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Everything posted by clskinsfan

  1. 15 minutes until Beer O'clock. Who else is joining me. And are we going to have an "official Draft Day Thread" or are we just going to use one of the existing ones?
  2. Dont do that man. Just cheer for whoever we pick. Or **** about him. That's what being a fan is all about.
  3. This is true. And list of rocket arm failures is large. I want Maye because I believe his issues are coachable. But so did the coaches that drafted every single one of those failures.
  4. Duplicate post. The site is going to make me bash my head through a wall right now.
  5. My point was more that the extra experience will be what ended up making him the #2 pick in the draft. He was a 4th or 5th rounder last year at best. The extra year worked for him. So more QB's will go back to school to try to replicate it.
  6. If Daniels is the pick you are going to see a lot more QB's stay in college. Especially since Purdy was successful. I dont understand the new NFL valuing experience over potential. It goes against everything you have ever thought was right about the draft. But here we are.
  7. So your theory is if a QB is good looking they are destined for failure? Tom Brady has done modelling for Christ's sake.
  8. Mayes work ethic and love of the game have never been questioned by anyone that I can find. You have a link to some of that stuff by chance?
  9. The point is QB's throw the play that is called. It is not their fault that the call was a screen. Holding play calls against their overall stats wont work. Screens are a big part of Riley's offense. So of course Caleb threw a ton of them. It still counts as a throw. Conversely screens werent really a huge part of the Michigan offence.
  10. 7 hours till the draft and the site is already crashing. Part timers need to go home.
  11. He definitely was. Bama had no answer for Daniels. He was fantastic against them. I watched that tape numerous times. And imo this years Bama game was the best all around game of Daniels career. He had multiple drops, an int that was not his fault and was unstoppable with his legs. Daniels is going to be exciting as hell to watch. I just hope he can stay healthy.
  12. "not counting screen passes" means his fact is worthless. Screens are a big part of the game. Ignoring them doesnt change that.
  13. I would make that trade. But the Chargers cant make that trade. It is like a 50 million dead cap hit for them.
  14. Come on man. Let us have some fun. You are like my mother coming in and slapping my hand for playing video games instead of doing my homework.
  15. Picks and/or players would be my guess. I would trade down from 2 to 3 for Crosby or Adams......Just saying.
  16. There was talk yesterday of the Raiders trading up to 3. Then up to 2 for Daniels. They are basically willing to give away the future of their franchise for the guy. If they trade to 3 I say we let them give that future away.
  17. Schrager on GMFB just now: "Anyone who tells you they know who the Commanders are taking is a liar. If anyone would know it would be me. Because I am friends with Kliff Kingsbury and I dont think HE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE TAKING". Heavy stuff from Schrager this morning.
  18. Glad to see someone else has him #1 as well. I wonder how much the medicals are going to effect him. Straight up beast though.
  19. Agree. And I imagine that is what they are going to work hard on with him once he gets into the building. I understand why he did it. It let him protect the ball. But in the NFL it is more important that he protects his body. A couple of picks are fine if it keeps him healthy.
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