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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. Wtf? Why would you throw a 5 yard slant on 4th and 16? Dolphins turned into rancid tuna fish real quick.
  2. Just looked it up. Tirico is doing this game and the Rams game tomorrow. Collinsworth is joining him in the booth tomorrow for the Rams/Lions game.
  3. Not only are the phins going to lose, Tua is going to have to amputate his throwing hand. "Cold is a state of mind" he says.
  4. Are we maybe hiring the Adam Peters that found a studly QB with the very last pick in the draft like an absolute chad? Or are we hiring the paint chip munching, drooling simpleton Adam Peters that passed on said QB SIX times in the same draft, and waited to the very last pick to get him? I both want this guy and hope he doesn't get anywhere near this team. ****.
  5. Ozzie Newsome drafted Kyle Boller. Guess his career is forever tarnished. If picking QB's was easy, every single team would have their own Peyton Manning.
  6. We're 200+ pages into this thread, and this point is still needing to be reiterated.
  7. Watching Ron's presser... Waiting for the hook to wrap around his neck and pull him away from the podium.
  8. We're getting a Lions & Rams playoff game. Goff and Stafford vs. their old teams. Amazing job the by NFL script writers.
  9. Why not? They have to pay him for the remainder of his contract. I'd gladly take a check for a few million on my birthday.
  10. Game has been over for 4 minutes and Ron hasn't been fired. What the hell? WHERE ARE THE TWEETS @Skinsinparadise
  11. The whole QB thing wasn't working out for him, so he decided to be a RB. You love to see that kind of self-awareness.
  12. Congrats Terry. Much deserved. Now Harris and Co, build a team around Terry that he deserves. Please and thank you.
  13. We've now allowed 518 points on the season, which is the most in franchise history, and about ~80 more than the next closest team. Nice legacy, Ron. Going out in style!
  14. Ron's keycards are already cancelled. I doubt he can even use the Keurig at this point.
  15. "waiting to happen"? Dude has long since passed the barrier for being a bust. High first round pick that can't buy any playing time, and is already on his second team. Dude is absolute trash. Maybe one of the worst draft picks of the last 10 years.
  16. No, instead EB wants to dial up double fake, 8 step drop throws with a putrid offensive line and tackles that can't guard anyone. Don't let the door hit you in the ass pal. This line is so bad dudes are tackling Sam before he even gets to the back of his drop. Jesus.
  17. lol punt block. I can't believe that we, briefly, thought we wouldn't lose this game.
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