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Posts posted by DEASkins

  1. 3 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

    Obvious this would happen to us this season...but 21 players. Good lord. 

    What a disaster. Not sure it gets better over the next month either. Let’s just hope that nobody has any serious issues.   Covid being a serious illness can get lost in the shuffle. 

    Speedy recovery wishes to all the affected players across the league. 

    God speed those negative tests so most can play this weekend

  2. 1 minute ago, KDawg said:

    We better hope these guys all test negative. But keep in mind… they aren’t going to have practiced all week. So… even if we do we’re at a disadvantage. In a division game. Against a tough team. 

    21 guys. 



    Plus injuries. 

    We’re going to be signing guys off the practice squad’s practice squad if our guys don’t test negative.

    Hopefully we can turn it into a dog fight and come out on top

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  3. On 12/15/2021 at 1:41 PM, veteranskinsfan said:

    Early in the season Ron tried to convince his unvaccinated players to get their shots.  He brought in some medical expert to explain COVID to the players.

    So now going into the Eagles game this Sunday we are hurting big time with 17 players now on COVID reserve list.  A total so far of 75 NFL players added

    to the COVID list in the past two days.

    93% of NFL players are currently vaccinated

  4. 93% of NFL players are vaccinated. I believe only two of our players on the current covid protocol list are unvaccinated so I'm hopeful that the NFL will make some adjustments to their covid protocols for vaccinated players to remedy the unfair situation we find ourselves in. As far as we know Washington players have broken no rules, they are vaccinated for the most part and we are at the NFL's mercy at this point

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    Are some of yall serious about forfeiting the eagles game, or jus talking out loud out of frustration?


    If anything we should play this game because one we could still win and two if it goes as many are expecting to it will be a black eye for the NFL and may force them to review their policy in not moving games anymore.


    COVID isn't going anywhere, this could totally happen next year as well.

    Has the league already ruled on changing the Covid protocols for vaccinated players? I've been hearing that it is a main topic of discussion at their annual meeting that is going on right now in Dallas

  6. 2 minutes ago, KDawg said:

    This is going to be an absolute slaughter. We’re going to have to sign dudes off the street to fill out the roster including the backup QB for the game being off the street



    We need to find legitimate Cowboy haters because at this point going forward any unvaccinated player testing positive would almost have to present their 2 negative tests during the coin flip in Dallas

    • Sad 1
  7. I just read the recent Washington Post article concerning Snyder meddling in the Wilkinson investigation and even though it's not surprising Snyder continues to set new standards for pettiness in regards to owning a professional sports team I think I'm finally getting a legitimate grasp on the psychology behind his behavior. 

     The only reason for this disgrace of a man being relevant in any type of news circle is that he has money. That's it. There is no other reason. Snyder is so insecure and narcissistic that he needs every single person that he idolizes to recognize him as a great human being. He is such a people pleaser that he needs his gods that he idolizes to bow down to him and recognize him as the God. 

      I'm guessing he knows that the only reason in hell he has any type of recognition is because of his money.  This guy is never going to change. He needs everyone that he surrounds himself with (those he idolizes) to live up to high standards and admire him so he can have self worth. As soon as they fall from grace he has no other choice but to cut ties because they no longer inflate his sense of self worth.

      Buy a chainsaw, cut down some trees, join a fight club, enter an arm wrestling competition, find something to do that certifies your manhood in your own eyes instead of needing validation from others. Snyder is the ultimate loser hiding behind the intellect of his coaches and the jock straps of the athletes he pays to perform. When things go wrong it's never his fault since being at fault would shatter his already pencil dick thin ego. 

     He needs to go down. He has to be stopped!

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  8. 2 hours ago, Snagletooth said:

    Principle primarily I would guess but also risk assessment.  There is essentially no risk for Montez from Corvid and now he will have nearly perfect immunity. So why sign a waiver of liability and get a jab that is linked to heart issues in young healthy people?  

    Principle does not outweigh the consequences to himself and the team as he is unavailable to play which means he has nothing of value to Wash. Sweat is a professional athlete who plays a dangerous sport, who is recovering from a broken jaw and has had at least one concussion in his career. Maybe he shouldn't play football because he might get hurt

  9. 2 hours ago, duffy said:

    Learned his lesson? 


    If he was worried about side effects from the vaccine before the season, I'm not sure Sweat catching the virus now would change much.  I'm assuming he's going to make a full recovery from this bout with covid as most healthy young people do. If that happens, he should wind up with some form of natural immunity.


    Obviously, the League does not recognize a player's natural immunity and they'd still be subject to the harsher penalties you highlighted. I didn't talk to the guy so I can't claim to know what his reasons are for not wanting to get the shot, but I'm not seeing how this would change his mind. Or maybe it will. Tough to say. 


    But as you mentioned, it's his choice. I think its wrong for fans to be pissed off at a player for making their own personal health decisions. It's a bad situation for everyone,  but I will respect anyone who chooses to or chooses not to get vaccinated. 


    Would you be upset with a player who suffers a knee injury in week 1 and spends the next 12 weeks trying to rehab, but winds up having to get surgery and will now miss a large chunk of the following season? Not exactly an apples-to-apples scenario, but here you have a player who is making a medical decision, and the choice they made cost them more games than  had they initially gone with the riskier option of surgery. As a fan, I would be bummed out that we wouldn't have the services of that player for so many games, but I can't be mad at them. It's their choice. 


    I can see how a fan's natural reaction to the situation is to be angry with him, but I feel like we need to remember this is just a game. I do look forward to when he gets back on the field and hope he performs well down the stretch. 


      I'm not sure exactly what to say to this as I have already posted a few comments within this thread in regards to Covid and professional NFL athletes but I will take another stab. I am fairly certain that most people who take a stand against being vaccinated are only doing so in principle in regards to their situation and not because they are truly concerned about legitimate, serious side effects. For example, I haven't been vaccinated yet because there isn't an underlying reason for me to be. I own a small business, work outside mostly, am healthy and I already had Covid before vaccines were available. If proof of vaccination is required for venues or travel destinations that I would like to go to, or other strong reasons for being vaccinated arise that affect my life directly then I will get vaccinated. My wife on the other hand works for a medical company and was going to be fired if she didn't get vaxed so she she went ahead and took the needle because of the circumstance she was in. Her main reason for not wanting to get vaccinated was because it was unnecessary as she works from home and currently still does, but taking a stand in principle was not worth the consequence of being fired from a job she enjoys. 

      Montez Sweat is a professional athlete who plays for an organization that has setup Covid guidelines and restrictions that highly favor those that are vaccinated compared to players that are not - even to the point that you could argue if a team had a legitimate road to the Super Bowl, that very outcome could be severely limited if one or a few star players decided not to be vaccinated and became affected leading to their placement in Covid protocols for the unvaxed. 

      So my question to you, since you are stated as being in defense of Sweat, do you really think he is concerned about side effects from getting a Covid vaccination or is he just abstaining in principle? 


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