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Everything posted by markshark84

  1. LOL. This team has had 2 10 wins seasons in the 22 seasons since Snyder cursed us with his presence (don’t count 1999 since he didn’t have enough time to wreak the team). In those 22 years, we have never had a 10+ win season nor have we EVER had a back to back winning season. How on earth do you think we could ever put together 10+ win seasons CONSECUTIVELY….. You know the definition of insanity right? Under Snyder’s ownership, there’s as much a chance of this team stringing together 10+ wins consecutively as I have of winning The Masters in April…… What amazes me is that our fan base was so insanely loyal that it took 20+ years and countless Snyder failures to get them to wake up and walk away. It’s embarrassing to watch games and see an entire green/black stadium against the eagles or yellow/black against the Steelers.
  2. You are disregarding the fact there are even politics in pro sports. When you have an undersized guy (and let's be honest, TH isn't close to 6-1; Brady looked a full head taller when they went to shake hands) that came from a nothing program, sigma/bias will work wildly against you. When you look at Romo's early history, it's crazy. The guy was almost cut for Quincy Carter! It took 3 years and a threat to leave to New Orleans in order for him to sniff the field. I 100% agree that generally the cream rises to the top, but you need to have an opportunity to rise. The vikings was his best hope, but that was in year 1 out of college, he got hurt, and it is understandable the franchise didn't want to waste time on a guy that was on IR for like 2 years. After that, he was behind Brady, Watson, and Newton --- and he still rose the ranks after Newton was hurt and impressed the staff so much, well, he's here now. Personally, I think when evaluating the depth chart and investment of a player, overall performance should be considered greater than what other teams thought of the guy. But that's just me..... I am with you that this game finally got me excited about this team. I have been 100% dormant for nearly 6 years. TH woke me up. To not give this dude a chance to compete for QB1 would be insanity. That said, we would absolutely need to invest in multiple QBs as his injury concerns are 110% valid. In looking at all this, the redskins have screwed up much easier decisions, so as long as Snyder is the owner, my expectations on their ability to correctly handle this are next to 0.
  3. The hope I have is that other teams are less inclined to sign him because of his familiarity with Turner’s scheme — and the fact his performance was contributed to that familiarity. If that won’t be the case, the only way we get him at any sort of bargain is if other teams are concerned with his durability and/or TH wants to stay here because he feels Turner’s offense puts him in the best position to succeed.
  4. 3 year, 13M non-gauranteed too much? As a GM, I’d be interested in signing him to something longer and backloaded thats not guaranteed, like 5 year 20M, small signing bonus, with most of the money coming in years 3-5. If he fails, you cut him in year 1 or 2 of the contract. If he continues, you have a cap friendly franchise qb for a 4 to 5 year period. That scenario is how some teams win SBs.
  5. For the past 5 years, I became a completely indifferent fan. I lost all passion I had for this team as a fan. Last night was the first time in an extremely long time I began to cheer again — and it was ALL because of #4 Heinicke. He single-handedly kept this team in that game. His play was inspiring. My hope is they learn from all their mistakes (which are at this point beyond counting), sign him to a very cap-friendly low risk multi-year deal, and give him a chance as starter next season while drafting for Offensive need outside the QB position. With the 19th pick, most top QB prospects will be off the board, but top WR, OL, etc will be there. If he fails, QB can be addressed in the subsequent year. We may have been handed a gift. I just hope for once, this organization doesn’t screw it up.
  6. If I were a season ticket holder, then I'd be a pretty big hypocrite wouldn't I? And I guess you'll STFU and take whatever Danny boy throws your way..... Repeat after me: thank you Mr. Dan Snyder Sir, may I have another......
  7. Well, if you like Dan Snyder and think he is a good owner, then keep on going..... If the "fan experience" is more important to you than having an owner and management capable of fielding a winning team ---- that's on you.
  8. Why anyone would spend top $$$$ to actually go to the games is beyond me. The experience is horrible, prices crazy high, and every dollar that gets stolen from you just lines the pockets of the worst owner in all of sports. Keeping your season tickets only guarantees we'll continue to have the worst owner in all of sports. If our fans were truly interested in seeing our situation improve, they'd give up their tickets and not spend $$$ on the team.
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