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Burgundy Yoda

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Posts posted by Burgundy Yoda

  1. 1 hour ago, Warhead36 said:

    I'm not saying he's perfect, i just think the personnel is by far the bigger problem.

    Man I don't know, he has a lot to work with in my opinion but doesn't know how to use the players properly. Apart from a DL entirely consisting of 1st rounders, he has a 1st round LB, a 1st round CB and a few 3rd round CBs to go along with that. You should be able to make a good defense out of this group. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Warhead36 said:

    The more the season goes on the less I blame Del Rio. At some point the players you bank on playing well have to play well. Is it Jack's fault WJ3 has been a bust, Fuller had the yips for 5 ish games, we didn't do enough to address LB, or that Young has apparently regressed? The only thing I blame him for is not playing Jamin Davis more but coaches in general tend to be very hesitant to play rookies unless they're just slam dunk stars off the bat.

    We have the 31st ranked defense in the league, I think it's safe to assume everyone is at fault in some way. Del Rio really doesn't have the track record of being a great defensive coordinator to allow much more room for error. There are many less talented defenses out there that are vastly superior to ours. At some point, a change needs to be done and the coach is the easiest change if he isn't getting through to the players and doesn't have a good system. 

  3. One thing I will say is that this is a slow burn but it is a growing fire with this report and how the NFL has handled it. I've never seen NFL fans apart from our own have disdain towards another NFL owner like they do Snyder. This isn't going to die down and now apparently with Mark Davis requested the report (he won't get it), it's still in the headlines and gaining traction. 


    The NFL needs to be very careful in how they handle this, sponsors jumping off the bandwagon is the best we can hope for. I do think most other owners have skeletons in the closet in some way, but I don't think any of them are as bad as Snyder. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, Alcoholic Zebra said:


    He was pretty good, because Dallas's team was good and he was given an extremely simple offense to run.  Simple reads, simple concepts, etc.  All the offensive talent around him let him develop slowly.  That doesn't mean he was bad as a rookie.  Just severely limited, but it worked fine because the rest of the offense was loaded.

    He definitely had a good offense around him but at the same time he was really good instantly and I kind of feel like he's still a bad example. There's nothing about his play that indicated that he was being carried by the offense. He's become a better passer over the years but he's been a pretty good passed since day one. Sucks that Dallas got gifted a franchise QB right after Romo while we are here foolishly still waiting for ours. 

  5. The one that cracks me up the most is Snyder giving employees a basket of ****ing apples instead of the usual holiday bonus. 


    Those apples were probably stolen from a village tree in some third world country, in which that was their only source of food. Either that, or he went to the grocery store, cut everyone in line citing himself as "King Snyder" and individually scanned every apple in his 70 pound apple sack.  


    You have to be insane to gleefully eat an apple given to you by Snyder and not think something is up. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Alcoholic Zebra said:


    QB is paramount.  But that line of thinking is flawed.


    Some QB's need more time and less asked of them to develop.  Look at Dak Prescott.  The team was good enough he didn't need to do much, and they could take things much slower with him.


    A good team will make developing a QB easier.  There's less pressure on them.  Less heroics demanded of them.  They can focus on the basics.


    Tom Brady's first few years were with a great defense and offensive line.  They brought in a HoF bellcow RB (Curtis Martin) to help make things easier for one of his earlier seasons too.


    Russell Wilson definitely benefited from an elite defense keeping scores low so he didn't have to be in a shootout.  Just a few good drives early on.


    Ben Roethlisberger's process was the same as Dak Prescott.  What he was asked of offensively in 2003 was super basic.  The team around him was good enough he could slowly develop.


    If you could draft a QB and immediately know if you won the lottery, then sure, your method would be great.  But it takes the development aspect out of the equation.

    The Bucs were stacked and were a 7 win team before getting a franchise QB. I think that line of thinking holds some weight. Also, using Dak Prescott as a rookie is a bad example. The guy had 29 total TDs and 4 ints as a rookie. He was pretty good right out of the gates, most of us just didn't want to believe that Dallas had hit gold that fast right after Romo and nitpicked him to death. 

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  7. 51 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

    I know he was a #2 pick and with that comes really high expectations. I think he has looked a little better these last couple of games. Not a world beater for sure. But, it is way too early to call him a bust. He’s 22. There’s a lot of knowledge and strength to be gained yet. He needs to show up this off-season to learn and build on himself. 

    by the time he is 24-25 he will be rolling, if in fact he ever does. I know the Bosas killed it right away, but not every person is the same. You definitely do not throw in the towel. He needs to be challenged until he reaches his potential. 

    we haven’t seen a ton out of Sweat either. I think he’s way better than he is showing as well. Both skipped the off season

    Sweat is on pace for double digit sacks, has more QB hits, and pressures than Chase and it really isn't close. I think we've seen quite a bit more from him than Chase this year. 

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  8. 6 hours ago, Redskins Reparations said:

    I am just going to post this here…



    I'm a bit concerned this is the only year where he has been good. Every other year he has been unspectacular. He could be a similar to Joe Burrow in a sense that he will have a ton of experience and finally puts it all together. 


    On a side note, is there room for a Pickett on this team if we already have Blewitt?

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, MrJL said:


    no we didn't because with our luck you let Chase Young get by us and come into our conference and maybe our division he'd end the guy


    And just because no one is worth tanking for or being the first pick doesn't mean no good QBs will arrive

    That doesn't matter, Chase Young is playing at a significantly less important position, and he's not even that great at his position at this moment. 

  10. 1 minute ago, MrJL said:


    things I've heard say there is no particularly good one


    Sports illustrateds first mock has no QB going until the 9th pick


    Hard to believe not one good QB will come out this year. It's happened before but it seems rare. 


    We messed up significantly in 2020 by not taking a franchise QB. That was our chance, we bottomed out and blew it. 

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