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Posts posted by DaGoonie55

  1. Weidman earned the belt, finally, in my eyes. No fluke KO, no busted leg, straight 5 rounds to earn it. Man, we were going crazy yelling and screaming thinking Machida was going to knock him out in the 5th during that flurry. Weidman is tough. It's going to take someone with punching power to take that guy out, hes a beast.


    Rhonda is not going to lose anytime soon. I was concerned going into the fight, as Davis looked game and poised to give her a rough time. ....16 seconds later, I got up pissed because it was a scham. Good for Ronda, and I'm a HUGE fan, but cmon find this girl some competition.


    Great fight card.

  2. Rewatched the Ben Henderson vs Pettis fight.


    Man, I forgot how crappy Ben looked.  He wasn't his usual self.


    All the hype about his black belt in BJJ, and loses by arm bar while in dudes guard.  Craziness.


    I'm excited to watch the Machida fight!!! GO DRAGON!  He will probably lose, Weidemann has a voodoo priestess or something in his corner.


    Also, Rhonda will win again by ripping the poor schlubbs arm off.

  3. Im not that guy that holds rings above all else.


    Duncan is great, and has an amazing team around him.


    I don't believe Malone had the caliber of players around him, yet always had his team in contention. 


    I'm no expert, but the two are practically interchangable in my mind.  Malone would have just as many rings as Duncan does, if he played for the Spurs in the same time frame.


    That is the question I ask myself, could he replicate or increase the production in the other one's shoes.


    To me he could have, so I say tie.

  4. I'm so ready for the preseason to start and all the buzz that goes with it.


    I'm stuck at work tonight and our data managment system is down....so I'm scrolling through these pages and there isn't much to interest me (just my opinion, no slight to anyone).


    I need more threads like Coach KDawg or even when GHH stepped out of his comfort zone and posted a heck of a thread.  Those interest me to no end.  I'll probably re-read some of Coach's tonight.


    other random thot:  Our offense SHOULD be devastating.  Here's hoping.


    I can't wait.



  5. I see why you would want brand identity, but you can look at the scoreboard in one of the corners of the screen to figure that out.  Also, I would be shocked if the NFL didn't tout it all over the place if someone was wearing a new uniform on a specific date.


    I'd love to see some throwbacks, and I would really like a darker uniform - burgundy not red.  Good point @...pants.

  6. I don't dislike Obama or what he has done so far, save for this ACA.  My disagreements with the Dems are semantic, as is my disdain for the GOP.  (I'm undecided - if that helps muddy it anymore)


    He, and the Democratic party, are responsible for the ACA.  It is their bill, their pushed agenda.  Obama's main campaign point.  Therefore, the butterfly effect from it is his their (Dems) doing.  Perhaps, it is incidental that the shizz has hit the fan - either way they championed the bill.


    My insurance changing is their fault.  My medical bills going from 4000 per year to almost 12000 is due to the ACA, and is their fault.


    Maybe not directly, but call it an accessory to murder - and in my book that is enough to start a case against them.


    If I slam on my brakes, another car careens off the road and into a store...I'm liable for damages.  Same applies here.

  7. I don't understand it.  I don't really care for either fighter.  Hendrix beat that man to a pulp.  Octagon control, check.  Dictating fight speed, check. Take downs, check.  Vicious ground and pound, check.  Being named GSP, no check.  That's why he lost.  Dana will not get any more of my money until a judging commission is established. 


    What was the stoppage for?  I only remember GSP getting beat on and then a time out was called.


    I give GSP mad props for being in that fight and for taking the punishment he did.  He took some shots.  Crazy to watch.

  8. Well one of the biggest expenses in running a business of white collar professionals is health care.  It may seem criminal, but I would say it seems criminal how the health care costs are skyrocketing.  If you saw the number your company was facing had they not switched to a high deductible plan you might be shocked.  With my little 80 person company this year, had I not made a change, my health insurance costs were going up over $100,000.


    Holy smokes. 

  9. Sorry, but if you have to pay 32 dollars a day, you have to do payroll deductions to the HSA and refund yourself otherwise you are paying for the drugs post tax...which doesn't make sense to you financially.


    I switched to a high deductible plan a few years ago...but I fund my employees whole deductible by depositing it on their H.S.A.  I don't remember the specifics but basically Blue Cross Blue Shield raised my rates for the non high deductible plan so much that it was cheaper to fully fund deductibles and pay insurance.  It's only going to get worse.


    I offer both HMO and PPO to my employees.  PPO adds a cost to the employee.

    The only way I would suck it up and just take this is if my employer paid the deductible.  And of course they won't.


    Granted, our corporation is multinational and has upwards of 50,000 employees (9.2 billion in revenue last year and on pace for 10.6 this year) - but this is just a profit adjustment in my eyes.  My section of 8 employees - we are a small team that deploys to where the customer is and gets the seemingly impossible done for the Army- are all ready to walk away and leave this company behind us.  We are all getting bent over.  The larger employee force at where I work (250+) are calling for unionization.  It's getting ugly.


    Our main gripe isn't health insurance, but it is the proverbial straw  that is breaking the backs of the men and women that get it done.


    I'll quit posting about this - but it almost seems criminal.  I'm fed up.

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