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Posts posted by DaGoonie55

  1. Curry is absolutely ridiculous with his shots.


    Feet aren't set, body not facing the rim, still strokes the three like a free throw.  It's a thing of beauty.


    That man catches fire early in a game, GS will win by 20.


    If he doesn't, they'll continue to lose.  They have no answer for the inside game / drive and dish.


    I would like to see more pick and rolls by Cleveland - really showcase their size and athleticism.

  2. stolen from IMDB:


     I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT wanna **** with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...



  3. Ugh.


    I'm not afraid of spiders, but if I stomp on one and 100 babies go flying out like roaches in the daylight - I'm liable to start screaming like a girl.


    Scratch that, I'll probably pass out.  That made every inch of me twitch.



  4. Every time this thread gets bumped, I read it initially as "The Bikini Thread"


    Then I realize my astigmatism is kicking my butt and then sigh.




    Just picked up a free bike off a buddy so I'll start logging miles.


    Can't wait to get it fixed up.

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  5. D Rose looked like hot garbage until the 2nd half.


    Butler lit it up.


    So many stupid ticky tack fouls by the Bucks. Cheap elbow? Headbutting when you're on the hardwood?  Grow up.


    Glad to see punks lose.  Come back out next game, act like a man, and maybe you win when the Bulls can't shoot to save their lives.


    Grow up.




    I can't wait to see this next game.  Fire works.

  6. Interstellar last night.


    Just.  Fantastic.


    LOOOOOONG movie, had to pause for a quick break at the 2 hour mark - but just fantastic.


    I'd love to discuss more in detail, but don't want to give any plot away.


    Must see for the scifi nerds out there like me.




    Also, watched Boxtrolls.


    Fun movie, kids loved it.  That's all that matters.

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