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Posts posted by UKskins

  1. 2 minutes ago, FlyBigBeard said:

    On a side note. How humbled is Chase Young right now? Seeing he's getting passed over time and time again. He's probably going to have to take a approve it one year deal. Show that his heart is still in it or that it ever truly was. 

    Would be interesting to see what DQ and Whitt could cook up for him.... if they thought he had the heart and the juice, then I wouldn't hate it at a reasonable price. He has got that gamechanger ability...

  2. 9 minutes ago, ThatNFLChick said:




    I've been a fan of this team for over 15 years. This is pretty much the first time I have ever seen free agents WANT to come here for anything aside from bags of cash. It feels like we've got some real momentum here. Coaches want to be here. Players want to join us. Everybody seems to sense that we are building something and want to jump on the bandwagon...


    I'm saying it right now. Thank god we got Dan Quinn. The way it has played out, this was absolutely the right hire to see this rebuild. I don't think we'd be as happy as we are right now if we had got any of the younger shiny coaches.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Warhead36 said:

    I don't see the reasoning behind trading Terry. Rookie QBs need reliable WRs to throw to and there's no real strong pipeline behind him(Dotson needs to prove it to me, year 3 is typically the break out year). No team is gonna give up that much for him, he's not a Davante Adams or Tyreek Hill type dominant game changer but he's a damn good WR and worth keeping.

    He's in the Pierre Garcon tier of WR imo - not in terms of play style/skillset, but just in terms of where he finds ni a league wide hierarchy of WR. Definitely a guy you keep around.

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  4. 9 hours ago, skinsarethebest said:

    If I had to look for a trait that I think I would most want in our next QB, it would be that “clutch” gene, the ability to remain calm and deliver a win in daunting circumstances.  All of the Washington QBs for the last 20 years had the exact opposite of that clutch gene - I’m looking at you, Kirk Cousins.


    that to me is what separate the Pat Mahomes from all other QBs in the league.


    for what it’s worth, having watched a bit of USC football this past season, Caleb actually doesn’t really seem to have a huge abundance of this gene, tbh.  With one exception, he didn’t really will his team to victory in those crucial situations, and he certainly faltered down the stretch as the season wore on.  Didn’t watch as much of Maye so I can’t really speak to that aspect of him, but something tells me he’s not exceptional in this regard either. 

    I do like that Daniels seems like the hardest worker of the bunch.


    I read something once that always stuck with me, I forget who said it but it was a highly successful coach who had won at the highest level....not sure if it was actually about football (soccer) rather than (American) Football, but I think the point stands up to scrutiny in most sports I think... At the most elite levels of sports, there's actually not huge amounts of difference between players in terms of talent and ability. Skillsets may be different, but they're all pretty comparable levels. Put them on a practice field and you'll get similar production. What separates the best out is their ability to deliver on their talent when the pressure is on, and they're in the spotlight. How they deal with the stress of being on the field, the pressure of the crowd etc etc... That intangible is the one thing that will separate out the truly elite.... I think that is probably not far off base. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Redskins 2021 said:

    If tuner goes on Monday which seems possible.  Do they hire Reich and keep Wentz? I think Wentz has to go no matter what. A new offensive system may help get a new Qb?

    Reich couldn't get much of a tune out of Wentz in Indy. That seems to me to be going all in on what is quite clearly a busted flush. I dont see Wentz being here even with a massive pay cut, especially after he **** the bed so spectacularly last week. 


    Rumours swirling in the media that at least 9 players have come out in open mutiny against Turner. Dude is gone imo. https://sportsnaut.com/washington-commanders-blame-struggles-on-coaching/


    Hopefully we'll get somebody who can draw up plays AND understand how and when to call them... that would be novel.

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  6. 40 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    You can ask anyone in here who was around...I was not a Kirk fan at all. But he's in a completely different solar system than Heinicke. Saying you'd take Heinicke over Kirk is sort of like saying 2+2 = 3.9. You might try to get into semantics and say it's close, but at the end of the day it's still wrong. There's no comparison between the two of them.


    And this has nothing to do with personality. You think Kirk is a dick, that's fine. I think he seems like a bit of a jackass sometimes too, but I'm purely talking about football here.

    Thats fine, I literally said kirk is more talented and if you're picking someone to win a game then you take cousins for that reason, but if you're asking who I would rather have as QB for a season, id take TH because I find Kirk really hard to root for and neither of them are talented enough to win ****, so you may as well take the cheaper guy who at least is entertaining to watch.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    Cousins literally led the biggest comeback in NFL history yesterday. What a fail of a take.

    Because he led one comeback in what 8 years as a starting QB, his history of choking and not coming back in games is erased? Sure, why not👍

    2 minutes ago, CjSuAvE22 said:

    What’s getting lost in this conversation is that this football team is built we are a built football team an average quarterback can take this team pretty deep in my opinion Rex Grossman probably takes this roster deep. Ron all you have to do is find him please do 

    Please stop. You are flat out incorrect 

    No, I'm entitled to my opinion, you can disagree all you like, but I call it as I see it. That doesn't make me wrong, it means we have different perceptions.

  8. 50 minutes ago, CjSuAvE22 said:

    Cousins stands in the pocket and takes hits but has zero grittiness? How is he a total dick? Because he turned down a 14 million a year contract from us ? While Brock osweiler and Mike Glennon were being signed for well over 20 million a year? Cousins bet on himself and won, we completely botched that entire situation period.

    I'm not absolving the FO from any blame in that situ but I also wouldn't want him signed for 20+ mill per season because he's a choker. I dont have a problem with anyone betting on themselves, but come out and own it, don't go round spouting "god told me to do it this way" and the other nonsense he came out with. That's why I perceive him to be a dick. No, cousins doesn't have grittiness imo, he never had any stomach for a fight which is why he always choked, and why he padded stats in garbage time for 3 years or whatever we had him for.

  9. 57 minutes ago, CommanderCarson said:

    Who wouldn’t?

    Me. I'd take Heinicke over Cousins. Cousins has way more talent but zero personality, zero grittiness, and comes off as a total dick. He's just beige in every sense.


    I mean if you're saying who do you pick to win a game, then Cousins, but if you're saying who would you pick knowing you have to root for them all season, I'd take the Heini rollercoaster every time.


    I just found Cousins really unlikeable and hard to root for and wouldn't want to try doing it for another season.

    • Haha 1
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  10. 5 minutes ago, London Kev said:


    Yeah, the 1:20am kick offs are brutal, but I've cleared my schedule so I can get a couple of hours sleep after the game with time to drink two or three cups of strong coffee before leaving for work.


    My workmates all know not to **** with me after a late night game, so I should make it through the day without too much stress 🙂

    I used to do that but I've not had any kind of respite in months between work and the kids, just cant hack it tonight. Being a teacher means my work hours have zero flexibility too. Good luck with the late one brother, hope its worth it!!!

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  11. 2 hours ago, Renegade7 said:



    Wentz has the most upside talent wise of the current QBs on the roster and that contract can be restructured versus keeping as is now.


    Howell isn't the answer, otherwise he wouldn't of been that low in the draft, don't get my hopes up.


    It's really hard for me to jus right off Wentz after how poorly the team as whole was playing up until recently. Too many situations he jus didn't stand a chance and it limited his ability to make plays to make up for his inconsistencies we knew about going in.


    They traded for him for a reason, not only his upside, but because they are too deep in from a years perspective to risk losing games developing a young or even rookie QB. 


    They aren't drafting one in 2023 and risking missing the playoffs because of it, so if it isn't Wentz, how much support will there be to trade for someone else?  Who can they sign off the street that won't cause further vitriol from the fan base if it isn't Wentz?  Jimmy G? Another mediocre QB that will take too much of our cap and not actually be the answer at QB?


    Wentz has to prove he's not the answer after IR now that team is playing better.  It's not abnormal for QBs to go through growing pains their first year in a new system especially when their OC sucks.


    The team is playing better because Wentz isn't the QB. The O-line looks better because they're playing in front of a QB with wheels instead of a statue. The WR looks better because Heinicke is actually throwing the ball at them instead of staring them down and eating sacks. The Defense looks better because Heinicke could sustain some drives and convert 3rd downs and keep them off the field for more than 12 seconds.


    Wentz is not the answer, or even close to it. He is how many years out from a decent season? I wanted it to work, I wanted to give him a shot, but he's not just been bad, he's been horrific and we're just wasting our time with him. I'd rather roll with Heinicke and use the savings to bolster the roster rather than have another year of Wentz. We ain't winning with either of them, but at least Heinicke doesn't cost 10's of millions for back up level play. Even take the contract out, Wentz doesn't have anything left in the tank, Heinicke understands the system, Wentz doesn't, Heinicke can throw a ball in under 18 seconds whilst Wentz apparently can't.


    The reason they traded for him is simple. Incompetence at every level of the FO. That's it. There is no upside. He has a cannon arm but can't do anything with it because he has no vision, no mobility and no pocket awareness. He can throw moon balls all he wants, but at this point he might as well be Uncle Rico throwing balls in his back yard because he can't do it with an NFL pass rush in his face.

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  12. 1 hour ago, FootballZombie said:

    It turns out a team playing to its strengths is better than a team trying to be something its not. Go figure. I don't care if the desired direction is trying to emulate what the best teams are doing, its hard enough to win in the NFL doing what your good at, let alone playing w/ an arm tied behind your back to do something your bad at.



    This is much more of a case of putting the vast majority of our O in the best position to succeed more than anything else.

    This is kind of what I was getting at, but maybe didn't phrase it properly.


    Wentz with this group of Offensive personnel, and this O-cord and playbook, is not as effective as Heinicke was the point I was trying to get across. You have to put yourself in a position to win by playing to strengths rather than forcing Wentz to try and do it all when he's a statue and our line is weak. I think we're on the same page, you just phrase it better than me! 😅

    57 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    Im still in the "he's a backup and play Wentz when he's healthy" camp, he's not gonna be here next year and Wentz needs to get used to the offense since he is. 

    Wentz is basically only under contract for this year and has played like a scrub on a ~$30million contract. We can cut him with zero dead cap at the end of the season.... I don't understand why you think he's here next year?

  13. On 10/25/2022 at 7:07 PM, NoCalMike said:

    A back up QB's job is to win games while the starter is out.  This idea that because a back up does exactly that, that somehow the starter is no longer going to be the starter is wrong.  Now if the coaches look at the film and make the assessment that Wentz was incapable of doing certain things in similar situations as Heinicke, then that is different, but a win over the Packers is hardly going to be enough fuel for a QB controversy.


    Totally get your sentiment but respectfully disagree. If your backup QB comes in and does his job when your starter is out, you're right he's doing his job. The controversy element comes from the fact that our starter QB wasn't doing HIS job and winning games when he was in. 


    If Taylor keeps winning games and then Rivera goes right back to Wentz who has been nothing above putrid; for no better reason than "he is the starter", the fanbase will rightly be pissed and rightly want Ron's head when Carson continues to stink up the joint.


    This is a results driven sport. More so than almost any other. If one guy gives you results, and the other one doesn't, you HAVE to keep Heinicke in. Especially when playing Wentz will cost us draft capital too bumping that 3rd into a 2nd.


    I'm not arguing Heinicke is the second coming or anything like that - we all know his limitations (or at least the sane ones of us do), but we've already seen Carson's limitations are far bigger than Heinicke's in this offense. The main difference is Wentz's inadequacies are massively exaggerated by our terrible O-line making them far more costly whereas Heinicke's are not exaggerated by any other part of the team, they are what they are.

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  14. Happy gameday morning from here in the UK.


    Another few things have swung my way personally this week, so I'm excited about the Commanders having the opportunity to cap off another good week nicely, like they did last week.


    I'm not going to watch live today, my girlfriend wants to watch the Queen's funeral and I have zero interest in that (I'm anti-monarchy, sad on a humanist level that someone has lost a mom, grandma etc, but that's as far as my emotions go on the subject). I want to watch the Commanders but my girlfriend has zero interest (she has lots of other good qualities though so despite that, she is definitely a keeper). Compromise being, I will save the game to watch in the morning on gamepass, whilst she watches the funeral tomorrow.


    Hoping to see another entertaining game with the Wentz rollercoaster staying on the tracks and seeing us through to the end, and I am REALLY excited to see Dotson continue to develop. That man had a hell of a debut last week and I'm stoked to see where the offense can go with 3 legit WR threats.Haven't felt this good about our Offense since we had RG3 and Garcon. Defense is less yes and more yikes for me, but I'm hoping to see some steps from them and an improvement... there were some positive things they did last week and the DL and Safeties should be good units - especially with Forrest proving he has something, but that CB group is scary bad. The floor for the CBs is somewhere deep down in the 5th circle of hell so I'm hoping they can at least play to a mediocre level.


    Hope everybody going today stays safe and enjoys the game. HTTC

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  15. Just finished watching the game. I said in another thread, this year has been rough for me personally but today was start of a new era. My day on a personal level was everything I hoped and just when I'd given up hope of commanders putting the icing on the cake... wentz throws those bombs in the 4th. Drawing the penalty to close the game was smart af. We definitely saw both Carson wentzs today but for once, it was FUN to watch Washington. Love it.

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  16. Man, my life has been a roller coaster of the last 18 months, I think it's fair to say I've had a pretty **** time of it. Don't want to bore anyone with detail but a lot came to pass over that period. Watching WFT brought me very little joy last season with the way they played, and god knows that there were times that i could have done with a little joy. 


    Today marks a new chapter in my life on a personal level, things have finally got to the right spot and can move forward positively. Its a new era for me, and it's also a new era for my football team as the commanders take the field for their first ever regular season game.


    It sure would be sweet to cap Today off with a Commanders win, but I'm fairly chill about it today. Whatever happens on the field, today will be a day i will always remember and look back on for other reasons, so it would be nice to add in the mmemory of watching the first ever commanders game as they stomped the jags.


    I just want to see us play hard, and I want to see us fighting for every yard on both sides of the ball. I'm excited to see what what the Wentz and Dotson combo adds to this offense, but our Defense scares the piss out of me. The floor for them is subterranean so I hope they can play to at least an acceptable level and give the Offense a shot.

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