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Posts posted by SoulSkin

  1. CNN was talking about the possibility of something happening Friday a ton last night, since Mueller team and Grand Jury activity normally occurs on Friday. It was discussed by several reporters and pundits that the last time there was Thursday activity, it was the day before they indicted the 13 Russians from the IRA. Stone was the obvious and logical target of speculation about potential Friday activity. Of course they probably had someone staked out looking for any activity.

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  2. I came in here to post something and found this lingering from New Years. I guess I never posted it. It was good:


    My dad always did the boil-some-black eyed peas in a pot with a dime thing, so I've always tried to do that to carry on that tradition. I never really liked them that much. Today I pan fried some instead. Just a can of BEP, 4 cloves garlic, 1/2 a red onion, and a red bell pepper diced. 2 Tbsp olive oil, sauteed the garlic for a couple minutes on med, added 2 tsp paprika for another couple minutes. Added peppers, onions, and BEP, and cooked for about 5 minutes more. Pretty tasty. Kind of like refried beans. I feel like it would go well with tzatziki sauce and maybe some gingery chicken, on some mutant burrito or pita kind of thing.


    ...and what I was going to post, just now:


    I just thin sliced a bunch of potatoes and pan fried them in a pan full of hot vegetable oil. We did this all the time when I was a kid, and I just hadn't really thought to try it for again for a long time now. I guess just from trying to be health-conscious for so long. So easy, and good. I miss cooking and eating completely unhealthy, 70's style.  



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  3. 16 minutes ago, twa said:

    Is the engine turning over w/o starting? 

    Those also have a fuel cutoff switch on the passenger side post by your foot that can have a bad connection ect.

    If it isnotturning over it is a different problem than the fuel system.

    Corrosion on the battery terminals can cause intermittent problems


    Yeah, it's turning over. The battery's fairly new and no corrosion. I may have him look at the battery cables themselves though, now that you mention that. I've had to replace those before, because for whatever reason, that truck has had corrosion issues. Not just on the battery/terminals, but like it ate it's way deep up into the cables. Still think it's fuel related. I was also thinking maybe I just got a bad tank of gas wherever I last fueled up.

  4. Got a weird issue with my old 2001 Ford Ranger. I love this little truck. 6 cylinder engine, with a really long bed on it. Perfect for pickup truck-doing things. Two Fridays ago, it wouldn't start after driving it about 5 miles and sitting for about an hour, while I was away from it. It didn't seem like a normal weak battery or bad starter kind of thing. It's like it wasn't getting gas, and just wouldn't turn over, to get going. Waited about 5 minutes, it turned over and started right up. Monday AM- wouldn't start after a couple of attempts over a period of about two hours. Got it towed to my mechanic (who's normally really good and honest with this truck). He had trouble figuring it out. He said it started every time he tried. He hooked up gauges/equipment to monitor fuel pressure and whatever he thought needed measuring. All he came up with was he said seemed like it was flooded when he first got it due to some gas in the oil. I got him to put a new oil filter and change the oil, because it needed it anyway. I decided to let him keep it another day to see if it would not start for him the next morning. Sure enough, it didn't.


    After that, it did start, like every time, so he wanted to wait for it to repeat the whole not starting thing again, while he had whatever equipment hooked up to see what was going on. It repeated the issue again eventually, and he said the fuel pump was testing fine, pulled some other parts, and I guess there's some rust in the fuel regulator and the fuel pressure-damper, whatever that is. He replaced those, and the fuel filter. I drove it yesterday with no issues. Today, it won't start. Let it sit an hour, it starts right up. He didn't want to replace the fuel pump first, as it was the most expensive option, but I'm wondering if maybe there's just rust inside of the gas tank or somewhere else along the line. I guess the fuel pump might be next, but I kind of feel like I'm heading towards a new gas tank, and maybe everything else in the fuel system. Anyone ever had a similar thing, or have any ideas? Is it hard to figure out where rust is coming from in a case like this?

  5. 10 hours ago, zskins said:


    $8? If that is truly is the price then you should get it. 



    But once you get the domain you want you can then just move it to GoDaddy or 1and1.com. I have lots of customer domains on 1and1 and GoDaddy and they are cheap and support is pretty good too. :)


    For $8, I agree. if it's something @PleaseBlitz really wants. Just be ready for potential frustration in the sale and that transfer process to GoDaddy or wherever. My company is actually a reseller for GoDaddy. So, it's really GoDaddy, but our own special branding, etc.. I haven't really tried much else in a while. I have had to transfer stuff to us from things like "GoBigMedia" and something called Enom. Moniker at least looks more put together than those operations.

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  6. 1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    So whois said it was unavailable but directed me to a company called Moniker.  They seem to have it and I can buy it for $8.  Is that legit?


    It looks like Moniker is a registrar. Someone else probably registered the domain there, and they would sort of be a middleman, in helping them sell it. It appears legit to me,  but I've never heard of them before. I found three bad reviews on the BBB website and also from some people on a message board (bad responsiveness/poor support). I can link to that if you want. My experience with oddball domain registrar's is they almost always have bad support and getting things done with your domains is more difficult then the bigger registrars due to lack of documentation and confusing interfaces. Not always, but quite a few that I've run into over the years.


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  7. On 1/9/2019 at 12:30 PM, SoulSkin said:

    Ran into some odd file sharing issues for several people this morning, and knew it was related to Windows Updates. This is on some Windows 7 or Server 2008 machines that were updated last night, with the specific issue of a network share not being able to be accessed using credentials of a local admin on the PC/Server sharing the folder. The registry edit works (at least on Windows 7). Guess you could also change the way the share is accessed, depending on your environment/s. We had several people having issues with copiers scanning to folders on PCs, and some small workgroup users accessing Quickbooks file shares. Thought it might save someone else the trouble of tracking it down.






    MS released a patch for this issue. MS Description-Link . No idea if it actually works. https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4487345

  8. That was a great win. Does it feel like Turgeon is having his best season yet? To me it does, especially with timely use of timeouts, and just generally managing game flow better. That Langford guy is incredible for sure. Gotta think Fernando's stock is skyrocketing at this point. He's just getting better and better. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, zskins said:


    I came across this issue today. My wife's cousins called and asked for my help for one his client and they were sharing QB on a Windows 7 machine. I told them to change the router (the firmware failed on it) will see if the problem is still there after the router change and if so then I will have them just uninstall the update and then hide. Thanks for posting this. 


    I like to try and post things like this that I run into and think might be helpful here. I've gotten some help here before, definitely by tshile, probably renegade and you, so I try to remember that and contribute here. I figured, besides people that work in IT, this issue might have affected some people who poke their heads in here when they see new post, and use Windows 7 machines at home or in their small offices, etc. I figured someone would probably run into the issues at some point yesterday.


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  10. Ran into some odd file sharing issues for several people this morning, and knew it was related to Windows Updates. This is on some Windows 7 or Server 2008 machines that were updated last night, with the specific issue of a network share not being able to be accessed using credentials of a local admin on the PC/Server sharing the folder. The registry edit works (at least on Windows 7). Guess you could also change the way the share is accessed, depending on your environment/s. We had several people having issues with copiers scanning to folders on PCs, and some small workgroup users accessing Quickbooks file shares. Thought it might save someone else the trouble of tracking it down.





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  11. That was really fun to watch. Broadcast showed that that was the first victory vs. a ranked team since Feb. 2016 (Purdue). Jalen Smith is gonna have some chest bruising from fired up Fernando thumping him after he made a couple of fantastic plays. Gotta keep your head on a swivel when Bruno is fired up like that apparently. 

    • Haha 1
  12. Israel is probably having some buyer's remorse right about now, but that's how it goes when you're counting on cadres of corrupt criminals dealing with other cadres of corrupt criminals, I guess. They have their deals with Russia too though, I'm sure. Good luck with that. Wouldn't be surprised if their intelligence services end up being the ones to make public some sort of proverbial smoking gun on the pre-election collusion, but they might be entirely wrapped up in it themselves.

  13. Imagine how much fun Putin would have with the deep state exiled, "legitimate" president of the US in his care. Trump would probably have a daily segment on Russian news, and other forms of broadcasts accessible to people in the US through whatever means. What a huge propaganda tool that would be. I'd also worry about what sensitive information he would give to him, but that cat might be out of the bag already anyway. 

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