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Posts posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. 15 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    We need to name a new head of photography. Why do our staff always look like doofuses in their pictures?


    Probably the same reason the team had a toxic workplace and a culture that encouraged sexual harassment: Snyder being cheap. Their entire HR department consisted of one person, who only did HR work part-time in the first place. Remember, this is same guy who sued an old lady and handed out bags of apples to employees in lieu of Xmas bonuses.


    So it's likely that whoever they hired to take official pictures is being paid minimum wage, and when you pay minimum wage you should expect minimum results.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, CommanderCarson said:

    It’s appearing more and more like it’s a ploy to get Snyder out, I would be shocked if anything truly comes of this. 

    They just need to go win, just put a good product on the field consistently for multiple years with a few fun playoff runs and this stuff will go away and Washington will be a great place to play again. That’s all there is to it. It’s the only thing that will make this never ending dark cloud go away.


    If someone is guilty of something, it's not a ploy for there to be consequences. A ploy would mean all the accusations are made up, which I think we can tell at this point is not the case. I kind of doubt he'll lose the team too, because I think the entire league is guilty of this and doesn't want Snyder to air all that out if they bounced him from his padded chair.


    Winning would help, but as others have pointed out I don't think that's likely because of Snyder's style of management. Bad teams usually stay bad for years unless something changes...remember the Cardinals from say 1948 until 2007? The cheapskate Bidwill's ran the team (and still do) but nothing changed until they got a world-class QB in Kurt Warner. The Bengals are usually bad but lucked into getting Joe Burrow.


    The Browns are just terrible and got one decent year out of Mayfield but appear to be sliding back towards the abyss from whence they have been in since Bernie Kosar left. And the Lions...don't get me started on the Lions. The Fords are almost as inept at running a football team as they are at designing decent cars.

  3. 13 minutes ago, NickyJ said:

    Woman in a car? Where did you hear that? Last I heard, nobody knew of a car along the road that would have belonged to him.



    According to Fox Sports 640’s Andy Slater, “Dwayne Haskins was traveling in a car with a drunk woman before he walked onto the expressway, multiple sources tell me.”

    Slater added that “[t]he woman was passed out in the disabled car” along Florida’s I-595 Highway.

    Slater had no official confirmation as to whether the inebriated woman in the vehicle with Haskins that morning was his wife, Kalabrya Haskins.


    Nothing is confirmed, however.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  4. "In 2016, the NFLPA won a legal battle with the league regarding the allegedly improper diversion of funds from the salary-cap fund to a nonexistent stadium-renovation exception."


    This is a big red flag that this is standard procedure for the entire NFL...it's not just Snyder, they're all in on squeezing money away from the players. Maybe this is what league lawyer Jeff Pash meant when he told Bruce Allen that keeping player salaries low was "doing God's work."


    I smell a rat. The NFL won't dig deep into this because they're all guilty. Snyder probably won't go anywhere...he can flip and get immunity from the FTC if he agrees to rat out the other owners.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, SlinginSammy HOF '63 said:

    Nobody should buy a ticket to home games this year knowing that he's thieving money. The NFL needs to force him to sell the team so the franchise and fanbase can move on from this 23 year nightmare.

    It won't happen. All I see happening is a forced sale. Especially with the news out that he was withholding money from the others.


    It would be nice if that would happen. But there are just too many fans who down 14 Schlitz beers in the parking lot and scream "LET'S GO WOOOOOOOOO!!! COME ON REDSKOMMANDERS BEAT DALLAS!!! YEAH!! WOOOO!!!!" for this to ever happen.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Conn said:


    You realize the team is in a very desirable media market and it’s Snyder that has made it undesirable, right? The greater DC area is a massive selling point for a new owner in that regard. There’s no danger of the team moving lol. 


    Realistically, no I don't think he will move the team. But Snyder IS a vindictive little dwarf, who may throw a tantrum if he doesn't get a stadium deal and call in the Mayflower moving vans. If he can't get what he wants, he'll take his ball and go home...or to San Diego.

  7. 11 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:




    Who does that?


    "The kind of guy who could wrangle the wills of men like Hockney and McManus. The kind of man who could engineer a police line-up THE KIND OF MAN THAT COULD HAVE KILLED EDIE FINNERAN. They found her yesterday in a hotel in Pennsylvania. Shot twice in the head."




    Oops, my bad...wrong scumbag!


    Actually, Keyser Soze would be offended by comparisons to Snyder...


    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  8. Welp, here comes Sally Jenkins again:


    We see how Dan Snyder treats customers. Who would build him a stadium?

    What governor, mayor, or legislator could stand on a dais with Washington Commanders owner Daniel Snyder for a stadium ribbon-cutting ceremony and assure constituents they will get fair returns and not be fleeced? Only the crookedest pol, at this point. There can be no stadium funds — no tax-free bonds, not so much as a discount on sewer lines — until Snyder has turned over every sticky page of his ledgers. What’s needed is a forensic accounting.


    Cheating fellow NFL owners. Preying financially on unsuspecting fans. These are just two of the allegations contained in the letter from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform to the Federal Trade Commission requesting an investigation into “potentially unlawful business practices” under Snyder. The contents of the letter are at once stunning and unsurprising. Unsurprising, given that Snyder always seems to find new tar pits. Stunning, in the level of detail contained in the letter’s 20 pages and seriousness of the accusations: A top former employee alleges the flagship franchise of the nation’s capital kept two sets of books, played shell games with revenue, and pocketed refunds (and interest) owed to ticket buyers, all of which could amount to fraud if verified. And if it’s true, it should be verifiable.


    Of course, there can be no new stadium deal under these circumstances. For that matter, not one cent of public money or favor should go to any NFL owner, until the league itself comes clean and stops acting as a protection racket for Snyder’s sordidness. According to the committee letter, the NFL has met its inquiry into pervasive workplace misconduct in Snyder’s building with “obstruction” and sought to “withhold key documents and information.”

    In short, the NFL has demonstrated it doesn’t care about the women who work within it. If the league does nothing with these latest allegations, it shows it doesn’t care about even its paying customers.


    So how can such an entity be trusted by any community? Local legislators should put a hold on every dime until the league has fully complied with the committee’s investigation. That $300 million the state of New York just approved for a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills? It ought to be frozen. The incentive packages local officials in Kansas and Missouri are putting together to woo owner Clark Hunt and the Kansas City Chiefs with a new stadium? They also need to be put on ice. Nobody gets anything until the NFL has cleaned — no, scrubbed — its Washington house and opened it for public inspection.


    The allegations relayed in the letter to the FTC have a specificity that demands follow-up by someone with subpoena and charging powers, which is presumably why copies also were sent to the attorneys general of Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. No doubt Snyder’s lawyers will say the testimony from longtime head of sales Jason Friedman is that of an embittered former employee, but Friedman didn’t just level vague accusations. He presented email communications from superiors, names, dates, amounts — and “contemporaneous documents,” according to the committee.


    If, as alleged, the team wrongly retained up to $5 million in security-deposit refunds owed to approximately 2,000 customers, it should be easy enough for an investigator with a badge to find out. If Snyder’s executives were ordered to keep two sets of ledgers and hide game ticket revenue by booking it under events such as a Kenny Chesney concert, as alleged, it also should be a straightforward matter to discover. Put the bookkeepers under oath, and order them to produce all records.


    It’s called an audit. And at a certain point, it might be well worth submitting every league owner to one. Because it’s an open question as to whether Snyder is an outlier in his various behaviors or whether they are common in the NFL. Where did he get his ideas?


    Not that Snyder needs any advice on how to gouge. In 2001, his company was fined for “phone slamming,” illegally switching customers’ services without permission. In 2006, his organization foisted bags of old airline peanuts on fans. In 2009, it sued lifelong season ticket holders when they no longer could afford to pay exorbitant seat licenses. And it long perpetuated a sham waiting list for season tickets.


    All of it was tolerated by his fellow NFL owners, and when his workplace unsurprisingly turned out to be an odious den of rampant serial gropers and graspers who operated with impunity, the NFL buried its internal report. If any of the bookkeeping allegations against Snyder are true, one of the things it means is that Commissioner Roger Goodell’s league office has been as utterly feckless — or deceiving — in its fiscal oversight of him as it was in its sexual harassment oversight. And that begs the fundamental question of whether anyone can trust anything that office does or says.


    Taxpayers have forked over nearly $7 billion in public funds to the NFL in recent years, and that doesn’t count the huge free expenses in utilities, security and infrastructure that allow teams to operate on game days. By way of thanks, Goodell and the owners relentlessly privatize and black-box their dealings. They soak the public — and then treat that public and its congressional inquirers with literal contempt. The FTC should investigate the whole pack. It’s merely what the league has begged for, with its enabling of Snyder.




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  9. Here’s an example of how the “juice” practice allegedly worked. Friedman told the Committee that he “falsely processed” $162,360 in Commanders ticket revenue as arising from a Navy-Notre Dame game at FedEx Field. The team’s former chief financial officer, Steven Choi, allegedly directed Friedman to do it this way, in a May 6, 2014 email.


    That's easy for Snyder to defend: "Mr. Choi is no longer employed by the team, so this problem has been fixed." Same way scumbags like Larry Allen and Alex Santos escaped any consequences for the cheerleader video.


    However...if the false season ticket waiting list thing was a scam, then it certainly makes La Femina's firing more suspect.

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  10. Letter from six attorneys general lists “potentially unlawful” conduct by the NFL toward female employees (from PFT)


    New York attorney general Letitia James has posted the letter sent by her office and signed by five of her counterparts to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Wednesday.

    While little more than one page in length, the letter is powerful.


    The letter expresses “grave concerns” about allegations made by former employees of the NFL and reported on February 8 by the New York Times. The letter focuses mainly on female and minority employees of the NFL itself, either the league office or NFL Network, which is owned by the league.


    This paragraph merits careful consideration: “We all watched in horror in 2014 when the video of Ray Rice striking, knocking out, and spitting on his fiancé was made public. In the aftermath, you promised to take gender violence seriously and improve the institutional culture for women at the N.F.L. These recent allegations suggest that you have not. Female employees reported that they were subjected to repeated viewings of the Rice video, with commentary by coworkers that the victim had brought the violence on herself. Other women reported that, in a training intended to improve sensitivity on the issue, they were asked to raise their hand to self-identify if they had been victims of domestic violence or knew someone who had. This is NOT doing better. Antidiscrimination laws in many states, including New York, prohibit employers from subjecting domestic violence victims, as well as women and people of color, to a hostile work environment.”


    If those things are true, that’s a horrible look for the league.


    The letter also points out that female employees believe they were “held back and criticize for having an ‘aggressive tone’ — an often unfair stereotype of women, especially women of color, who try to advance in a male dominated workplace.”


    Then there’s this line, which goes beyond claims made by NFL employees and includes some of the allegations made against the Washington Commanders: “Other women described experience unwanted touching from male bosses, attending parties where prostitutes were hired, being passed over or promotions based on their gender, and being pushing out for complaining about discrimination.” The letter also notes that some former female employees have learned “that there were no records of their complaints of gender discrimination.”


    The letter closes with a paragraph that doesn’t read like an invitation to engage in a dialogue, but a threat/promise: “All of this is entirely unacceptable and potentially unlawful. The N.F.L. must do better — pink jerseys are not a replacement for equal treatment and full inclusion of women in the workplace. Our offices will use the full weight of our authority to investigate and prosecute allegations of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation by employers throughout our states, including at the National Football League.”


    The NFL should be very concerned about this. It demonstrates that Congress isn’t the only public body about which the league should be concerned. Prosecutors have extensive power and discretion. They can launch aggressive and thorough investigations, exercising the kind of external authority and oversight that the NFL despises.


    In many respects, it’s overdue. And please spare me the “why do you hate the league from which you make a living?” nonsense. I love the NFL. And I want it to aspire to be better than it’s been. Thus, if current stewards of the league office or any of the teams are falling short of the standard that is routinely applied aggressively to players, that should be explored, exposed, and rectified

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:

    In the leaked emails he was quoted saying something like, saving money on players was "doing God's work."




    It was actually the NFL's top lawyer Jeff Pash who said it was "God's work" to keep player salaries low, in an email to Bruce Allen. Seems to me this demands an investigation too...so long as the lead investigator isn't named Jeff Pash.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    I love Darrel Green and all, but can you imagine what could have been if the Dolphins DIDN'T draft Dan Marino with the second to last pick in the first round of the 1983 draft?  Gibbs has been on record they would have drafted him.  


    He probably would have sat a year or two (Joe T. was still good.)  But could you imagine what the 80's and potentially the 90's could have been like with a true franchise QB paired with possibly the best coach in the NFL?


    Things that make you go hmmmmm.....

    It's amazing that the Commies haven't had the same opening day starting QB for more than 5 years since Joe Theismann from 1978-85.


    Since then, we've had Jay Schroeder, Doug Williams, Mark Rypien (5 years 89-93), John Friesz, Heath Shuler, Gus Frerotte, Brad Johnson, Jeff George, Shane Matthews, Patrick Ramsey, Mark Brunell, Jason Campbell, Donovan McNabb, Rex Grossman, RG III, Kirk Cousins, Alex Smith, Case Keenum, Dwayne Haskins, Ryan Fitzpatrick, and Carson Wentz as the opening day starters. 🤨


    That's a lot of chumps...🥴


    In fact, four of the last five opening day QBs have been acquired via trades, including Wentz.

  13. 1 hour ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


    If you are implying that Dan Snyder has inside information of other owners and their cooking of the books I have to question that.  By reports he has few friends among the owners, I think it's clear that Jones wants to support him because he's in the division and keeping Snyder helps the Boys win. 

    Jerruh won't be there to save Snyder since he's up to his eyeballs in paternity suits. 

  14. Looks like Jerry will have some 'splaining to do to Mrs. Jones...what a scumbag!! 😆




    Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has already paid nearly $3 million to the woman who filed a paternity suit against him on March 3, including a $70,000 Range Rover for her $33,000 'Sweet 16' party nine years ago, according to an Arkansas attorney who says he facilitated the transactions.

    Jones's alleged payments to the plaintiff, 25-year-old Alexandra Davis, also included full tuition at Southern Methodist University, Little Rock attorney Don Jack told ESPN on Thursday.

    'On numerous occasions I have made payments on behalf of Mr. Jones to Cindy and Alex Davis,' Jack said in a statement, referencing the plaintiff and her mother, Cynthia Davis Spencer.

    Jones, a 79-year-old married father of three, has not confirmed or denied that he is Davis's father. However, Davis's 16th birthday party was featured on the reality TV show 'Big Rich Texas,' which included footage of her receiving a new, white Range Rover.

    Jones's attorneys accused Davis of extortion while moving to have her lawsuit dismissed in a filing earlier this week.

    Davis alleged in her lawsuit that when she was 1, Jones agreed to pay her mother $375,000 in exchange for their silence about Davis's parentage. The suit claims Jones organized two trust funds for Davis in Arkansas, where Davis Spencer was living and working for American Airlines at the time. Jones and Spencer Davis allegedly had an affair in the mid-1990s.

    Jack, a longtime friend of Jones, confirmed that he reached a deal on the billionaire's behalf in 1995 to pay Spencer Davis $375,000, adding that the monthly child support payments 'ultimately totaled over $2 million.'

    In the March 3 filing, Davis asked the Dallas County court to rule that Jones's agreement with her mother was unenforceable in Texas and to confirm that he is, in fact, her father. Her attorney, Andrew A. Bergman, has maintained that Davis is not seeking money, but instead wants to be recognized as his daughter after being ignored for years.

    However, Jack claims that Davis and her mother sought $20 million from Jones in a letter that she shared with the Arkansas attorney at a Dallas steakhouse 'three or four' years ago.

    'In that meeting, Alex read to me a personal letter she had drafted to Jerry Jones in which she expressed her dissatisfaction with what she had received and sought $20 million,' Jack told ESPN. 'She stated that if that amount was paid, she would not bother Mr. Jones again and would keep their relationship confidential.'

    The letter has not been reviewed or otherwise corroborated by ESPN.

    'Let's see the letter,' Bergman said to ESPN on Thursday. 'And let's see the evidence that more money was paid beyond those agreements. And I would ask why? Is Jerry saying that money is a substitute for being a father? Do the millions make him a good father and do they make my client an extortionist? Don't forget the money was contingent on her being silent.'

    Jones spokesman Jim Wilkinson declined to comment when asked by ESPN if the Cowboys owner is Davis's father. Both Jack and Wilkinson also declined to release a copy of the agreement, which they say has resulted in $1.3 million in payments to Davis and her mother over the last 25 years and calls for future payments when she turns 26 and 28.

    Davis, who works as an aide to US congressman Ronny Jackson (Republican-Texas), has declined to comment publicly on the matter.

    Jack claims that Davis and Spencer Davis would occasionally ask for more money from Jones, which is why the Cowboys owner exceeded the amount he agreed to pay in the trust agreement by nearly $1 million.

    Those overages included Davis's $33,000 'Sweet 16' party, which was aired on 'Big Rich Texas,' as well as the Range Rover, and nearly $50,000 on a pair of vacations.

    'The facts clearly show that millions of dollars have been paid,' Wilkinson said, 'and on top of that, a $20 million shakedown attempt was made. I think this speaks for itself as to the motives.'

    Wilkinson also accused Bergman of demanding money for Davis to settle the case.

    'If you want this just to go away, it's going to cost you Zeke or Dak money,' Bergman allegedly told Jones's attorney Levi A. McCathern, Wilkinson said to ESPN.

    'Zeke and Dak' refers to Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott and quarterback Dak Prescott, who are the team's two highest-paid players.

    'There was never a discussion about a nonmonetary resolution,' Wilkinson told ESPN. 'Money was always part of the deal.'

    Bergman denied the claim to ESPN.

    'It is absolutely false -- and they know it -- that I ever demanded money on behalf of Alex,' Bergman said. 'They said, 'What does she want?' And I said she wants to establish parentage, and Jerry can do it cooperatively or not.

    'Levi said Jerry's not going to do that because of Mama Gene,' Bergman continued, referencing Jones's wife of 59 years, Eugenia. 'Levi said Jerry said Alex will never be part of our family in a picture when we raise money for the Salvation Army. That's the truth.'

    Wilkinson denied that McCathern ever said that to Bergman.

    'Now they've changed their story yet again,' Wilkinson said. 'First it wasn't about money. Now it is about money. And now they are on three sides of a two-sided issue. They are all over the map here. Pick a story and stick with it. This is clownish.'

    • Haha 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

    The record of the team under his ownership, which is now nearly 25 years, suggests he's worse than a large percentage.


    And just maybe the way he is as a person has a lot to do with his inability to hire and/or retain top-notch employees.


    Yup. His toxic bullying personality drives away competent people, so the only ones left who can tolerate that abuse are all yes-men who tell him what he wants to hear. This directly impacts the team because incompetent people are put in charge of coaching, evaluating personnel, drafting players, treating employees with respect, and team/uniform rebrandings.


    Vlad 'the Invader' Putin has the same problem. But these kind of people prefer the suck-ups to being told the truth, so they eventually go down with the ship.


    He won't sell. He will double down like Putin on his mistake. They will have to drag him kicking and screaming from Ashburn, along with his overpriced cigars.


    Two sets of books? Maybe he needed one to track all the payouts to people he's sexually harassed.

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