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Posts posted by Botched

  1. You should show it to her, he wants her to see it or he would not have put it on Youtube. Love bites.

    I thought the same thing.

    I want to ask him that and find out more details, but we're not real close friends or anything so I'd feel awkward. The closest we come to discussing relationships is an occasional dirty joke or anecdote. Yeah...love bites hard.

  2. That is ****ing awesome. Definitely tell him to show it. The worst thing that can happen to him is... well... a restraining order. But he should get closure either way. Unless he's using it as a coping mechanism. But nonetheless, very cool.

    I think it's awesome too. But he asked me not to say anything to her. Still tempted though.

  3. Ok I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but I think it's cool. This guy got dumped by his girlfriend and then made this video to try to convince her to come back, but he hasn't shown it to her out of fear or embarrassment or whatever.


    So...when I got about halfway through the video, I realized I knew who it was (actually I recognized the kayak first). After numerous annoying text messages from me, he begrudgingly admitted to it.

    I also sort of know the girl who it's about, and I'm tempted to tell her about it. I think he'd be super pissed, but it seems stupid to make something like this and never show it.

  4. I wanted to comment on your post. I agree that the degree of gore has gotten out of hand. I've never been a big horror/slasher movie buff, but what separates gore from the past until now is, no longer do you just have a killer on the loose, stabbing, slashing and killing people. These new movies have started to take on a Texas Chainsaw Massacre sort of way, by capturing and psychologically torturing people in the most god awful way. It's gotten to the level of, "how far can I go to show human pain and suffering." I just don't get into that. Movies like Saw and some of those others. Watching older slasher movies had you on the edge of your seat, not knowing when the killer would "jump" out and scare you. Now, you see the killer and you watch him disembowel a person or chop them up limb by limb while they are awake. Not for me.

    I don't like those movies either, there are no redeeming qualities to watching them. Most of them aren't even scary. It's become a completely different genre from horror: "Torture porn".

    I wouldn't put TCM in that category though. It's disgusting, but the movie is more scary and suspenseful than it is gory.

  5. Camp 14: Total Control Zone. A very depressing, but informative documentary about North Korean labor camps.

    This dude who was born in a labor camp near Pyongyang talked about his 20+ years there....to include being torturd with water, fire, watching an 8-year old girl beaten to death, and gettting a front row seat at the public execution of his mother and.brother. probably the best N. Korea doc ive ever seen.

    I read the book Escape from Camp 14. I didn't even know there was a doc. Gonna have to check it out.

  6. Watched Paranormal Activity 4 last night.

    These went down hill after the 2nd one. The suspense was good, but didn't deliver that "OMG!" scary moment. Should have left it an independent film, hollywood has ruined the premise.

    On the good side, the usage of an xbox 360 kinect has me intrigued. I'm a paranormal investigator, when I have time, and I may have to try this.

    I'm at work so images don't really work - here's the movie's link : www.paranormalmovie.com/

    I thought PA3 was the second best of the series. 4 was disappointing to say the least.

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