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Bozo the kKklown

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Posts posted by Bozo the kKklown

  1. American Prospect: The Medicare for All Cost Debate Is Extremely Dishonest


    Over the weekend in Indianola, Iowa, Elizabeth Warren announced that she would soon roll out specific details for financing Medicare for All, the culmination of a week of “but how will you pay for that” demands from the media and rival presidential candidates.


    That a nation with millions of uninsured people and tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths from lack of access to health care is consumed with talking about taxes, rather than the revolution in human rights that would come from universal coverage, tells you a lot about life in the United States, and why we still suffer from a broken system.

    But this triumph of budgetary scolding is being applied unevenly. If we want to talk about “paying” for universal coverage, we should expand the discussion to all the candidates who claim to support it.


    While Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg and others have howled about cost, there’s a deception at the heart of their own plans: either they put just as much health care costs on the federal government as the Warren-Sanders single-payer model, or they’re effectively useless. 


    Biden and Buttigieg have separately proposed public options that would compete with private insurance. In Biden’s plan, even those with employer-sponsored insurance could opt out and choose the public plan. Buttigieg would offer subsidies to help people pay for the public option, capping the cost of insurance at 8.5 percent of income.


    Both explicitly pitch this as a cheaper way to establish universal coverage. But that claim relies on a hide-the-ball scenario. Biden or Buttigieg’s public option, over time, will either serve as a weak alternative to private coverage, with high premiums and substandard coverage. Or, backed by government bargaining power, it will outshine private insurance and gradually supplant it. Buttigieg himself talks about his plan as a “glide path” to Medicare for All.


    If it doesn’t work, the public option will certainly be cheap, but it also won’t help anybody at a meaningful scale. If it does attract millions of customers, then in the long run, it would approach a single-payer system. At that point, on the “how will you pay for that” question that Biden and Buttigieg are posing, it faces the same challenges as the Warren-Sanders model.

    Biden and Buttigieg take advantage of the fact that we use a bizarre and often faulty system to “score” legislation in the Congressional Budget Office, which only looks at a ten-year window for budgetary impact. If the public option is good, and it eventually becomes a kind of Medicare for All, the cost spike would all happen outside the ten-year window. So Biden and Buttigieg are either lying about how effective their public options will be, or they’re lying about how much they will ultimately cost. They can’t have it both ways.

    More in the link above.

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  2. 32 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:


    how did it work though?

    He trained and perfected it


    A lot of players had stupid shooting motions before the sport got centralized and was regularly on TV. Look at Reggie Miller’s form. Larry Bird’s form was also weird.

  3. 3 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


    They absolutely would not punish a player for tweeting what Morey did.  Especially not someone like LeBron.  And he certainly never would have faced losing his job.  There is nothing LeBron could do that will draw discipline from the league.  And the **** storm for silencing a prominent black athlete speaking out in support of a pro-Democracy group in China would be infinitely bigger than anything Morey triggered.


    LeBron showed his ass with his behavior.  Nobody asked him to jump out onto the front lines of this situation.  It would have been much better for the league if he hadn't said anything at all.

    The league said they would suspend players if they kneeled during the anthem. 

    LeBron is definitely pro profits over social causes that don’t concern him. The issue is so is the NBA.

  4. On 10/18/2019 at 6:46 AM, stevemcqueen1 said:

    I think he's also wrong.


    I read that LeBron is the player who whined to the league about not punishing Morey and that "if a player had done what Morey did, there'd be consequences."  Such a breathtakingly stupid, sheltered, and flat out un-American response to this situation.  LeBron ilt his credibility on fire this week.

    Do you disagree that a player would have been punished if they did what Morey did?


    I also read he was upset that players were put on the frontlines of this despite the mess being created by management. 

    On 10/18/2019 at 12:16 PM, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

    He too fat 

    Zion isn’t fat.


    He has baby fat on his face but the guy is muscular.


    Basically, I’m not sure he can lose the weight he should. 

    He also walks like a penguin.

  5. 6 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

    You’ve also criticized China, but by first paraphrasing how bad the US is just as much. 

    Just like you can’t bring yourself to criticize LeBron without making poor attempts at making him a victim of mean ol white men of corporate America

    Again, I don’t see the world as there are only good guys and bad guys.  (Also my Post was more angry at Fulan Gong, which is a cult that received funding from the US government and have paid for pro-Trump ads)

    I am skeptical of everything Fulan Gong says knowing that.


    But China has been doing bad things for many years and the US still does business with them. That and the US has its own issue with human right abuse. The world isn’t black and white, there aren’t any good actors in this world. That was the point I’m making.

    And if you want to read me saying LeBron only steps out an make statements when it won’t affect his money as painting LeBron a victim, then I can’t take you serious in this convo.

  6. 4 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

    Mr. Nuance should read the thread, which has plenty of criticism for the corporate egg heads in this mess. 

    Let’s get real, you can’t bring yourself to be critical of black athletes without the need to perform an Olympic gold medal performance in mental gymnastics. 

    Yeah, but you decided to go at James Harden and LeBron and not Bob Iger, Tillman Fetitta, Mark Parker, etc.


    And if I can’t be critical of black athletes, you should go back to the post you decided not to quote where I criticized LeBron. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, tshile said:

    it’s interesting you come running to his defense with whataboutism though 🤔

    This is a big issue with message board conversations. Nuance gets lost for a “gotcha” moment. I do it too.


    My post wasn’t a defense of LeBron. I am critical of LeBron being painted as the face of this when he didn’t create this mess. It’s not a defense of LeBron’s statement, it’s more of why is the attacks mostly on him and not the persons and institutions who created this? But let me be clear, LeBron’s statement was stupid and shows what he is actually concerned with. I have also always been critical of LeBron touching on some social issues because the money support it and then staying mum on others. Or LeBron making a vague statement that sounds like he is down for the cause but is actually saying nothing substantive. (Like a politician)

    Nike have made him the Hip Hop Generation’s MJ. 

    This is almost, but not quite, similar to what usually happens in pro sports labor stoppages where fans side with the owners and paint the players as the bad guys for wanting a few more millions. Fans feel mad at players but are fine with the billionaire owners wanting more.

    • Like 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Destino said:


    It's China's mess.  They're the bad actors in this situation.  The choices on this side of the ocean are to be complicit via your silence or speak your conscience.  This was always going to happen, because there is no way the NBA and China partnership was going to go on forever without someone in this woke league noting something China is up to at some point. 

    And like I stated earlier, there are no good actors in this situation. The Chinese government, the NBA, ESPN, Morey, LeBron, etc, none of them are good actors in this situation.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Destino said:


    Cleaning up his mess... man you must be trying for sainthood with that level of charity.  Harden Lebron are throwing him under the bus, and boot licking China, to protect their pockets.  They're catching it on the chin in the US precisely because we all know exactly what they're doing. 



    When I say clean up his mess, I’m talking about tryna keep the relationship with China good.


    I am not writing in Morse code. We all are dealing by with the same information, no?

  10. 1 hour ago, Destino said:


    And lets not pretend Morey has more power than Harden in the rockets organization either just because he’s management

    It’s not about who has more power.


    Morey is the one who is Casper even though his words created this situation. Harden and LeBron have tried to clean up his mess.

  11. 41 minutes ago, Fergasun said:


    It also ignores another thread about society losing the "American values" the country stood as when we came together so many years ago.  Like free speech, liberty, self determination  and if the people, by the people, for the people.  Partly because "American values" has been coopted to mean "white American values"  by racists... and theres hypocrisy also.  

    American values has always been “what’s good for white elite white people.”


    We can only grow when we destroy these myths.


    13 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

    Who forced him to make this statement? Did the NBA and Morey come to him and say “James, please apologize to China”.

    We can’t have this conversation if you aren’t going to be serious.

  12. 4 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

    benning meat benning


    None of them are speaking on behalf of Morey or the NBA. Total garbage take. 

    Wtf is you talking about? That’s literally what that hostage statement he made last week was? 

    how you gonna throw around that you reside in higher education circles and can’t even do a proper google search or better yet look at the context of situations.


    7 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


    This feels different, and credit I'd want to give to Corporate America for lifting their skirt so blatantly like they are defending authoritarianism to make more money.  I preferred Jordan's approach of jus say little as possible on stuff like this and assume he doesnt care because they buy shoes, too.  This is disturbing.


    Nothing has really changed except China is powerful. If anything, this is corporate America realizing they not the big dogs anymore. They can’t bulldoze nations like they used to. (Again, not defending China. No one is good here and I wish people would start understanding that)

  13. 1 hour ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


    I think you're barking up the wrong tree too.  Do you really think Morey put a muzzle on himself?  Be mad at the NBA, not the players and GMs.  It was the NBA's decision to depend so heavily on commerce in China that they're willing to abandon their values and effectively censor the speech of Americans in America for the CCP.  It was the NBA's decision to let someone like Joseph Tsai buy a team.  Be mad at the Chinese government and business community for acting like thugs and then censoring the speech of, not just their own people, but of foreigners abroad.

    Morey is NBA management, so I can say him and the NBA. James Harden having to speak on behalf of Morey and the Rockets is disgusting. Lebron having to make a statement on behalf of the nba is gross. The players didn’t do this, the NBA did. Morey is a coward, end of story.


    And lol at “abandon their values.” The NBA is a capitalist entity. This is capitalism. You can’t be that naive of how the world works? They only values they have is making money.

  14. 9 hours ago, No Excuses said:

    Never take seriously another word this man has to say on civil rights.



    I don’t think LeBron says anywhere near enough when it comes to Civil Rights issues in this country, but what kind of all or nothing nonsense is this?


    54 minutes ago, DoneMessedUp said:

    Lebron is only woke when being woke gets him paid. And I have no doubts that's true for most woke celebrities.

    Just like every other corporation. The NBA is supposedly conscious on social issues yet is backpedaling like Deion Sanders in ‘94 on this. How about Nike? ESPN? We can run down the line. Why do you make it seem like it’s just LeBron and woke celebrities and not our institutions?

  15. Nah, he should be pissed at Morey because Morey is a coward. He backed off his statement immediately and then went ghost. Now he has nba players speaking on his mess. (And I say that not agreeing with Lebron)


    In the state of Texas, another black person was killed by the police in their own home minding their business, is anyone going to talk about human rights there? Morey, as far as I know, has never uttered a sentence about that. LeBron doesn’t say but the bare minimum himself.

    5 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

    Congratulations, human race. We've finally figured out how to get capitalism and authoritarianism to coexist in broad daylight.

    This was figured out a long time ago and was done out in the open. Do not give the Chinese credit for this.

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