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Everything posted by ANONYMOUS SOURCE.

  1. Taylor can produce off schedule no doubt, on-schedule stuff is a bit raw IMO. Love his style though , I would feel totally comfortable with him as QB2. Reminds me of Mcoy except with an actual arm and not a noodle.
  2. Patterson and MJD are friends and Patterson actually looks a lot like MJD on the field ..pocket Hercules v2.0 lol
  3. Since it wasn’t intercepted I can firmly say that was Risky throw but I kinda like the attitude 😄
  4. Like to see our D flatten Newton or Jones right off the first whistle then go sit down injury free. And Curious as to what unknown will earn his own thread here 😄
  5. Everyone “usually” does one thing extremely well and is adequate at the other things so hopefully the thinking is to divvy tasks up as such. Could be giving too much credit there so we will see lol. Possibly getting a bunch of names with weight to stop getting laughed at on the phone? Might be able to plan a killer Harvest fest ? Seems like kind of a top heavy staff which usually fights against smooth communication and cohesion which is what I thought we were shooting for. 🤷
  6. Maybe he doesn’t want the GM job, hard to fathom but it happens. I’ve turned down my directors job numerous times. Get paid practically the same without all the heat and I make all the decisions anyway lol. Guess we’ll know for sure soon enough.
  7. I don’t get the Kyle love, he did ok as far as we know and apparently didn’t go around playing slap ass with the previous dimwits, but what else? Rivera had the final say on the last go-round with Brucey and Gruden before that, so does anyone really know how good at his job he was or wasn’t? Very odd his name didn’t come up with all the openings. Hurney was mentioned as being the guy that facilitated cohesiveness among the different departments wherever he’s been good chance that’s pretty much all he’s here for, he’s self admittedly not a talent guy.
  8. Seriously though I like the ones with the Spear on the helmet whatever years they were from. Although I suppose the “imagery” is Native American and we can’t have that.🙄
  9. Hmm tanking strategy maybe.....🤔 Referring to Haskins still playing not the timeouts, that seems odd also though.🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. Surprised they aren’t spreading the offense out more since Dwayne has had success with that. I Will say the Black and gold swag the coaches are sporting is pretty sweet.
  11. Haskins has a ways to go , turnovers are killers ugh. He’s a considerably better QB than I was at that age if that makes anyone feel better 😄
  12. Young had groin issues in camp I think . Might be a few of these kind issues out there guys are playing with that aren’t on the sheet and that’s why Ron packed it in last week. Hope it’s not serious.
  13. Rivera was certainly the right guy at the right time it appears. Maybe too much to ask for but would be awesome if he can win occasionally also😄
  14. Well put. The Journos posturing and trying to out tweet the next guy literally neutered the story and it’s unfair to those who went through it. Snyder will most likely survive his incompetence once again and the Media basically threw him a lifeline.
  15. Whelp there it is, it’s not something till it’s something. Hard to quantify how bad as compared to some stuff in this league but everything makes sense now. Snyder may survive it but If he does he’ll have to publicly accept the incompetent and clueless tag that he should have been wearing all along. ....Santos ,holy crap what a douche.
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