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Posts posted by balki1867

  1. Wow, that's pretty bad when you get pwn3d by the Discovery Channel.


    Hmm, on second thought, Discovery is headquartered in downtown Silver Spring.  I can see how a social media staffer there might've decided to throw a little jab-- too many painful Caps-Penguins memories from the 90s.

  2. Honestly, most of those things seem like coincidences more than anything else.  If you look hard enough you always find something and the two weeks of Super Bowl build-up usually generates someone finding some kind of story like these.


    - The Patriots have been winning nonstop for the past 14 seasons.  Even in their six Super Bowl appearances five were decided in the final play(s) of the game, and three of those five involved freakish plays.  Even if the NFL wanted to fix outcomes, it'd be next to impossible to script David Tyree's catch, Mario Manningham's catch or Russell Wilson's pick (or the catch right before that).

    - Why would the NFL script a Giants-Pats rematch in 2011 with a much worse storyline than the original?  If the NFL was in the business of fixing matchups, the Harbaugh's would've won their respective CCGs.

    - Good teams should be playing each other.  Why would the defending SB champ Seahawks playing the Pats, or the #1 offense playing the #1 defense, be indicative of a fix?

    - Two african american coaches were bound to meet each other at some point in the Super Bowl

    - Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005

    - I know most of this board believes the NFL hates us, but in 2007 the Redskins were an emotional favorite with most of the league.  It would've been the fitting ending for the Redskins to snap the Pats perfect season behind the spirit of Sean Taylor, rather that Elisha Manning.

    - Guys playing in their hometown is also often a story.  The media made a big deal about it in 1998 when Terrell Davis played in San Diego.

    - In 2001, if the NFL was trying to push the pro-America angle, they would've had the Eagles win the CCG against the Rams and set up an Eagle-Pats Super Bowl.  Instead that match-up happened 3 seasons later. 

    - WRT coaches coaching against guys they used to work with, the NFL is so incestuous that almost any two coaches have some connection between them.  

    - There's still never been a team to play in a Super Bowl they hosted.  It would've been so easy to have the Cowboys, this year's Cardinals, a Saints team in the past few years or the Colts to play in a Super Bowl they hosted.

    - If Super Bowls were fixed, at least one of them would've gone to OT by now.  

    - It the NFL was fixed, Tim Tebow would've won the Super Bowl with the Broncos.  


    Honestly the only ones on that list that strike me as real stories are the Gruden one (given that Tampa and Oakland are not NFL powerhouses, this is actually a pretty big deal; not to mention the fact that Gruden left Oakland on shaky terms), and the HarBowl (just the statistical unlikelihood of this blows me away).


    For all of the other ones, those are things that were bound to happen at some point, or there was likely a better story that could've happened if the league was really trying to fix things.


    Here's a couple the author of that site didn't even consider:


    - When the Colts played the Bears, Aaron Moorehead (of the Colts) had a family member (his father) who played for the '85 Bears. They are the only father-son combination to both win the Super Bowl.

    - When the Colts played the Saints, Peyton Manning played the team his dad played for.  (Actually both starting QBs had ties to the opposing team's region.  Peyton grew up in New Orleans and Drew Brees played in college at Purdue).

  3. Did anybody notice the gold lettering on the name plate of the jersey given to Scherff last night?










    I don't know how much I'd read into it though-- the NFL basically has a press running jerseys behind the scenes during the draft, just to get the names on there quickly: http://mentalfloss.com/article/56676/how-do-draft-picks-get-personalized-jerseys-so-fast

  4. Also, from Denison, Iowa: James Hansen, a leading advocate of climate change awareness: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hansen


    He was born on March 29, 1941, which was four days before Iraq set up a pro-Axis government during WWII, and he was likely conceived in late June 1940, which was when France fell to the Nazis.


    So all we know about this kid is that he's somehow connected to:

    • Big Corn
    • The JFK Assassination
    • The War in Iraq
    • The Nazi Party
    • Climate Change




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  5. w.r.t playing teams with extra rest, there's a million things that go into making the schedule.  It'd be next to impossible to sit there and try to do it in a way that hurts one specific team.  For instance, teams can only play a certain number of consecutive road games, they have to get a bye after a London game, two teams share a stadium, and multiple teams share parking lots with MLB teams that are still playing, (and in Oakland's case they share the stadium).  Lots of cities have marathons in October and the NFL team can't be at home that day if the race course goes close to the stadium (Chicago comes to mind).  The NFL struggles enough trying to work through all of this to even start considering how to mess with the Redskins.


    Beyond that we tend to completely ignore any evidence to the contrary.  For instance the 2015 schedule has an unusually easy start and a very difficult finish to it.  If that schedule was completely reversed, I'm sure some people on this board would complain that the league wants to bury the Redskins early and not even give the team a shot.

  6. Also, doctors recommend that if you have an erection lasting long than 4 hours, play naked Monopoly instead.


    One of my favorite lines from an old SNL: "If my erection lasts longer than 4 hours, I'm not calling my doctor.  I'm calling everybody!!!"

  7. Really bizarre followup on the Tulsa case: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/04/deputy-who-killed-man-after-mistaking-gun-for-taser-is-an-insurance-exec-who-pays-to-play-cop/


    "According to Tulsa World, Robert Bates, 73, who made the fatal mistake that cost a man his life, is a local insurance company executive who has donated multiple vehicles, weapons, and stun guns to the Sheriff’s Office since becoming a reserve deputy in 2008."



    and further down:


    “Although he had training and experience for the arrest team, he’s not assigned to the arrest team,” Clark said of Bates’ role assisting the task force. “He came to render aid during the altercation, but he’s in a support role during the operation. That means keeping notes, doing counter-surveillance, things like that.”



  8. Would you feel the same way if he handed his camera to someone, perhaps his wife, and had them take a picture of him in the same place? It's essentially the same thing. I think it's funny when they look away from the camera and try to strike a more serious tone while holding the goofy contraption.

    Smiling like it's Christmas in front of emergency vehicles is a bad look though.


    Honestly, I also had to wait behind two people who were taking each other's pictures in front of the bookcase behind which the families hid and that too was weird.  It just struck me as weird watching them pose in front of it.  I wasn't horribly offended or anything-- it was just odd, in a "why would you ever want/need a picture of yourself posing in front of that?" sort of way.

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  9. I've been sightseeing in Amsterdam all weekend.  Every time I see one of those selfie-sticks, I want to take it from that individual and beat them with it.


    Today I watched some guy take a picture of himself with a selfie-stick-- with the front door to Anne Frank's house strategically placed in the background behind him.


    I'm not that holier-than-thou about these types of things-- but what is the utility of having that picture in your lifetime memories?

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