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Posts posted by StephenB

  1. So do we have a color rush jersey or not? Based on that sheet that was listed, it says black for Redskins according to the tweet.


    I don't have a source readily available, but I've read on more than one occasion that all NFL teams will have a color rush uniform.  I just don't know what color ours will be.  I couldn't imagine Snyder being cool with the other 31 teams getting another merchandising opportunity, while his team gets none.


    If it were up to me, I'd go with the all gold uni, which would still look ****ty, but better than black or burgundy.

    • Like 2
  2. Dallas is doing theirs for their thanksgiving game. Could be wrong but I think teams are wearing their color uniforms for the rest of the Thursday night games this season, so we could see ours on the Saturday night game the night after Christmas since that's the special Saturday edition of Thursday night football


    We'll have to wait til next year to know for sure.  This year's "Color Rush" is only a four game trial with the final game coming in Week 15 between the Bucs and Rams.

  3. anyone see the NFL color uni's that the Thursday Night Football games will be played in? Jets are wearing a kelly green and there are a few others, but, in the article I say on reddit, it said all teams will have an alternate color uniform in 2016. Link to article below, but has anyone seen what the Redskins uni would be?  I am guessing our gold color, but who knows.  The Jags feature their gold color and Panthers feature the blue.



    I wondered what ours would be too.  I wouldn't mind a gold jersey if it were done tastefully and paired with our red pants.  I think all these match-ups feature monochrome uni combos though.

  4. ^^ Interesting.  I wonder if there's a difference between the glossy paint that gets used for the original design and the throwbacks though.  Seemed like our throwbacks were matte, maybe different timeline for different paint types?


    If my memory serves me correctly, our throwback helmet was actually a textured wrap type substance that was adhered to the helmets.  I looked for an article that detailed how it was done, but I can't find anything.

    • Like 1
  5. I like the idea of repainting the lids too, but I found this from a UniWatch/ESPN interview with an NFL equipment manager on the whole helmet thing...


    UW: Many fans and readers have asked me, "Why can't they just paint their helmets to the throwback color and then paint them back to the regular color the week after that?"


    EG: That might have worked in the past, with some of the old paints they used to use. When I first started here, we would go around on Sunday after a game, pick out the helmets that needed a new paint job, and then on Monday morning we'd send 'em to a local reconditioner who'd paint 'em and get 'em back to us by Tuesday afternoon, and they'd be ready to go. But the paint on today's helmets -- at least for our team -- takes four to five days to cure. The hardening agent in the paint takes longer to set up. And you need the helmets back by Wednesday, to practice in.


    It sounds like it would be an issue more so for the week leading up to the throwbacks versus the bye week afterwards.

    • Like 1
  6. Doesn't seem feasible. As I mentioned in my first post, helmets get broken fairly regularly. So if this was the rule, what are players supposed to do when one breaks? Go all Knute Rockne?

    Of course not. A helmet breaks, you get a new one. That has nothing to do with the rule. The rule is meant to minimize helmet usage as much as possible. Most players do not break their helmet during the course of the season. And even if a player broke one, the lack of a throwback helmet could very well mean one less helmet being worn during the season. When a player sues the league 30 years from now, the league can say they took the highest precautions by limiting helmet usage.

    I don't like the rule either, but it is what is it for the very reasons I've mentioned earlier. I'm not just making this stuff up. If it weren't valid, wouldn't we have seen the Tampa Creamsicles or the Pat Patriot helmet over the last three seasons?. Throwback unis equal jersey sales and more revenue. The NFL doesn't give up a single dollar unless they believe it could cost them more it the future.

  7. Is the rule just one helmet, or just one style of helmet?


    I ask because when I played in college we had just one style, but our practice helmets weren't the game helmets. Also, helmets got broken quite often which meant you'd have more than one helmet per season, typically. So, I'm not sure this would really be about continuity in wearing the same exact helmet.


    Does anyone know for sure?


    The NFL's restriction is not one style of helmet, but actual helmet.  Players can only wear one physical helmet during each season.  This why you see us wearing our regular helmets with our throwbacks, or why you don't see the Tampa or New England throwbacks any longer.  This is done completely for concussion protocol, not for ****s and giggles.


    There are excpetions of course, like a player changing teams in-season or a helmet actually getting busted (yes, it happens).

  8. ^^They should take the logo off the sides since they took the stripes off and the throwbacks may look better.


    I've never understood the purpose of the "one" helmet rule.  I know it has to do with concussions, but what is the difference.  A player is comfortable with a certain type of helmet (mask, pads, design).  If he has Type A with his regular helmet, then he'll choose Type A for his throwback helmet.  Meaning, it's the same damn helmet with different colors and logos on them.


    What if a player busts his helmet?  It's the same thing. switching to another helmet that is exactly like the one he wore.


    Someone explain to me why they don't want them to wear multiple helmets.


    It's the NFL's risk aversion to concussion litigation.  If for some reason down the road, it is discovered that using one helmet during a season, versus multiple helmets, reduces concussion chances, then the NFL will reduce it's odds of litigation.  Totally a CYA move.

  9. Meanwhile, they lose tons of money. The NFL is easily identifiable as are the teams. I'm not saying they need to go Oregon/Maryland with their combos, but for instance, you can only have 2 colors of pants. Why? I'd love for us to wear the gold, burgundy and white, but we can't wear the burgundy. It doesn't make sense to limit things.

    I Would like to see it too, but it's not happening. The NFL owners are conservative and don't want to rock the boat with their respective team's brands. Plus, they aren't marketing to potential recruits like colleges are with their wild uni combos. Their belief is that there is more to gain financially with a strong, unified, recognizable brand than there would with multiple uniform combinations and any potential jersey sales that would come with that.

    The owners really went out on a limb by even agreeing to color on color match ups for TNF. We will probably see the first one this week with the Skins versus Giants.

  10. What I don't get, is why the NFL has such a huge problem with multiple jersey combinations. They don't realize that is free marketing for them and the team and they lose money on jersey sales.

    Why not let teams have 4 jerseys and 3 pants? As long as you declare as the home team, what combination you are wearing before the season, you should be good. That gives the visiting team time to get their combination together.

    It's baffling to me why the NFL is so strict.


    The NFL does this because they want one brand or image for the fans to associate each team with.  If each team had 4 or 5 jerseys, then the fans wouldn't have one unified brand to easily identify each team with, or latch on to.


    The league does allow teams to have one alternate (more revenue via jersey sales), but each team is limited to wearing them only twice per year to reinforce that consistent brand.  They want fans to be able to see a jersey at a sports bar and immediately be able to identify it as X team.


    It seems strict and maybe unnecessary to some, but it reinforces each of the 32 brands.

  11. which anyone with a half of a brain would know that if you use a replication, its still the same damn thing.  And is it true that players only wear 1 helmet the entire year?  what if it gets dinged?  say something crazy happens and it breaks mid game, are they done for the yeaR?


    Or gets traded during the season like Trent Richardson did last year?  You know they didn't paint his Browns helmet white and slap new decals on it.  He got a brand new helmet.  It's such a BS rule.

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