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Everything posted by zCommander

  1. I said that is a ball and he is going to hit... yup. My son was amazed I could see the future... lol
  2. Because genetically there are more right-handed people then left-handed people in the world.
  3. Just got home... what the hell is going on? Hopefully the 8th inning will be our magic inning like Tuesday night.
  4. I don't think it matters. Fans are going to spend time and energy in going to the Nats game instead of both. It is one of two bye week for us Skins fans...lol
  5. What a monster save from Holtby in the last minutes of the period. Need to put them away in OT though.
  6. Yup pretty jacked myself too... how about BOOYAH!!! NLDS Baby Shark! or something like that.
  7. I am glad I can't either as I have to replace a motherboard on a laptop to be delivered to my client in the morning. Was going to do this while watching the game but was sad and upset until the last few minutes....lol
  8. Honestly I am glad he is gone. In crucial moments he would just simply strike out no matter how many times he would adjust his glove and how many crosses he drew on the home plate.
  9. I am so glad/happy for some of you here. Happy for me too.
  10. All i could think of Grand Slam with the bases loaded or an easy out. Both didn't happen but we are now up. I said tonight is not the night. Reverse psychology worked.
  11. Tonight is not our night. Better luck next year. At least they made this far after how they started.
  12. I almost got excited... a little harder that was gone.
  13. It was a 10th of a sec from me posting and the HR. I was originally going to post need a Grand Slam in this game from Turner to get back in the game. But this will do just fine.
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