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Bozo the kKklown

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Posts posted by Bozo the kKklown

  1. The Guardian: Revealed - Republican lawmaker aided group training young men for 'biblical warfare



    The Republican politician Matt Shea connected close allies with a group offering training to young men in “biblical warfare” that includes how to use knives, pistols and rifles, with lessons based in part on the teachings of a Georgia-based neo-Confederate pastor, emails obtained by the Guardian reveal.


    Shea, who is an elected Washington state representative, later made videos in support of the group, and appeared alongside them at a gathering at a religious community in remote eastern Washington. He also paid the founder of the group money from his campaign fund in 2018.


    The emails, sent in July 2016, begin with an email from Patrick Caughran, who presents himself as the founder of a training group called Team Rugged. They were provided to the Guardian by a former Shea associate who was copied in on the exchange.


    Caughran asks Shea to publicize a link to the group’s Facebook page, and put him in touch with “John Jacob Schmidt”, the nom de guerre of Shea associate, Jack Robertson. Robertson is a rightwing podcast host who advocates for conservatives to move to the “American Redoubt” in eastern Washington, Idaho and Montana, and, with Shea, campaigns for eastern Washington to secede and form its own state.


    On Team Rugged website, it is described as “a Christian organization that strongly believes in building manly character and the capability to stand in adversity in young men”.


    In his email to Shea, however, Caughran offers a different description, saying that the group exists “to provide patriotic and biblical training on war for young men”.


    He continues: “Everything about it is both politically incorrect and what would be considered shocking truth to most modern Christians.”


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  2. Not sure if you all care but Brazil had an American style of corruption to put corn Lula da Silva. It was all intercepted and involved Supreme Court Justices, etc





    AN ENORMOUS TROVE of secret documents reveals that Brazil’s most powerful prosecutors, who have spent years insisting they are apolitical, instead plotted to prevent the Workers’ Party, or PT, from winning the 2018 presidential election by blocking or weakening a pre-election interview with former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva with the explicit purpose of affecting the outcome of the election.


    The massive archive, provided exclusively to The Intercept, shows multiple examples of politicized abuse of prosecutorial powers by those who led the country’s sweeping Operation Car Wash corruption probe since 2014. It also reveals a long-denied political and ideological agenda. One glaring example occurred 10 days before the first round of presidential voting last year, when a Supreme Court justice granted a petition from the country’s largest newspaper, Folha de São Paulo, to interview Lula, who was in prison on corruption charges brought by the Car Wash task force.


    Immediately upon learning of that decision on September 28, 2018, the team of prosecutors who handled Lula’s corruption case — who spent years vehemently denying that they were driven by political motives of any kind — began discussing in a private Telegram chat group how to block, subvert, or undermine the Supreme Court decision. This was based on their expressed fear that the decision would help the PT — Lula’s party — win the election.


    Based on their stated desire to prevent the PT’s return to power, they spent hours debating strategies to prevent or dilute the political impact of Lula’s interview.

    The Car Wash prosecutors explicitly said that their motive in stopping Lula’s interview was to prevent the PT from winning. One of the prosecutors, Laura Tessler, exclaimed upon learning of the decision, “What a joke!” and then explained the urgency of preventing or undermining the decision. “A press conference before the second round of voting could help elect Haddad,” she wrote in the chat group, referring to the PT’s candidate Fernando Haddad. The chief of the prosecutor task force, Deltan Dallagnol, conducted a separate conversation with a longtime confidant, also a prosecutor, and they agreed that they would “pray” together that the events of that day would not usher in the PT’s return to power.




    More in the article 

  3. Chicago has a lot of gun violence, partly because you can drive 50 minutes to Indiana and buy all the guns you want.


    You can also go down to Missouri and buy guns.


    I grew up in PG County, and we have a no fireworks policy. But fireworks still went off on July 4 because you can buy all you want at the pop-up fireworks stand on the DC side of the DC/Maryland border.

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    No other developed country has anywhere near this level of both gun violence and mass shootings. A 2016 study, “Mass Shootings: Media, Myths, and Realities,” found that between 2000 and 2014, the United States had 133 mass shootings, while Finland had just two (killing 18 people in total) and Switzerland had one mass shooting (killing 14 in total). In 2019, America has had more mass shootings than days. In The Atlantic, David Frum, like so many other commentators, called it “a uniquely American determination to ignore the obvious,” pointing out that nations like Italy are home to white supremacists and even fascistic leaders, but not mass shootings. “More guns, more killing. Fewer guns, less killing,” he wrote in conclusion. “Everybody else has figured that out. Americans—and only Americans—refuse to do so.”


    That’s not quite right, however. For all the talk of America’s obsession with guns and propensity for violence, only 30 percent of Americans actually own them, according to Pew Research. A solid majority—57 percent of Americans—support stricter gun laws, with 80 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents versus 28 percent of Republicans. Blue states, like California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Hawaii, and New York, have passed stricter gun-control laws—and even though it’s relatively easy to purchase firearms and bring them across state lines, those states have lower rates of gun violence than those with lax standards, according to the Giffords Law Center. On the federal level, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed two bipartisan gun-control bills earlier this year: H.R. 8 (a bill prohibiting person-to-person firearms transfer unless a background check can be performed) and H.R. 1112 (a bill extending the time firearms dealers have to wait for a response on background checks to 10 days).


    That legislation has been held up in the Republican-controlled Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has not brought them to the floor for a vote. It is not merely a problem of obstructionism at the federal level either. Nine of the ten states with the highest gun-death rates—Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia—have both Republican-controlled state legislatures and weak gun laws. So it is not, as Frum asserts, that “Americans express befuddlement, and compete to devise ever more far-fetched answers.” It is largely a Republican determination to do so.


    Read the rest here: GQ - America’s Mass Shooting Epidemic Is the Result of Republican Minority Rule

  5. 4 hours ago, Bang said:

    No, he's right. it is most certainly the end goal.

    We have been conditioned that our enemies are our neighbors, a mental health and junky crisis has been cultivated and guns flooded into the general populace. This indoctrination is not by any 8-chan or 4chan or Cant****ingGetLaidChan, but by Fox news and mainstream outlets of opinion that have spent 25 years hammering home the idea that anyone not on the right is evil, trying to kill god, The country, destroy Christmas, ruin the pledge, every damn scare they can absolutely use, includng blaming everyone for the evil they do. Want to find a pedophile? Find the GOP congressman who stands out against it. and so on and so on and so on.
    The folks who go get 'radicalized' on 8chan are already predisposed to it by the constant bombardment of hate and fear created by the entirety of right wing strategists and their incredibly effective propaganda. 
    None of this is by accident. None of it. They have started a war here.

    This is most definitely the desired result because you don't mix up those ingredients for nothing, and

    A/ it gets rid of poor people (As in "aaaawwww, those poor people.. at least it wasn't any of us in our ivory towers reaping the rewards of destroying this country" ..  they typically shoot up places that the elites do not go. Malls, movies, icky public schools filled with people that don't look like Muffy and Tad down at the rotary club.
    if someone rampages across a trump golf course or into one of his hotels and kills 20 or so billionaire class.. then they might do something. 



    B/ it makes money. Every single time, the cash registers ring. Be afraid, Be angry, Kill the killer before he kills you. Shoot shoot and shoot some more, arm everyone, exempt no one, be quick on the draw or ****ing die before you get out of 8th grade.


    hate to say it, but there ain't but one way out babe. And dialogue and debate have gone absolutely nowhere. This will get worse.





    Its bigger than Fox News. This is a corporate takeover of our country.

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