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  1. And after Sunday all of the momentum comes to a screeching halt

    All the insiders are saying he's done

    Shame...I've been a fan since his TNA days with the blond hair

    Seemed like Cena ruined every promo tonight...he's just not good enough on the mike

    He doesn't suck but that "I respect you and you're great but let's fight" crap is stupid...

  2. After attending the debacle on Sunday night...I had to legit ask myself, "why do I still watch?"

    Its that bad

    Its 100 percent a kids show now...

    Booking is terrible...I mean ****tastic

    Weak characters

    Suckass promos

    Storylines that insult our intelligence

    I really see it going back to the 80s where the monster face champs (Orton and Cena) feast on all challengers for months on end

    I can't take it anymore...

    They've said **** the 18-34 demographic completely...

    Can't find the link but everybody go YouTube this video by wrestlingjesus2011 called the truth about WWE...it's the truest **** I've ever heard

    But anyways...why do we still watch?

  3. Saw it live...smh

    Booked horribly

    The Obama thing pissed me off

    That's bs you reserve for RAW not PPV

    Best match was Punk-Rey

    We are all loudly chanting for punk

    What good does it do for Orton to win that match???

    Christian's character is ruined

    Truth lost like a typical idiot non factor heel smh

    Crowd was 60-40 anti Cena

    In closing, ****** booking killed this show

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