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Posts posted by dyst

  1. 26 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    I hope people remember this next offseason when the eye rolls and laughing and constant posts about being offended and angry that the Giants are picked to win the division, the Giants free agent decisions weren't criticized like ours, the Eagles traded up and didn't get piled on or the Cowboys are picked or how Redskins don't get any respect. Wahh Wahh lol

    This is why. We have been a trainwreck for 25 damn years. Hell two trains. Just imagine one train full of utter sadness, pain, embarrasment and despair running full speed down the tracks and smashing into another train carrying the Benny Hill comedy tour. The resulting collision is the last 25 years of Redskins football. 

    We don't deserve anyone's respect. Not one single ounce of it. So save the outrage and offense next season or probably later this season when we aren't favored to beat some crappy team and end up losing again per the norm. 

    you should know why by this point. 

    These folks can't be reasoned with. They will forever think the team is better than it is.

    It's truely amazing the amount of folks in the offseason who get upset when the team or the players individually aren't ranked "high enough".




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  2. Not saying  he would have done well here but that Matt Forte guy is having a good year so far.

    On September 13, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    junior galette apparently has a message to skins fans, which is "everyone stop bashing the team". lol. Funny how he thinks he has a right to say anything when in the 8 months he's been here, he hasn't played a single down for the skins. He's irrelevant until he actually plays. 

    I wonder if this guy realizes that fans wouldn't bash if the team won.

  3. I like RG3, always wish he succeeded here and always assumed the Skins "curse" is what kept him down so I still feel bad for the guy always getting injured like he does BUT, the worse part is he puts himself in this position way to much. If you can't learn to avoid contact and you are already frail, then there are major issues mentally. He'll get healthy, maybe even play again, and he'll try to run into defenders only to get hurt...again.

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  4. The upgrade to the locker room was needed. Actually there are still several items this team needs upgraded.

    1. The most important is the stadium. This can't come soon enough. A worry is that, it'll be new but not nice. Hopefully it's the type of stadium that others strive to replicate.

    2. Practice facility. The current Redskins facility is passable but this too, like the stadium needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. A theme needs to be incorporated into the organization that transcends both the stadium and the facility.

    3. Many will disagree with this one, but the team needs to find new video/radio personalities. I think it's great that the team show's it appreciation for former players but I'm tired of listening between a rotation of Doc, Brian, Riggins and recently Portis. I don't have anything against former players getting into media but I'm not too fond of the ability these guys have. 

    My biggest gripe with this crew is that they are practically family (Redskins Family), so the presentations aren't professional or engaging (in my opinion of course). How many times throughout the years do we have to listen to Doc and Brian poke fun at one another for various reasons (for example Brian Mitchell having a big head), or Riggins discussing how flamboyant he was, or how he played with Joe Namath etc.

    When I listen to the home broadcast of other teams (obviously not all), I hear insight about the players, the team, the game, strengths and weaknesses. When I listen to our guys (Theismann and Chick), it's not engaging or exciting. Chick always makes jokes about himself and his hair/weight while Theismann always goes back to "when I was playing or boy wish I was still in the league with these rules" tangents.

    This past week, there was a play that was made by Cravens, which was incredible but we got no commentary because Theismann was busy talking about something else. Only snippet we got was from Chick saying "nice play by Cravens". I want replays, where someone knowledgeable goes into a quick recap of what happened, how it happened and whether it was successful or not and how to change things next time.

    I feel like Trever does this and I appreciate his insight when he does. Sorry for the rant. Maybe this isn't the right section to do so in but it really hit home when I watched the footage throughout training camp and especially the game this past Thursday. Often feel we'd be better off if they let one of the members here do the radio/video shows

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