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Posts posted by Berggy9598

  1. Am I the only one that gets physically ill every time the plight of the impoverished neighborhoods in Chicago are exploited by people who wouldn't bat an eye if the entire south side was wiped out with a drone for their propaganda? Goebbels is in hell somewhere saying "wow that's pretty ballsy"

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  2. 2 minutes ago, twa said:


    Odds on him wishing ya'll allowed him one then?

    Just so we are clear here, ya'll forbid him a weapon to defend himself and others....because he might kill kids or some **** on accident..


    and yet he persisted in trying to protect others till the end..


    In shape?...GTFO

    The point was a variable that tilt the odds. You're still not getting a big percentage there's a reason law enforcement units that deal with these kind of things go through intensive psychological training that not all of even make it through. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, twa said:


    But giving him something other than his body to protect children is risky.

    Better to take the safe course and let him sacrifice his life right?

    Genuine question. If you take 50 in shape males between the age of 21-28 how many out of that 50 would you say have what it takes from a mental and emotional stand point to handle taking out an active shooter in a school? I'd say 5 at best. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

    Yes arming a bunch of teachers is a brilliant idea. Because the people drawn to the teaching profession are exactly, in general, the ones who want to play Jason Bourne. But again, I’ll play along. Go ahead approve it and get the budget for it.

    To think about all the money we could have saved on military and law enforcement training when you can get the same results in a concealed carry class, and can we stop calling units that deal with situations like an active school shooters "elite". Can't be elite if anyone can do it. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, crabbypatty said:


    Do you know what the only problem with that line of thinking is? The only way to get experience in situations like that is to actually BE in them. There are way more people who have that experience negatively (victims) than trained military and police combined. Look at it this way. I see the argument "if banning saves just one life it's worth it" bandied about as a justification for ban/confiscation. Is letting people use their constitutionally protected right to protect themselves to "save a life or lives" worth it?

    Nobody is really prepared to be in a situation like a carjacking or kidnapping or mass shooting, but training does in fact help. Even if it's just ccw at your local gun store it helps. I say as a 2x combat vet who has been to tons of range time/cqb/urban/vehicle mounted training while I was in the Army. Being able to reflexively do something when your first reaction is to blink in confusion helps. It absolutely does. If you have good training and are confident and well rehearsed, you'd be surprised what you do when you're on the spot in a life threatening situation. It's literally like you're on autopilot the first time or two.

    You'd be surprised what people do in danger situations. yes some freeze, but some take action, whether it's shielding someone, running away, attacking the attacker, or what have you.



    Does that paper differentiate between suicides, murders, self defense, ND/AD, etc?


    I saw a report where WV's gun violence rate went up after the passing of constitutional carry in 2016, but it did not specify what was what, just lumped them all together.

    There could very well be civilians that have the wherewithal to handle an active shooter, but that's not something I'd count on. My uncle was a combat pilot and my cousin was in an elite counter terror unit in the Israeli army. People like that (and yourself) are just wired differently and you guys are an exception, not the norm. Sure it's best to get as much training as possible as a civilian but I just don't believe your average person walking the streets has what it takes mentally and psychologically to handle this kind of situation with a deranged individual, let alone a kid that had enough wits about him to try to escape by walking out the front door with the rest of the students. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, crabbypatty said:


    That statement is based on what, your opinion?

    What constitutes a "trained professional"? A cop who goes to the range once a year to qualify?

    Military, swat??


    That whole paragraph sounds like you're just talking out of your ass. There are stories every day about how people who ccw stop robberies, carjackings, home invasions, etc.

    The reason you don't read about that more often is twofold:

    1. it doesn't fit the "guns are evil" narrative, plus is not very sensationalist so coverage is minimal

    2. a very small percentage of the population are actually licensed to carry, due to gun laws being what they are.


    If more states had shall issue ccw or constitutional carry (like here in wv) we'd probably see a bunch more stories about people defending themselves and their families with guns, as opposed to the 24/7 stories you see about people being victimized with guns.

    What qualifies a trained professional in my eyes is not someone who knows how to aim and shoot a gun, not someone who knows how to load a gun, not even the most hardcore gun enthusiast that knows the inner workings of an AR-15 like the back of his hand, but someone who has received the requisite emotional and psychological training necessary to deal with an active shooter in real time. Preferably even someone that has experience dealing with real life situations. Go to as many gun classes as you want, spend as much time as you want at a shooting range, but there is NOTHING they can teach any of us that could prepare us to handle a situation like that. Law enforcement and members of the military don't go to gun classes to mentally prepare for dealing with an active shooter. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    Well that was fairly comfortable. Scored a couple of belters first half. Second killed it after Southampton had looked pretty good coming back into it. Helped again by ourselves as we done another 'Spurs and madly sat back protecting it inviting them on which showcased Karius newfound confidence. The good-looking btard had his second boss game in a row. Didn't think I'd be typing this year but he's finally looking like the fella' we thought we'd bought. Mad how yer goalie refinds his confidence when he's not **** scared of being binned for every little mistake huh? Note to r Jürgey: Don't you DARE F bring that Belgium prick back in Wednesday! 

    van Dijk handled everything with consummate ease. (He's a C***! 
    yanno? Like his mate Degsy. Seems to be the universal insult of choice from those 'nice' Torry Brexiteers down the South Coast.). One super run second half that had it ended up a goal would have been the icing on the cake. Talking Lovren, perfect injury time sub to come on and relish the hate of those still left the ground their side. Numero uno C***! Not sure if even big Virge has replaced him as public enemy #1 down there which is quite amusing. 

    Second half was a comfortable see it managed really well with a slew of chances to extend it. Sadio is just trying too hard the end product at the minute. Overall play was good but it's just not quite there. But as he has through this up and down spell, 
    hes not hiding, getting in positions, and being a major menace to be accounted for. Mo was Mo. Bobby was Bobby. Can was Can. Matip was Matip. First two superb as per. Second two the worst players in Red. As so often. 

    Composed, unspectacular, hard graft professional outing. 

    The only frustrating thing is that the table should be reflecting what we are. The second best footballing side in the Country was it not for the incompetence of Moss and the deceptive cheats from North London. 

    Goosed. Remind me again why I thought it would be a good idea to drive Southampton and back one day. Then return the next almost a far to frigging Stansted for an overnight before an early flight Tuesday morning Porto? Things yers do for the Redmen. 

    Up the Lovren C***ish Reds!



    You Brits and what you call a "long drive". 

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    • Haha 2
  8. Diabolical final third play by United today. Not just poor finishing but poor final balls that should have easily lead to more poor finishing. I'm not ready to call for the manager's head but the players are just nervous in the final four. A confident attacking team plays instinctively in the final third but when a team lacks confidence despite having that much talent you have to start asking questions of the manager and the atmosphere in the dressing room. 

  9. Speaking of absurd things I've actually decided to watch a Serie A game due to a player being rumored to United but I have to say this Milinkovic Savic has had some very impressive moments. Elegant midfielder with a silky touch, very composed in tight spaces too and has a good sense of what's around him. Not sure he's really a box-to-box type though. To make it even more enjoyable the commentary is in Portuguese (no I don't speak it but it's awesome nontheless)

  10. 35 minutes ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    How super poor is this league outside of the top 6 clubs? 

    Utter S like Burnley 
    have now not won in 10 games, since back on December 12. (DLDDLLLDDL). Yet they STILL sit 7th. 

    Take out the top 6 and you've a product as bad as many smaller European leagues. The only thing that you can say about it that keeps it the most interesting league in the World is that nobody ever gives up and gives a big side an easy game. But as far as quality goes .....



    You're probably right but they basically do what they want over there. After they signed Lewandoski on a free transfer (the equivalent of Chelsea signing Harry Kane on a free more or less) nothing would surprise me with that "league". Gotze's transfer was sealed during a season in which Dortmund were competing directly against Bayern in the league and making a run to the CL final, and last but not least Hummels' transfer was sealed like it was a top 6 club buying a player from a Championship side. The level of absurdity in those three transfers alone should prepare you for anything. 

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  11. 12 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:

    On diving...




    18-year old Messi: Boss, how do I become the GOAT?

    Ronaldinho: 1. Don't go to Real Madrid. 2. Don't dive.


    And then Messi became the GOAT.

    PS: that type of thinking is why you choked against chelsea, mauricio

    Barca is your shining example of fair play? Nearly spit out my coffee. 

  12. 1 hour ago, DC9 said:


    Bad manners from us earlier being in the thick of the refs - my apologies for that. 



    No worries it was 60 years ago other than GHH who was probably in his 30s at the time nobody was around to be effected by it. I'd be seething too in your place the last time I remember something like that happening to United was at Stamford Bridge in 2010 or 2011. Can't say Martin Atkinson's passion for all things Chelsea has faded much. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  13. At 33 going on 34 and having been a United fan since the age of 6, all I know of the Busby Babes comes from books and articles. It's a selfish way of thinking but I still can't help but wonder if history would be written any different with the addition of George Best to the 58 team as it was 60 years ago today. 

    1 minute ago, DC9 said:

    So the use of TV is illegal and since Moss said he wasn't sure ON VIDEO, and his linesman wasn't sure either and Moss awarded the pen ANYWAYS, since the ball deflected off of Lovren it was a clear pen. 




    And Karius saved that one.


    What's the latest on the second one? 


    Cause you know... the **** show happened twice...


    Is it sinking in that the ****ing ref said he wasn't sure TWICE and awarded the pen TWICE yet? 


    Of the handful or so of camera angles only one shows indisputable evidence that it should have been a penalty. If you subscribe to the theory that that angle happened to be the linesman's angle too then it's a penalty but it wasn't given straight away so I'm not sure. 

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  14. I'll buy that there was contact on Lamela but that's with the benefit of that replay with a perfect angle. Not sure how the linesman spotted it in real time. Terrific game for the neutrals though. 

  15. 4 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    As good as they looked through the week when they could have hung 4/5 on Utd, Tottenham never do **** at r's

    anticipate anything other than that continuing today and breathing back down Utd's neck for second. 

    Into these horrible C ockney  ****s Redmen!



    Again they really didn't look that good. Two fluke goals sandwiching a half hour period in which they were clearly second best. After the second goal United's mental fragility took over. I've seen Spurs play much better and if that's what they bring to Anfield you're in for a pleasant afternoon (or morning if you're on the other side of the ocean)

  16. 2 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    So now the January window is in the books, let’s recap L’pools, ‘mixed’ business. 

    Started with a bang with van Dijk finally inked for what will run to £75 million. If anything, this being clinched the end of December, it probably happened too early as in today’s transient, ‘What have you done for me lately’ World, with next to nothing following him, it’s left a very flat feel to L’pool’s January business. Had he come in say deadline day, the perception of our window would probably have been totally different. The only other incomings have been 2 for the youth ranks. Although in the case of the young Colombian U-20 International FB/ Winger (either side) Anderson Arroyo he’ll have to be flipped out on loan for the purpose of the permit. (More than likely to Malaga, where he impressed on trial in December, for the next 2 years to gain a European Visa. And Tony Gallacher, the Scottish U-17 International LB from Falkirk for £200,000. Although by all accounts 2 very promising 18 year-olds, not exactly the additions you’d of hoped to compliment van Dijk for the second half push. Particularly as the window started to fall flat with the outgoings .....

    The biggie of course was Coutinho who finally forced through his dream Barcelona move to the tune of what may well eventually tally £142 million. A move that sadly had to be made for the good of the bad atmosphere we now know he was creating around the team. Not only moping around Melwood, letting it be known to everyone he didn’t want to be here, but flat out refusing to play for the second transfer window in a row. Basically making his position untenable and L’pool open to him pulling more similar, disgraceful **** the rest of the year. (What would he have done had we pulled Barcelona for example Europe? Would he have quit again the end of the season to be fully healthy the WC?). When the very core of the club, the changing room, comes under threat from one bad apple, you have to remove that for the good of the team. The problem though in not replacing him leaves L’pool light a top drawer creative talent from the midfield who could also equally fill in the front three. We’re basically now down to Chamberlain, Lallana who’s struggling for fitness, and the very up and down Can as a creative force in midfield. Slim pickings and the manager is going to have to be creative to juggle the best out of them game-by-game the run-in. The other two permanent departures were Cam Brannagan, to Oxford. And Lloyd Jones, to Luton. Both for undisclosed fees. Neither of whom ever really showed any difference making ability to suggest they’d cut it the top level so no real future loss as they start out on their pro-careers at 21 and 22 respectively. All the best fellas regardless. Hope you both have long, healthy and successful careers.

    And 7 players left on loan for the remainder of this season. Ryan Kent was recalled from Germany after a very lean time at Freiburg to be immediately flipped to Bristol City. Interested to see how he copes the top of the Championship as to whether he may stick around. At 21 he needs to really grasp this chance fully and kick on again like last year or he may well be moved on the summer. Marko Grujic has gone out to another Championship high flyer Cardiff. Which should be just what he needs to get regular games and learn the dark arts from Neil Warnock. A proper btard if ever there was one who breeds proper btards on the pitch. Grujic has all the tools to be a solid member of the squad going forward. He just needs rounding out and hopefully this experience will do wonders for him. Ovie Ejaria has gone to Sunderland and their relegation fight. Personally really like him. Real classy player. But he’s that many hoops to still jump through to get back the first team picture you can’t help sadly thinking his career will be away from Anfield. Harry Wilson has gone to Hull but despite all the hype and ridiculous goals/ assists the last few years from the consensus best player in all of PL2, there’s just something lacking to think he’ll do it the next step up. Physically undersized which doesn’t bode well against grown men. Be nice to be wrong there but not expecting a L’pool career there personally. And the less said about Ladzar Markovic and that cretin Flanagan the better who’ve gone to Belgium and Bolton respectively. Sooner both are out the club on permy deals the better. Which leaves the late biggie and cause of much contentious debate the last few days among Reds. Daniel Sturridge and his move home to West Brom. Brilliant for both new club and player. Daniel gets to play regularly. Albion get a top class striker if they can keep him healthy. But another one that leaves Liverpool real light in the out-and-out striking department with now only the very raw Dom Solanke and the nowhere near fully recouperated Danny Ings. Quite the gamble on Firmino staying fit and managing him so his legs don’t fall off late again from the manager.

    So from starting from a serious position of strength and a bang with big Virge, we’ve ended with a whimper and somehow depleted the squad the other end the park. It’s certainly a gamble from a manager who you have to admire for not settling and waiting until the summer to get his men. The right men for L’pool. Can’t say I wholly agree but then he’s delivered and not really let us down thus far so he deserves our trust and continued support. His choice and his choice alone which he’s hung his hat on the next 4 months. 

    I still have every faith we can take 2nd and go deep into Europe. We’ve proved we’re the best side out there behind City. But that’s now predicated to having no key injuries like we suffered last year. 

    Here’s hoping the mad German ****s gamble pays off as this season still promises so much. 

    Is it Sunday and Tottenham already? 



    The most frustrating thing (for me) about today's game was Tottenham even after scoring so quickly were not nearly as dominant as the score line would suggest. The majority of the chances they created came after United decided to call it a day. Playing two slow fullbacks that high against what Liverpool do is like jumping into a pool full of piranhas with a ribeye strapped to your junk. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    Superb night. Up to third. A game out of second. 6 and 5 goal swings on Chelsea and Utd respectively in two days.

    up the game Sunday with Tottenham at r's superbly. 



    Missing Bailey massively but above and beyond him, your defence remains a mess. Take de Gea out of the equation and your goals against record would be up there with ours. 



    Bailly and Rojo for that matter were a solid pair last season. I'm not buying the lovefest for Spurs it was utter self distraction and mental fragility on United's part that put this game into garbage time very early on. Herrera for whatever reason is a shell of himself offensively but he should have come on for Lingard after halftime. Ultimately besides being mentally fragile i can't fault them Smalling and Jones are an utter embarrassment with their passivity and lack of composure. Stole a game check today imo. 

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