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Posts posted by Botched

  1. Elysium. fun movie, Matt Damon kicks a lot of ass in this one.


    Saw this on Saturday. It would be a good rental, but probably not worth the $17.50 I paid to see it in Imax.

    Just noticed that Oldboy is being remade, by Spike Lee if you can believe it. heh. The redband trailer is on youtube. Looks like they changed the story line a bit (which IMO is a good thing because I hated the last 20 minutes).


    I didn't like the end either. It got too weird for me.

  2. Lone Survivor. I heard about this project because I'm a Wahlberg fan. The trailer just came out and wow. Based on the book by Marcus Luttrell who tells the real story of a group of 4 Navy Seals in Afghanistan who take on over 200 enemy. As the title suggests only one of the seals survived. Never read the book, but damn if I'm not gonna pick it up now. 


    It's a good book, but I was disappointed to learn afterwards that some important parts were greatly exaggerated.

  3. Five out of context posts in 3 months? What happened, did everybody suddenly become mature adults with a sophisticated sense of humor?


    I'll grow up when I'm dead.



    Anyway, interesting subject because I just recently ordered a Queen size 12 inch


    Mattress thread

  4. I spotted this a couple weekends ago.


    At first glance the mower appears to be out of its natural habitat, but this type of thing is to be expected in the parking lot outside of Big Lots and the Dollar Tree.


    The driver was kind enough to put on a shirt before he went inside. Don't tell me rednecks aren't classy.


    By the looks of it I'd say this is Culpeper.  And if that's the case, I'm not totally surprised.  


    Ding ding ding.


    Neither was I.

  5. I spotted this a couple weekends ago.




    At first glance the mower appears to be out of its natural habitat, but this type of thing is to be expected in the parking lot outside of Big Lots and the Dollar Tree.


    The driver was kind enough to put on a shirt before he went inside. Don't tell me rednecks aren't classy.

  6. I saw "The Wolverine" this morning.  I liked it. It was far better than the last Wolverine movie they did.  Also, you all will like the scene they stuck in the credits. 


    I saw it too. Not a masterpiece or anything, but far better than the last Wolverine flick.


    It's funny how they can get away with extreme violence in a PG-13 movie as long as there isn't *much* blood shown. This movie has a seriously high body count. And of course Wolverine is on the receiving end of lots of gruesome ouchies.


    Best part of the movie:


    Logan hurls someone off a balcony and they fall into a swimming pool far below.


    Yukio: How did you know there was a pool down there?


    Logan: I didn't.

  7. From a non-football forum I read. I wonder if this guy posts here?


    Shanahan was a flop in Oakland....he got fired mid way through his second season there. Player revolt.

    Shan got fired a couple of times in Denver. Fans there still hate his
    guts for the way that he treated Jake "the snake" Plummer.His last few
    teams there sucked.No one was surprised when Shanahan got canned."Better
    late than never" was pretty much the universal reaction.

    Shan had never even heard of Terrell Davis when Davis was drafted in a
    late round in Shan's first season in Denver.Total blind luck

    .Davis and Elway won two super bowls with Shanahan watching from the
    sidelines. That team was built by Dan Reeves and had already been to the
    Super Bowl multiple times.. Elway handed Shan the HC job there. As
    Denver and Reeves OC, Shan had been fired by Reeves for taking sides
    with Elway in a playcalling dispute. Kind of funny...getting fired by
    Reeves eventually led to Shanahan having two super bowls handed to him
    by Elway.

    Dan Snyder saw Shanahan's two Super Bowl wins and never looked at the
    whole picture when he hired hin.Lots of fans are still doing that.

    Blind leading the blind.

    Before RG3 was drafted,Shanahan's tenure in Washington was a total
    failure.A total trainwreck both on and off the field.You can look it up.

    Putting RG out on the field a week after a concussion and then letting
    RG play with a totally blown out knee put a dark cloud over what should
    have been a great season for RG and Hogskins fans.

    The fact that we are going into this season with so much doubt about
    RG's future in the NFL is totally a result of bad decision making by
    Shanahan.Great coachairquote.gifno way.
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