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Everything posted by mcdonaldrw

  1. Would love to see a long pass to 17 for 7 on first down
  2. Needed to queue up some Benny Hill music there
  3. No catch moving all the way to the ground, not sure they will over turn though
  4. Would love to see a long pass to 17 for 7 on first down
  5. Let's Go had a couple missed tackles but came through with the hold.
  6. Guys look like they came to play today. I know it's early but good to see the fight right out of the box
  7. Did Ron finally take the leash off TH and his legs today? Let's GO
  8. Because you are used to Washington doing something stupid and the opposing team taking advantage of it
  9. Another great catch by our WRs today! again nice throw by TH
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