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Posts posted by SkinssRvA

  1. 2 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:

    City Keys to Qualifying:


    1. Spend 500 million in the transfer window.

    2. Don't let Liverpool score.

    3. If you're losing at half time, start a fight in the dressing-rooms.

    4. Chances, chances, chances.

    5. Knock Salah out of the game by any means possible.

    6. Dive for a red card, it's the only reason you beat Liverpool last year.

    7. Admit you need Messi and spend 500 million in the transfer window.


    8. Sign 10 fullbacks

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

    Bruh, we talking about Liverpool with Klopp. You specifically mentioned Liverpool beating City as well to make that claim.


    Your critique of Guardiola is just not founded.


    10 hours ago, SkinssRvA said:

     Klopp just beat man city with less talent (sorry red fans).  Klopp also did wonders at BvB. 

    I mentioned both.


    And you keep saying my critique is not founded.  well, this whole thing started with you saying I was wrong for my critique, then literally spouting off exactly what I said as your critique.  You mentioned the exact same player I did (Gundogan) and incorrectly mentioned where DeBruyne played.  The point is though, he DID play people out of position and got it tactically wrong.  It appears you only have a problem with my dislike for Pep and his need to either manage the most talented clubs or go to club that is willing to spend the most money to get him the most talented players.  Preferably both.  

  3. 21 minutes ago, Berggy9598 said:

    Porto and Inter on line 1 for you. 

    It was sarcasm lol 

    8 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

    You named 5.


    Only Simeone and Sarri have won trophies, and Simeone is the only consistent winner in that group.


    I don't think those coaches stink or suck, but the best players usually get coached by the best coaches and those squads mostly win trophies.

    Klopp won back to back titles in bundesliga and a couple other league trophies.   Jardim led Monaco to a league title.  

  4. 1 minute ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

    Thats fine, but he was a prospect.


    Not the finished article like @SkinssRvA suggested Pep could only coach. 


    Pedro is another guy that emerged at Barcelona.


    This is straight revisionism.


    And it is deviating from my point, the best players usually goto the top to teams with the best managers, and they win. Outside of Sarri, @SkinssRvA hasn't been able to name any of the "several" managers who did that.

    You’re trolling man. I just named like 6 or 7.  Just because you don’t choose to rate them shows me you know very little about the sport. 


    First you you say you’ll “give me” jardim. Then you say sarri is good. Who’s next?  Simeone? Yea, he stinks he has only been to multiple champions league finals and won La Liga with an inferior side. Copa too, but that probably doesn’t matter either. 


    Mourinho has always had the best teams. 



  5. 3 minutes ago, Berggy9598 said:

    He was stuck behind the best center back duo of the Premier League era but he was always a hot prospect. 

    And pep managed Busquets on the Barca B team if I am correct, and he was also highly regarded. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

    name them.

    Jardim sarri pochettino simeone have all had incredible domestic and/or international success given the talent of their sides. Managers like mourinho paid his dues and earned his time coaching big clubs. He has put in masterclass managerial performances against much better sides and gotten plenty of results. Juventus has been outperforming their skill on the international stage for years. And lastly, Klopp just beat man city with less talent (sorry red fans).  Klopp also did wonders at BvB.  I mean those are literally just off the top of my head...


    Pep was essentially handed the Barca job just like zizou was handed the job at Real Madrid. They have always had top top teams and don’t have to tactically beat people to get wins. And when pep doesn’t win it’s always he “needs more players to fit his style.”  Or, he just moves on to the next top top team he can get his hands on. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

    What manager doesn’t need the best players to win?


    The best players win. 


    Pep’s issue is that he thinks he is smarter than he needs to be.

    There are several managers in world football who do just fine without the best players. I don’t understand your argument 

  8. 4 hours ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

    Pep’s problem is nothing you wrote


    He outsmarts himself. That is always his problem. It’s why he doesn’t go with his strongest available side but instead fits in KDB and Gundogen as wide players.

    Yes so like I said he played Gundogan out wide and KDB defensively.  Brought in a CB to play against Salah.  KDB rarely plays out wide for them anymore....once this season to be exact.  


    Pep has always needed the best players to win.  Or the best players to fit his system, whatever you want to call it.  At Barca he did a complete overhaul of their team and brought in loads of people to fit his side because barca could afford it.  Then sold them all the next year.  He came to Man City same way.  A team that has tons of money to buy him whoever he needs.  He moaned about it last year and got all the players he could have wanted.  3 fullbacks for christsake.  He went out and signed a ridiculously expensive keeper because he can "play with his feet."  


    They'll spend big next summer too, because Pep will need more/better players to fit his style.  

    • Like 1
  9. I hate Pep Guardiola.  There, I said it.  


    First, I want to say great game by Liverpool.  That was a butt-whoopin' no two ways about it.  And truthfully I had no dog in the race, I just wanted to see an entertaining game.  One side showed me entertainment...the other...well...


    My problem with Pep has always been he needs the best team to win.  he HAS to have all the best players and if he doesn't he will beg and plead with the board to spend $300 m in the blink of an eye.  Then, he gets all his players and has a better side than most teams, and puts friggin' Gundogan at RW.  Where he hasn't played once this season (maybe wrong on this one, but it's definitely not frequent).  He puts a CB at LB and expects him to keep up with the prem player of the year.  And he moves DeBruye deep giving him lots and lots of defensive responsibility.  


    How many more fullbacks does pep need to win the CL?  How many more wingers does he need?  The guy just really irritates me - and that goes for any coach/manager.  At some point you have to learn to manage what you've got.  Getting easily out-coached by Klopp is not going to sit well with fans.  Pep has assembled a team that is most likely going to be the all time points leader in the prem and has walked the league all year.  a 3-0 defeat with that team is 100% on the manager.  


    Same can be said for Conte for crying out loud.  Just shut your mouth and stop whining for one second, you have games to go win.  Cry and **** in the offseason, if you must.  

    • Like 2
  10. 18 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:


    One Job! You had one bloody job and you couldn't even get that right! :angry:



    hahaha.  We have been a bottom side since the turn of 2018.  Our best moment has been "almost beating Barcelona at home playing PTB."  No one hates Spurs more than me...but they are just a better squad than we are at this point in time.  


    Good luck this week!  If nothing else it should be a free flowing attacking game.  

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  11. 25 minutes ago, DC9 said:

    Are Chelsea really playing Bayern off the park?  Twitter seems to imply that.




    No we did not play Barca off the park, but IMO we did out play them given our instructions.  Conte's tactics were top notch.  Two posts in the first half, then scored the first goal in the second.  We were 1 Andreas Christensen mis-pass away from winning 1-0.  I honestly don't think Barca created an out-and-out goal scoring threat all game.  Credit to Conte for that.


    Barca were comfortable passing back all game, so they had ~70% possession.  We are not a pressing team so we were comfortable to concede it. Neither team took control of the game but I do think Chelsea played the better game and were unlucky to concede.  One biased opinion :)

    • Like 4
  12. 4 hours ago, GoDeep81 said:

    Sci-fi.. Ugh. Is there an adult version of this thread somewhere? :rofl89:I kid, I kid.. Never could get into sci-fi.. Unfortunately, as it seems the market is flooded with it.. 

    I’m not into sci fi...like at all. I assume you are talking about black mirror but I could be wrong. If you’ve never watched it it’s definitely more a commentary on society than any sort of sci fi show. But USS Callister probably wouldn’t be your favorite episode :) 

  13. Black mirror lost a bit of luster this season for me.  The two standout episodes are uss callister and hang the dj.  The rest were forgettable and dare I say unimaginative?  Even uss callister....I work in tech and listening to them talk about coding was very funny...almost as if they didn't bring in a tech consultant to at least explain basic concepts.  Still a great episode though!!  

  14. Curious question for Liverpool fans...


    i think i saw coutinho wear the captain band at least once this season, could have been a couple of times I’m not sure. Anyway I’m positive I’ve seen it once. My question is, how do you feel about that?  From what I know this is a player who tried hard to get out of England and even put in a request. Months ago I remember fans hating him. Has it changed?  How must the players feel?  



  15. So, most likely for Chelsea we will draw Barca, PSG, or Besiktas.  Personally, I'd rather draw Barca or PSG because you have to beat the best teams anyway, why not start with them.  If it's not either of them in the first round, it's Real Madrid in the second, or Bayern...eventually you gotta beat these teams.  Hazard is ready and playing out of his mind in current form.  As he said yesterday post game: It's not a problem who we get, we are Chelsea.  

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