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Posts posted by Elessar78

  1. Biden is suffering from things largely not under his control.

    -inflation, trump provided stimulus too. It was necessary to keep economy where it is. 
    -negative perception of an otherwise decent economy: by many metrics the economy is doing well

    -women not returning to the workforce due to child care concerns

    -shortages due to Covid 

    -gas prices: that’s on OPEC, yeah he could open up strategic reserve, but that’s a strategic reserve for a reason

    -schools: yeah Dems prob did that to themselves 


    back in May and the summer the economy was ready to boom, until Delta and now Omicron. If we can get over this hurdle then people will feel great and Dems should be sitting pretty in November. 

    the counter is that Reps will try and choke off any recovery, spiting e country to gain control of House/Senate

  2. 1 hour ago, tshile said:

    I mean NIH published one study just a few weeks ago. 




    the end of the abstract:



    but no, let’s not study it because a bunch of people that don’t know a god damned thing about any of it, have decided it’s a political football 🙄


    72 people in trial... 5-day course...


    ~25 patients got IVM saw "virological clearance" in 9.7 days vs 12.7 days in placebo group

    ~25 patients got IVM + doxycline saw virological clearance in 11.5 days


    you really gonna roll the dice because 25 people in BANGLADESH got better 3 days sooner? Also the study says for "mild cases" of C19.

  3. 3 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:


    It's a waste of valuable time and resources.

    i'm anti ivermectin, but it's part of science. We've certainly gone down many fruitless rabbit holes in this pandemic.


    Part of the problem with science in medicine is the biomedical issues, but here we have a population that is WILLING to take it and a control population (unvaxxed people not given the option of taking IVM, admittedly could be muddy because they have to be treated with something else)

  4. 9 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


    Absolutely true...

    I just looked it up. WaPo had an article about it last September. Deaths are higher in Trump counties but not significant enough to affect elections. 800k deaths distributed around the country probably isn’t enough. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    I dont expect them to vote for Biden, I expect many of them to give up on their demigod or be vocal about not voting as a form of protest against him.


    His support even in the party is dropping like a lead ballon




    This doesn't mean GOP has turned its back on fascism. He struck a nerve in regards to freedom and personal choice concerning the anti-vax movement, even he can't put that genie back in the bottle (not for lack of effort)

    Dude, DeSantis and Rafael are ramping up the demagoguery. They’ve got the playbook now.

    6 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


    This is the same guy who told his supporters not to vote in the run-off election in Georgia because the elections are rigged anyway lol...plus if anti-vaxxers are Trump voters maybe he fears too many of them dying off before 2024 so he's trying to keep them all alive.

    With voting margins so tight in swing states, around 1%, deaths among unvaxxed could be a bigger swing 

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/9/2022 at 10:31 PM, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


    While I appreciate the humor, thats ****ed up broski.  It's all good though, you keep doing you homie.

    Sorry. And trust me it is ALL jokes between friends.

    Trust me, we are all at, near, past the breaking point. I'm gaslit daily by family. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


    Yesterday, the Buffalo Wild Wings app was not accepting orders for our location.  I tried to call in a take-out order and was placed on hold for a few mins then would get an automated message saying that there was no one there to help me and then the call disconnected.  Pretty sure they were closed due to staffing issues.  


    That location got hit hard, tons of people quit and they can't find anyone to fill the vacancies. Really sad and I'm so ****ing tired of this pandemic.  Never in a million years did I think we would be where we are now, two years out.  

    Wild wings shut down is what broke you. 


    • Haha 3
  8. Was curious this morning who the most “durable” nfl player was. Most games played, outside of kickers, is Tom Brady, Jerry Rice non-QB position, Favre but his body is destroyed, Bruce Matthews as a center is very impressive. Our Darrell Green is in the top 20 of that list too. 

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, China said:

    Covid is rampant among deer, research shows


    The findings are a reminder that human health is intertwined with that of animals and inattention to other species could prolong the pandemic.


    Humans have infected wild deer with Covid-19 in a handful of U.S. states and there’s evidence the virus has been spreading between deer, according to recent studies, which outline findings that could complicate the path out of the pandemic. 


    Scientists swabbed the nostrils of white-tailed deer in Ohio and found evidence of at least six separate times that humans spread the coronavirus to deer, according to a study published last week in Nature. 


    About one-third of the deer sampled had an active or recent infection, the study says. Similar research in Iowa of tissue from roadkill and hunted deer found widespread evidence of the virus. 


    The research suggests the coronavirus could be taking hold in a free-ranging species that numbers about 30 million in the United States. No cases of Covid spread from deer to human have been reported, but it’s possible, scientists say. 


    It’s a reminder that human health is intertwined with that of animals and inattention to other species could prolong the pandemic and complicate the quest to control Covid. 


    Click on the link for the full article

    How do deer get Covid. Humans are never close to them. Is there an intermediary species?

  10. What’s y’all’s behavior right now? Locking down? We never really went to restaurants and bars before Covid and I’d been clamoring for grocery pickup before Covid so basically we don’t go out for anything. 

    also live in a red county so no one masks and everyone going out like it’s 2019. Hard to gauge behavior outside the area.


    We are boosted, the kids have two doses, youngest has no vax yet (under 5).


    last winter we locked down hard and it took a toll on my kids mental health. I’m trying to strike a balance this time around but I don’t know if this variant is the time for balance.


    If it follows South Africa’s surge model we should be back to low numbers by Feb 1. But that’s just a guess. What’s the responsible thing to do from a societal standpoint? 

  11. 46 minutes ago, mojo said:

    Read the article from NPR

    There were two reagents in the test. One signals presence of flu virus, the other reagent signals presence of Covid virus. It was never designed to differentiate between the two viruses. And I say all this respectfully, I haven’t read up on this in two months. I did not find the npr article you are referring to, if you can link it. 

  12. 3 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

    Two more people left work tonight feeling symptoms.  

    We're kind of in a walkout now until the building gets professionally cleaned because we don't know where it came from & until the stupid unvaxxed idiots can stay quarantined long enough.  I'm pushing for the full 10 days. 

    ****in idiots. 

    Professionally cleaned? Did I miss something? This is airborne, not really a surface transfer thing. Tell the owner to get some high quality air purifiers and open the doors (if possible).

  13. 22 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    But do any vaccines prevent infection? Or are vaccines solely to diminish the chance of infection (and/or diminish the effects of said infection)?





    This question piqued my curiosity. In a UK study infection between household members vaxxed to vaxxed was 25% of the time vs vaxxed to UNvaxxed 38%. This is for delta.

  14. 6 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    But do any vaccines prevent infection? Or are vaccines solely to diminish the chance of infection (and/or diminish the effects of said infection)?





    Antibodies: first level of defense, is shredded by Omi and Delta. So you get sick/can get sick

    T cells/b cells take a few days to kick in but clear the infection quicker. 

    Let’s please stop talking about “deaths”. That was always a low percentage. From the outset it was about flatten the curve.


    2-3 doses of vax still preventing hospitalization=flattening the curve.

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