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Posts posted by Elessar78

  1. On 3/8/2021 at 3:36 PM, The Evil Genius said:

    What's the difference between a couple making $150k a year vs $160.1k a year?



    A wife that doesn't need that daily seasonal latte from Starbucks?

    4 hours ago, bearrock said:


    Let's not insult dumb toddlers

    I had a dumb toddler fall off the bench at dinner tonight who said, "that's not possible, the pandemic checks alone are 22.3% of the entire bill."

    • Like 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, visionary said:


    Probably one needs to look at it as helping those in dire straights from the pandemic, instead of a tool for political leverage. As others have pointed out, it's not a stimulus but rather disaster relief, because this is not a typical recession. It's a necessary evil, but America has certainly gone down a path where governing should be popular but we just need to govern for the well being of the citizenry. The pandemic checks will be a nice boost for many, but getting the vaccines out fast is more important. Getting schools reopened safely is more important. Vaccines and schools re-opening will be important but that's going to be lost on many Republicans since a)they are skeptical of vaccines/covid and b) schools (like in my red district) have been in-person since December.


    My party, the Democrats, just have to go for it. Pass the legislation they want however they can. In two years Americans can vote again and see if their messaging and policy can help them secure their grip on power. Or if America, with the aid of much voter suppression, will go the other way. It's the way of a Democracy.


    I'm all for blowing up the filibuster. Let's do something, let's do BIG things. As Trump has showed in both the positive and the negative, it's not easy to undo everything a president does quickly. Next big one for me is a climate change and infrastructure bill.

    12 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

    Just like any other stimulus bill, if you go over it with the finest of combs you will likely find some funding here and there you find questionable or unnecessary, but for the most part this bill is a huge win. For everyone.  And those red state governors, senators, & congressmen will be accepting their relief for state programs gladly and put it to use for the betterment of their people while simultaneously complaining on Fox News about "blue state bailouts" whatever the heck that actually means. 


    If there was an ounce of honesty to be squeezed out of these GOPers, it would be to praise the bill and explain to the whack-job hosts on Fox News why it is a good thing and should get support across the aisle.

    I've actually spent parts of the last two weekends perusing it. I had a good laugh at $25M for Howard University, the VPs alma mater.

    But there's a ton of great stuff in there—like funding for mental health.

    • Like 3
  3. On 3/7/2021 at 10:16 AM, Larry said:


    I think that economic facts support economic policies that the Dems advocate.  


    I'm not at all sure that political messaging does.  For all the talk of the vast liberal media boogeyman, if the Dems had the messaging apparatus the R's do, the R's would be an extinct political party,  


    Just like I think the Dems absolutely blew their messaging during the election.  There were so many things that Trump and the R's did during those four years that should have been used as clubs against them.  

    Been saying this for years. They have a multiplier effect that in rural areas, the churches are also their mouthpiece. So they have their air wave push and they've coopted Christianity for their evil purposes.


    But the brainwash is so thorough that most Republicans won't switch because of those said clubbings.

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


    Wow.  Would not have expected this.

    They turned weakness into strength. Neighboring Pennsylvania has a strong network of chain pharmacies, so PA-Dept of Health delegated part of distribution to the chain pharmacies (at least initially). So now, we have to go  dig through individual pharmacy websites to scramble for vax.


    WV, did NOT have a pharmacy network. A lot more independents pharmacies. So they gave it to independent pharmacies but they also went directly to the nursing homes and got a lot done quickly. PA has sped up it's processes now too. I think we are humming along.

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  5. My state says that I am eligible by virtue of where I work (manufacturing sector) and health conditions. But the hospital I'm signing up at isn't honoring those, they are keeping it to 65+ even though on their website it explicitly says 16–64 with qualifying medical conditions can schedule a vaccine.


    What say ye?

  6. 3 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    Zaxbys >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chick Fil A.


    And if you don't like crabs, you're missing the point that it's a social gathering where you sit around and bull**** all afternoon and drinking beers while snacking away on crabs.  

    Crabs are Maryland food. We dont touch those sea ****roaches in VA.

    • Haha 1
  7. 12 hours ago, abdcskins said:

    Bill Walton is such a cringeworthy announcer.  I know part of his gimmick is to say doltish things and act incredulous about dumb ****, but give it a rest.  I'm sure he's a good guy, he used to hangout with my uncle in San Diego back in the 70s, but he needs to retire.  He's on the same level as Chris Berman at this point, who I absolutely loathe.  Just call the game and save the corny jokes for home.

    His tirades against LJ/gramama/Larry Johnson were unintentionally amusing for me

  8. Obama bio. Good stuff so far

    59 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    Will definitely recommend all of the Malcolm Gladwell books.  Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, etc., all very though-provoking and really well written. 

    10,000 hours has been debunked as an inaccurate application of the underlying studies. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Jabbyrwock said:


    Hang in there.  Don't look at the big picture when you do things. I've got a backlog about 3 miles high.  If I looked at it, I'd run in sheer terror and hide from what I need to do.  So one thing at a time, break the tasks up into smaller bits, and focus just on the bit I'm working on right now.  Only occasionally step back and look at the big picture...I usually do that with a bit of alcohol.


    Also, worth mentioning to remember to get some sun.  Covid isolation plus less sunlight in winter is just a recipe for a depression spiral.  Talk with family and friends as much as you can, get out in the sunlight when its up and keep hope.


    Finally, and most importantly, don't be afraid to ask for help.

     I'm stealing this.

    COVID isolation eats away at me. I feel like I’m following the COVID rules very strictly—had to make concessions on one or two fronts. I live in a red county and I feel like most of the people we interact with are disregarding the rules. But I keep thinking about “my people” in the DMV, in California, in Washington, NYC, the nurses, the docs, friends, colleagues, and family on 6 continents— are all telling me we are doing the right thing and it’s just the people near me that aren’t. It’s still rough. 



    25 minutes ago, China said:


    That’s the dance they do before they wipe out your village. The music. It drowns out the screams. 

    • Like 3
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  10. Like for many of us this was such a tough year. Mine wasn’t as tough as others and some of it was good. 


    Got to spend a lot of time together as a fam, didn’t lose our jobs, we stayed healthy (knocking on wood). Wife already got dose 1 of the vax.


    It’s been hard the last two months though. Work has been insanely busy. Homeschooling two kids. Political disagreements with family. COVID disagreements with family and child care. Getting Exercise got tougher too—maybe just the winter months. 


    Isolation from friends. I’m just glad my kids have each other and they are younger. 

    lots of people dying here. We are going through a big spike. People at the hospital say we have another two weeks before things calm down. Although yesterday we had a 25% drop in hospitalizations. But people are as stupid as ever. During first lockdown everyone was great. I blame ****ing Trump/GOP for poisoning people’s minds. 


    A lot of experts believe 21 is going to be really rough. “Dark Winter”, but things should be better/back to normal by next Thanksgiving/Christmas. Hope they are right. 

    When freedom isn’t paired with responsibility, it becomes more of a cage. 

    • Like 6
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  11. 1 hour ago, Corcaigh said:

    I filled out the NYTimes calculator and it said there were 267 million people ahead of me. I put in lower ages and got a different answer. According to the calculator people 30 and under are getting the vaccine ahead of people over 30, all other things being equal.


    is there an assumption that 30 is the age limit for bars and partying?


    Doesn't make sense. The assumption is that that demographic are the major spreaders. But there's no data yet to show that the vaccinated CANNOT spread the virus.  (unless I missed it)



    1 minute ago, Mooka said:


    There's no one managing anything for Covid.


    Its all up to local government.

    I asked my county commissioner on that. "I'll get back to you" was basically the answer.

  12. 2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    Yea, it looks like we are going to have to wait for Inauguration Day for Joe to un**** this sad rollout.  Trump too busy with golf and sedition.. 

    ... and he's all out of golf...

    • Like 1
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  13. Should we just rename this the COVID Vaccine thread?


    NYT article last week mentioned how abysmal of a job we are doing getting the vax out.


    At this point, if your group is up, you have 24-48 hours to schedule an appointment or else someone who wants the vax can get it. Hospitals should just have a list.


    People who want it should be able to sign up for the list, mark their age, health risks, occupation and the app automatically slots them. Honor system.


    South Dakota is leading the way with injecting 50% of their supply into patients.



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