shot was actually far post and saved by the goalie who batted it away to create a corner kick. It was the best scoring chance that we've had, as every other cross has been dominated by the German defenders.

The Germans have had a good last 5-7 mins, controlling the ball in the mid-field, and stealing it from us quickly. They've also had their best 2-3 scoring chances of the game.

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Wish I could watch this game but here in NC it's on just as it's time to go to work. Anyone know of any live feeds off the net? If not I'll just keep refreshing the scoreboard off of one of the sports sites and look here for the details.

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We've been putting Kahn to the test- we've outshot them 5-1, and our scoring threats, especially the last several, have been deadly serious - and Kahn's been up to the task.

Damn! Goal Germany off of a set piece header from outside the right side of the box.

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The Germans set-piece plays have provided their best chances to score. And now they've got another one . . .

We also don't hold the ball nearly long enough in the mid-field. And having to chase the Germans around with the ball is getting some of our guys to look tired.

Score's still 1:0 Germany

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Halftime Quick Thoughts:

- Listening to it in Spanish as well. Says a lot about soccer in this country that the only live feed on the radio in the nation's capital is in Spanish. Pisses me off, frankly.

- sounds like we did exactly what I'd hoped: come out storming, looking for the early tally to force Germany into some discomfort and out of their control game. Also sounds like we had several golden opportunities but couldn't quite capitalize. Donovan's youth and inexperience, or just the luck of the game? I'll watch the tape tonight to judge for myself.

- sounds like the frenetic early pace took its toll, in that we seemed to be a step slow defensively down the stretch in the first half. Lucky, perhaps, that it wasn't 2 or even 3-nil before the half ended.

- we'd better find an answer to the air game early in the 2nd, or we're in deep kimchi.

- I hate to say it w/o seeing the actual footage, but from what I'm hearing, it seems to me we're suffering from the precise biggest concern about US soccer I've been harping on all along: we don't finish. We set up golden chance after golden chance, but fail to close the deal. The Cup so far has been a revelation in that McBride, Matthews & Donovan have all come up huge and in fact finished brilliantly, but I've been sort of expecting the magic carpet ride to end. If we do go on to lose this one, I'm thinking it'll come down to that Achilles Heel.

- need to get one early in the second. Have to.

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remember that Germany is an older team vis a vis the US and you have the example of Ireland that also was down 1-0 but came back in the second half to get the equalizer by outworking the Germans.

the odds to win once down 1-0 are not good because of the changes you must make in your attack posture, unless you have Ronaldo and Rivaldo up front :)

the US is going to have to bring the wing backs up on the attack and that could cost us a goal if we are not careful.

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Not a goal, but it bounced partially under Kahn and up to hit the arm of the German player on the post - not an intentional hand ball, but it at least prevented the ball from hitting the post, if not going in. It didn't completely cross the line.

We've really been impressive to open the second half, staying disciplined and creating some nice chances.

As far as no finishing goes, I'd attribute it in this game more to outstanding German goalkeeping, especially in the first half, and very effective play from their big defenders in front of the goal throughout the game. Even when beaten their defenders have so far been able to influence shots. In the first half, Donovan's far post shot that was saved by Kahn had to be far post because the defenders who were beaten had nevertheless taken away the near post.

Guys, Germany's great, but we're looking like a world class team right now. I don't think that the German's will feel very comfortable with only a one goal lead, especially with the offensive pressure that we're generating consistently in teh second half.

We just subbed Mathis for McBride; the Germans just made a defensive substitution.

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Our fouls are piling up. Yellows to Pope and Mastroeni won't be available to us if there's a next match because they both got their second yellow's in the elimination round. Now Berhalter just got another second round yellow too.

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I'm liking how much we're staying patient and controlling the ball in the second half. Our possession is excellent, although it's true that the Germans are laying off a little bit and simply trying to play the counter punch which has provided them opportunities in the last several minutes.

Cobi Jones is in the game, but I don't know when or for who.

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Sounds to me like we're running out of gas. Not surprising given the burst we gave in the first 20 minutes. Have a bad feeling the second German tally is coming.

Effing A, though ... hard to be a whole lot prouder of the effort we're giving. Talk about a "tough out." I don't think the world will ever view US soccer quite the same after this is all over.

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Stewart just came in for Mastroeni - offensive substitution.

The Germans are really laying back now, rarely sending players beyond the half line except on counterpunching attacks. We'll likely end up with a dominant time of possession in this game.

If we can only get the tying goal, we'll have a nice advantage because in a tied game late, we'll have our offensive pieces on the field, and the Germans will be defensive. They have two subs left though.

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