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Everything posted by PolarExpress

  1. I donโ€™t think so , but I missed a little of the game. The refs have given Dallas numerous first downs with stupid calls.
  2. These refs love their flags. Haha. I know right. I just canโ€™t type. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. I know that. Heโ€™s in good shape though. I would definitely not call him elderly.
  4. He has more energy than most 40-50 year olds. Heโ€™s also not elderly.
  5. I know a lot here donโ€™t like Pete Carroll, but he misses nothing in their games. Awesome energy. These refs are ridiculous.
  6. Al Michaels is ridiculous. Before the half, with 40 seconds on the clock, and Seattle hovering around midfield, said they better not score too fast.
  7. He truly is not very bright, and he never shuts up. I had PTSD from that last Eagles drive. The Bills were playing Washingtonโ€™s prevent defense. Good grief.
  8. Lord, that brought tears to my eyes. I remember the glory days, Super Bowls and hope they return soon. I have such great memories watching with my parents, who sadly are gone now. โ€œNO WINโ€ being the operative word. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  9. Well, Ron has to stay now since heโ€™s in charge of the O & D. I think Harris would have let Ron finish the season anyway. Weโ€™re done anyway. Let Ron โ€œretireโ€.
  10. 100% Ron is done. Harris will blow this coaching staff upโ€ฆ.and itโ€™s time. Way past time. Given what a lazy slug he was, he needs to just STFU and go away.
  11. 4th & 1โ€ฆโ€ฆdumbest play call ever. Iโ€™m so over the crap play calling and horrible play by both sides of the ball. Just horrendous.
  12. I HATE how badly this team is coached. The defense stinks. And while Iโ€™m complaining, could ROMO JUST STFU.
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