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Bozo the kKklown

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Posts posted by Bozo the kKklown

  1. 2 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    I'm not saying you wrong, I'm saying it's not right nor sustainable.

    It’s not right but it’s capitalism.


    Look at how this country bends over backwards over the Gulf States. It’s not new, it probably isn’t sustainable, and this form of capitalism probably isn’t sustainable.

    • Like 1
  2. 57 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


    They're going to cool American willingness to do business with them because of the ****storm censorship has created in the US.  Nobody wants to be in the position that the NBA and Blizzard find themselves in.  That's the other side of the coin.

    No they aren’t. American business is interested in accessing a market of 2 billion people. This is the wealthy and powerful corporations getting their skirts lifted.


    This is like the final frontier of capitalism. Accessing state funds from other nations to support their corporations.

  3. 4 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

    And the CCP are out of their ****ing minds too if they think they can flex and censor the speech of Americans in America without consequence.  They don't understand us either.

    They understand American corporations well, imo. Money over everything.


    And Israel is currently doing this in the USA with anti-BDS policy. 

  4. Not sure if you all are looking at around the world, but there are a bunch of protests taking place because of corruption and anti-democratic efforts. Ecuador is Kicking off right now too.


    But us Americans are doing nothing while a guy is becoming a dictator with no impediment. 

    We are a docile nation who is sitting down and watching the world burn and our institutions collapse.

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:


    The right-wing philosophy on economics has been dragged so far out of whack that Dems simply trying to restore some of the taxes on wealthy is described as "socialism"  people are abandoning critical thinking and instead falling for boogeyman terminology. 


    They did the same thing to FDR when he advanced the New Deal.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, mcsluggo said:






    this incorporates all levels of taxation (not just federal taxes), and this is ****ing disgraceful.   But if you point it out, GOPPERs will clutch their pearls and whimper about "class warfare"

    ^^^^^^^  THIS  ^^^^^^^ is ****ing class warfare you disingenuous disgusting turds.




    full article at link





    The wealthy have been engaged in class warfare for over 40 years. This is why young people are turning to socialism.

    • Thanks 1
  7. This China stuff is hilarious. Twitter is not allowed in China. This is the Chinese government telling the NBA to have a seat. The NBA ain’t about that life so they will fall back, but Chinese people are absolutely not creating a ruckus about this if they even know it’s happening.

    A lot of those accounts were started last week.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Metalhead said:

    So tonight's game is at 9:37pm. That pisses me off. IMO, that's insane for a playoff game...these are the games that should be scheduled to allow MORE fans to watch, not less.


    I was only able to make it to the sixth or top of the seventh last night before I fell asleep.

    So we shouldn’t care about the stadium goers?

  9. 8 hours ago, Warhead36 said:

    Fernando effing Rodney LOL come on Davey what are you doing

    I’m stunned this is the only criticism of Martinez tonight in the Rodney situation.


    After he miraculously got Bellinger out, Doolittle should have entered the game. This isn’t a hindsight criticism.


    Martinez had a great game on Tuesday and then made a critical mistake there.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Larry said:

    I mean, all you did was come into a thread which was created for the purpose of discussing human righta abuses in China, Point out how China is actually better than the people you want to talk about

    When did I do that?


    ”China is up front and unrepentant about their human rights problems,” is not me saying China is better about it. I shouldn’t have taken you serious when you said “only loons and trolls” bring up the USA’s human rights abuses but then you decided to misrepresent my words, lol. Boy, bye.


    2 hours ago, No Excuses said:


    You need proof that internationally there isn’t coverage of migrant detention camps, mass incarceration etc in the US? Feel free to turn on Al Jazeera, BBC etc at any point and see how the US is discussed around the world. 


    Our abuses are well known, with the difference being that as citizens we have the right to criticize our governments abuse of power, our domestic press and the international press can document abuses and citizens have the ability to do right and make corrections through self-governance. 


    You don’t care who is more bad because you are an ideologue pure and simple. Introducing nuance would mean that you can’t make blanket statements and bull**** equivalencies between democratic societies and totalitarian surveillance states.

    I also need proof the USA’s police violence, treatment of the homeless, and over incarceration of its citizens is seen as human rights violations. Does our media call it that or is just an accepted part of living in America?


    And I don’t care who is more bad because from where I live, bad is bad. Just because my knife only went three inches into someone’s back while yours went six inches doesn’t mean I get to stand on a higher ground. But to you, that means it’s only three inches.

  11. 1 hour ago, No Excuses said:


    Yes and regardless they are not remotely even on the scale of what happens in China, as much as you want to draw false equivalencies and turn this discussion into how much you hate the west. 

    A) need proof

    2) Bad is bad. I don’t care about who is “more bad.” This is how a lot of you comfort yourselves. “Well we don’t do as much bad as....”


    51 minutes ago, Larry said:




    But only by loons and trolls.  

    Indeed. The loons and trolls are the ones pointing out police violence. Are pointing out the over incarceration of Americans. Are complaining about kids being separated from their families through deportations and concentration camps. Us loons and trolls.



    And please don’t take anything I am saying as absolving China. They have surpassed the US as a surveillance state the last decade along with what they are doing to the Uyghur people. My only point is no one is putting the pressure on China because the big western powers have and are engaging in their own human rights abuses as well, and they prop up apartheid states like Israel.

  12. 10 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


    China is not upfront and how you arrive at this conclusion is beyond my understanding. We barely know the scale of atrocities happening in Xinjiang because reporters aren’t let in and the entire region is under surveillance lockdown. 

    When I say upfront, I mean it’s being discussed by the international community.


    Are human right violations by the US, UK, or Canada even discussed?



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