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boston skins fan

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Posts posted by boston skins fan

  1. 1 hour ago, Burgold said:

    I'm not sure that Kyle Smith being gone has that much to do with Bruce Allen stink. The argument that Kyle failed to step up while Ron was dealing with cancer resonates somewhat, but I think it's simpler than that.


    Kyle saw the writing on the wall. He was not wanted here. He was not interviewed for the GM job and his star was not going to rise higher during his tenure here. It's likely that good drafts will be attributed to Mayhew/Hurney and not him. So, Kyle had to hit the road. Staying put would be moving backwards.


    If he really wanted a promotion why didnt he take more off Ron's plate?  


    In my work when my superior transfers/retires and we are with out for a few weeks i jump to take some of the work so i show that i can do the work and move up myself.  If Smith didnt then its on him 

    • Like 4
  2. 12 minutes ago, Rocky21 said:

    The guys at Riggo's Rag grade the Hurney hiring as a......D.




    If Hurney stays in his lane and is just the facilitator and allows Rodgers to handle the contracts and cap and Smith/Mayhew handle the players then hell be fine.  


    The isssue is will he stay in his lane

  3. 11 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    I've been a fan of Kyle Smith for a long time even before it was cool to do so.   I get the impression that Rivera sees the GM spot like this:


    A.  A partner in helping establishing the culture.  A liason with the players, alumini, people in the building, Dan, and the media so its not all on Ron's plate.  And Ron is looking for a dude with super people skills and are outgoing.


    B.  Adminstrating the team so all the trains run on time


    C.  Player selection.


    Ron has said now a number of times there is more to the GM spot than meets the eye.  In various ways the points above have been made by him or others who cover the team saying what impression they are getting.


    My best guess is Kyle is all about C.  And not so much B and A.  I think A is a function of his personality.  From what I've heard, he's a likable guy but he's not the most outgoing and in turn not so much the interactive culture building type contributes to morale.  And I gather he's inexperienced in adminstration.  He likes to pick players.  And Ron wants more than someone that picks players.  And considering Stokes is getting an interview I am gathering two things about that.  1.  he has more of those general skills than Kyle.  2.  Rivera has touted his scouting ability and thinks he can pick players well, too.


    I like Kyle a lot but I am not going to lose it if he leaves assuming they build a FO with other good people.


    DING DING DING DING you hit the nail on the money.


    Kyle Smith is by all accounts is a pheonminal at player selection but from what ive read he hasnt handled much if any of the admin and might not be the people person that RR is looking for.


    Being an AGM Cowden probably assisted in the admin work as has Stokes.

    Mayhew was a GM and has definately done the admin work.


    Everyone interviewed has most likely done some of the GM Admin work as for people skills not sure.  Rivera is probably aware if he hires from the outside it will piss off Smith so he needs to be sure that his new GM has a past of selecting players for when smith leaves.  For as much as i like smith im ok with it because Rivera is building a synergestic relationship with all departments and if that helps us win Im fine with Smith leaving.  If we get Schoen or Cowden even better.

    51 minutes ago, RWJ said:

    If will be interesting to see IF the Bill lose if Joh Schoen gets a call to interview.


    Ya were gonna have to wait i have a feeling theyre gonna beat the Chiefs.

  4. 6 hours ago, thesubmittedone said:

    Every single executive and coach hired here has said it’s a collaborative effort. It’s not even feasible for anyone to actually do everything at this level. Marty said it. Gibbs said it. Shanny said it. Vinny said it. Allen said it. Everyone is ideally collaborating, but that’s the problem. There are good organizational structures that codify and systematize good processes where the right people are able to fulfill their roles without unwarranted interference. The evidence is widespread around the league as to what that looks like. That’s what I’m talking about here. Can’t just stick my head in the sand. 😕 


    I’m with you that this is different. And not just a smidgen. There are plenty of things we can point to, and I actually mentioned them in the post I made right before the one you quoted. 

    But I’ll do it again here just so everyone knows I’m not totally down on this set up. I just want what’s best, that’s all. Things that are different: 


    1) Dan has been embarrassed before, but this is the worst it’s ever been. He’s being attacked on all sides legally and personally. We’ve seen embarrassed Dan before and we know it eventually wears off and he’s right back at his destructive tendencies, but this time it might last longer than ever before.

    2) Ron was given an authority here I don’t think anyone has ever had, hence he was able to change Snyder fixtures like the Athletic Training Staff lead by Larry Hess among other organizational shifts that removed Dan’s most tenured and loyal staff members. I was probably the only poster on here the last how many years who was focused on Larry Hess and co. regarding injuries when most brilliant fans were blasting the coaches for it. 🤦🏽‍♂️ So no one was more pleased we upgraded there and the positive results were immediate. 

    3) An emphasis is being placed on the scouting department and its leadership unlike any other time before during Dan’s tenure. Promoting Kyle Smith was important, though I argued last offseason we needed to do more, and here we are doing just that now. The wide net being cast is extremely promising. Interviewing people like Cowden and even the latest news with Jojo Wooden and Nick Polk, is incredibly refreshing and what quite a few of us have been begging for, for years! We’re actually interviewing people who are currently in the league and part of some successful programs (or at least widely recognized for playing significant roles in building pretty good rosters). That’s really a dream come true for us. 

    For me, it’s just one more step that needs to be taken for me to feel really good about the set up (of course, Snyder looms large so that feeling is limited). I was advocating for a legit GM hire last offseason and was being told that it wasn’t necessary and everything is fine as is. That Kyle Smith is “de facto” GM and final say over personnel doesn’t matter. Welp, Ron clearly didn’t agree with the first part of that so I guess those guys have to change their thoughts since it’s pretty much exclusively tied to whatever the Coach they like at the time thinks or regurgitating whatever media content they prefer that gives them what they want to hear. If the new hire is given final say over the roster, or at least the 90 during the offseason as Ron himself originally stated before being hired here... I’ll be absolutely ecstatic and this will be a model best suited for sustainable success. If not, it’s still the best we’ve had under Snyder, just not ideal. 

    Then again, there can be no ideal with Snyder as owner. So, yeah. 🤷🏽‍♂️



    You wrote what i was thinking.  Id like to add this.


    Smart people know their limitations.  I always say that "i know what i know and i know what i don't and when i don't ill find someone that does".  I get the feeling that Ron has this same philosophy.  He came in with full control and cleaned house thinking he could do everything.  He probably realized that that wasn't possiible and needed help.  I have a feeling that Ron pushed for Wright to get the business side off his plate.


    He probably came in thinking that he could have a front office structure like he had thru the season but realized that the Admin side was to much for him.  So now he needs a GM to take more off his plate.


    Ron by all accounts is a smart man and a strong leader.  A good leader knows his limitations and surrounds himself with people that will challenge him and not be a yes man.  


    Ron has started to build a culture here and wants someone that can continue to build it in the front office.  I saw the term football emporer in the thread and by all accounts thats what he is.  He is the BOSS and everything comes to him.  Doesn't mean hes going to do everything just means that he is in the loop on everything.  

  5. 14 minutes ago, RWJ said:

    If we could have that I'd be happy but it would mean we'd see Smith leave at some point in time.  I'd rather it be the other way around but having Smith as our AGM would make me happy!  :)


    We need a GM now and smith is not ready.  If you are a good team you will lose talented coaches and FO personnel.  Its the nature of the game.  Id rather have Cowden (like i said what smith could be in a few yrs) now then let smith learn on the job.  If this team is successful under Cowden with smith as his AGM then its a win win.  The team is winning and Smith will be a GM else where.  Its the way it works in sports.


    Atleast theyre looking to snipe up and coming talent from other teams vs just the ole boys club retreads.

    • Like 2
  6. 23 minutes ago, RWJ said:

    I have read some WFT beat reporters, forget who on twitters saying Hurney could be brought in as a Senior non GM and Cowden as GM.  Take it as a grain of salt for now.


    Been doing some research on Cowden.  Seems like he could be a good get.  credited as on of the architects of the Panthers team that went to the super bowl in 15 and as one of the major architects in the current Titans FO that has a solid team.  He looks to be kyle smith with more experience.


    Would not be upset with him.  Hurney as a senior assistant to help out cowden.  Cowden as gm and Smith as AGM working and learning under Cowden would be a fantastic structure.

  7. I dont get it.  People on this board are smart know the game and know the team and skill we have.  You all must know this team needed a rebuild and start from scratch.  Rivera himself said its a year to evaluate (which i read as were gonna suck but see who we have that will be here in the future).  Yet every one is shocked and pissed that the team is 1-4.  Have patience lets see what the guy can do.  If he didnt have control you think snyder would have let him bench Haskins?  Let the guy do the job and build the team he wants in his vision.

    • Like 3
  8. 4 minutes ago, Thinking Skins said:


    One thing I like about Scott Turner and his relationship with Cam was the learning of Cam's learning style. Interesting that this had not been discovered before with some of the names he'd worked with. I wonder if it was a generational thing where people of older generations are more likely to expect students to take notes in a classroom lecture format and anyone who doesn't is labeled a bad kid. Whereas there has been a lot of research in educational philosophy and ways to each different learning styles to try to reach different children. Not to mention the things like dyslexia, ADD, and ADHD (none of which I have any knowledge of Cam or Dwayne having) which can be seed-bumps to the traditional learning environments. It seems like Scott tackled this problem with Cam and Cam is really grateful. 


    He mentioned it during the Larry Michaels interview that building a relationship and finding out the best way a QB learns is paramount to development.  Hopefully he learns what method works best for Haskins.  But Haskins needs to want to learn or whatever Turner somes up with will be pointless

  9. 1 hour ago, veteranskinsfan said:

    Just heard on 908 interview with Scott Turner who said his dad will be on the field during the off-season and will be mentoring him.  Ugh.  So will Norv

    always be around?  So he will be at Redskins Park.  Will he shake hands again with the Danny?   Will Snyder go to Riverboat Ron and say "You never

    told me Norv would be here"?  The Nov years with Skins were painful.  Very interesting that Norv will be around.  Hope everyone is prepared to see

    him.  If Ron wanted Norv then he should have hired Norv and let his son come to practices and learn from his dad while we pay his son a much lower coaching salary.


    and this is bad because?  Norv might have been a not so good HC but hes one of the best OC's in the last 30 yrs.  He knows offense.  


    In my job i tell people all the time "I know what i know and i know what i dont know, and when i dont know i ask someone who does".  Why would Scot Turner do the same and rely on all the resources he has?



    • Like 4
  10. 1 minute ago, goskins10 said:


    I can see all 3 being true. KOC has some interest from a few potential HCs - college and pros - KOC wants to leave - Redskins want to possibly hold onto him, at least until they know for sure who their OC will be.


    My problem with the statements made about him is that they were stated as fact that he has made up rumors to make himself look good and that other coaches around the league are "disturbed" by his promotion - not sure why they would care - and that no one actually wants him at all. That's some pretty harsh stuff to be stating without facts to support.


    I have no problem with people expressing an opinion - that's what we are here. I do have a problem with opinion being presented as if it were fact.


    Thats my issue as well and bravo for you saying it.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:


    KOC was under contract. If Turner is the hire then Ron didn't want him. Regardless, read bowhunter's posts on KOC and you will get the joke with my post.


    If hes under contract or not doesnt mean he wanted to be here.  why would rivera keep someone around that doesnt wanna be here.


    there are major holes in all your arguments

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